90 research outputs found

    User Acceptance of E-Government Services

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    In order to provide more accessible, accurate, real-time information for citizens, government E-services, such as information kiosks, have been set up in many public places. Although the public sector has promoted this E-Government service for many years, its uses and achievements are few. Therefore, this paper explores the key factors of user acceptance through a research survey and by gathering empirical evidence based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and the Use of Technology (UTAUT). Data collected from 244 respondents was tested against the research model. The results lead us to make several recommendations for the public sector and policy-makers to use as guidelines for the future development of this service

    End-User Acceptance Of E-Government Services In an Indonesia Regency

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    The aim of this research to investigate citizen’s behaviour in e-Government adoption. The final purpose is tounderstanding of the public intention at the local governmentlevel, the of important things to make e-government servicebecome successful is public acceptance and willingness to use egovernmentservices. Therefore this study used a model ofUTAUT base on the unique problems which consists of six mainvariables that affect behavioral intention and use behavior, thesevariables are privacy, trust, performance expectancy, effortexpectancy, social influence, and facilitating condition. At thepractical level, the research aim to guide e-Government policydecision makers to better plan, design and implemet policies andstrategies

    Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Pengguna Terhadap Layanan E-SPTPD Di Kota Surakarta

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    At this time the growth of information technology very quick which has significant impact on human life. This encourage changes in various sectors of people life along with the development of information and Comunication of Technology (ICT). Even the Government which utilizes information technology system, namely Electronic Government. The city of Surakarta, especially BPPKAD Surakarta has to begun to implement e-Government in the area of local tax services, one of which is E-SPTPD or Electronic Regional Tax Return to facilitate report and payment of local taxes. However, the successful use of e-Government is not accompanied by success at the user level. Therefore, this study will determine the factors that affect the acceptance of E-SPTPD service users