641 research outputs found


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    Insider threat in cyberspace is a recurring problem since the user activities in a cyber network are often unpredictable. Most existing solutions are not flexible and adaptable to detect sudden change in user’s behaviour in streaming data, which led to a high false alarm rates and low detection rates. In this study, a model that is capable of adapting to the changing pattern in structured cyberspace data streams in order to detect malicious insider activities in cyberspace was proposed. The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) dataset was used as the data source in this study. Extracted features from the dataset were normalized using Min-Max normalization. Standard scaler techniques and mutual information gain technique were used to determine the best features for classification. A hybrid detection model was formulated using the synergism of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) models. Model simulation was performed using python programming language. Performance evaluation was carried out by assessing and comparing the performance of the proposed model with a selected existing model using accuracy, precision and sensitivity as performance metrics. The result of the simulation showed that the developed model has an increase of 1.48% of detection accuracy, 4.21% of precision and 1.25% sensitivity over the existing model. This indicated that the developed hybrid approach was able to learn from sequences of user actions in a time and frequency domain and improves the detection rate of insider threats in cyberspace

    Anomaly-based insider threat detection with expert feedback and descriptions

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    Abstract. Insider threat is one of the most significant security risks for organizations, hence insider threat detection is an important task. Anomaly detection is a one approach to insider threat detection. Anomaly detection techniques can be categorized into three categories with respect to how much labelled data is needed: unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised. Obtaining accurate labels of all kinds of incidents for supervised learning is often expensive and impractical. Unsupervised methods do not require labelled data, but they have a high false positive rate because they operate on the assumption that anomalies are rarer than nominals. This can be mitigated by introducing feedback, known as expert-feedback or active learning. This allows the analyst to label a subset of the data. Another problem is the fact that models often are not interpretable, thus it is unclear why the model decided that a data instance is an anomaly. This thesis presents a literature review of insider threat detection, unsupervised and semi-supervised anomaly detection. The performance of various unsupervised anomaly detectors are evaluated. Knowledge is introduced into the system by using state-of-the-art feedback technique for ensembles, known as active anomaly discovery, which is incorporated into the anomaly detector, known as isolation forest. Additionally, to improve interpretability techniques of creating rule-based descriptions for the isolation forest are evaluated. Experiments were performed on CMU-CERT dataset, which is the only publicly available insider threat dataset with logon, removable device and HTTP log data. Models use usage count and session-based features that are computed for users on every day. The results show that active anomaly discovery helps in ranking true positives higher on the list, lowering the amount of data analysts have to analyse. Results also show that both compact description and Bayesian rulesets have the potential to be used in generating decision-rules that aid in analysing incidents; however, these rules are not correct in every instance.Poikkeamapohjainen sisäpiiriuhkien havainta palautteen ja kuvauksien avulla. Tiivistelmä. Sisäpiirinuhat ovat yksi vakavimmista riskeistä organisaatioille. Tästä syystä sisäpiiriuhkien havaitseminen on tärkeää. Sisäpiiriuhkia voidaan havaita poikkeamien havaitsemismenetelmillä. Nämä menetelmät voidaan luokitella kolmeen oppimisluokkaan saatavilla olevan tietomäärän perusteella: ohjaamaton, puoli-ohjattu ja ohjattu. Täysin oikein merkatun tiedon saaminen ohjattua oppimista varten voi olla hyvin kallista ja epäkäytännöllistä. Ohjaamattomat oppimismenetelmät eivät vaadi merkattua tietoa, mutta väärien positiivisten osuus on suurempi, koska nämä menetelmät perustuvat oletukseen että poikkeamat ovat harvinaisempia kuin normaalit tapaukset. Väärien positiivisten osuutta voidaan pienentää ottamalla käyttöön palaute, jolloin analyytikko voi merkata osan datasta. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutustutaan ensin sisäpiiriuhkien havaitsemiseen, mitä tutkimuksia on tehty ja ohjaamattomaan ja puoli-ohjattuun poikkeamien havaitsemiseen. Muutamien lupaavien ohjaamattomien poikkeamatunnistimien toimintakyky arvioidaan. Järjestelmään lisätään tietoisuutta havaitsemisongelmasta käyttämällä urauurtavaa active anomaly discovery -palautemetelmää, joka on tehty havaitsinjoukoille (engl. ensembles). Tätä arvioidaan Isolation Forest -havaitsimen kanssa. Lisäksi, jotta analytiikko pystyisi paremmin käsittelemään havainnot, tässä työssä myös arvioidaan sääntöpohjaisten kuvausten luontimenetelmä Isolation Forest -havaitsimelle. Kokeilut suoritettiin käyttäen julkista CMU-CERT:in aineistoa, joka on ainoa julkinen aineisto, missä on muun muuassa kirjautumis-, USB-laite- ja HTTP-tapahtumia. Mallit käyttävät käyttöluku- ja istuntopohjaisia piirteitä, jotka luodaan jokaista käyttäjää ja päivää kohti. Tuloksien perusteella Active Anomaly Discovery auttaa epäilyttävämpien tapahtumien sijoittamisessa listan kärkeen vähentäen tiedon määrä, jonka analyytikon tarvitsee tutkia. Kompaktikuvakset (engl. compact descriptions)- ja Bayesian sääntöjoukko -menetelmät pystyvät luomaan sääntöjä, jotka kuvaavat minkä takia tapahtuma on epäilyttävä, mutta nämä säännöt eivät aina ole oikein

    The Feasibility of Using Behavioural Profiling Technique for Mitigating Insider Threats: Review

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    Insider threat has become a serious issue to the many organizations. Various companies are increasingly deploying many information technologies to prevent unauthorized access to getting inside their system. Biometrics approaches have some techniques that contribute towards controlling the point of entry. However, these methods mainly are not able to continuously validate the users reliability. In contrast behavioral profiling is one of the biometrics technologies but it focusing on the activities of the users during using the system and comparing that with a previous history. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis, literature review and limitations on behavioral profiling approach and to what extent that can be used for mitigating insider misuse

    Internal hacking detection using machine learning

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Being able to prevent and early detect insider threats through an automated forewarning system has been a massive challenge for large companies. In recent years, to fill this gap several anomaly user behavior algorithms based on machine learning have been proposed, experimentally evaluated and analyzed in numerous surveys. The present work was conducted in the cybersecurity department (DCY) of Altice Portugal (MEO) and aims to address this problem identifying the families of unsupervised anomaly detection techniques that are more effective for insider threats detection based on a large dataset corresponding to a collection of users’ access log records. To this end, multi-domain attributes related to possible insider threats are interactively extracted and processed, creating a summary of user account’s daily activity. A clusteringbased algorithm that groups and characterizes similar accounts was applied. Without any example anomalies required in the training set, anomaly detection techniques were computed over those profiles, identifying unusual changes in user account behavior on a current day. Finally, to make it easier for analysts and managers to understand the anomaly, anomaly metrics and a visualization dashboard were created. To evaluate the efficiency of this project ten insider threat scenarios were injected and was found that the system can successfully detect anomalous behavior that may be an insider threat event

    Database Intrusion Detection Using Role Profiling

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    Insider threats cause the majority of computer system security problems and are also among the most challenging research topics in database security. An anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS), which can profile inside users’ normal behaviors and detect anomalies when a user’s behaviors deviate from his/her profiles, is effective to protect computer systems against insider threats since the IDS can profile each insider and then monitor them continuously. Although many IDSes have been developed at the network or host level since 1980s, there are still very few IDSes specifically tailored to database systems. We initially build our anomaly-based database IDS using two different profiling methods: one is to build profiles for each individual user (user profiling) and the other is to mine profiles for roles (role profiling). Detailed comparative evaluations between role profiling and user profiling are conducted, and we also analyze the reasons why role profiling is more effective and efficient than user profiling. Another contribution of this thesis is that we introduce role hierarchy into database IDS and remarkably reduce the false positive rate without increasing the false negative rate

    A systematic literature review on insider threats

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    Insider threats is the most concerned cybersecurity problem which is poorly addressed by widely used security solutions. Despite the fact that there have been several scientific publications in this area, but from our innovative study classification and structural taxonomy proposals, we argue to provide the more information about insider threats and defense measures used to counter them. While adopting the current grounded theory method for a thorough literature evaluation, our categorization's goal is to organize knowledge in insider threat research. Along with an analysis of major recent studies on detecting insider threats, the major goal of the study is to develop a classification of current types of insiders, levels of access, motivations behind it, insider profiling, security properties, and methods they use to attack. This includes use of machine learning algorithm, behavior analysis, methods of detection and evaluation. Moreover, actual incidents related to insider attacks have also been analyzed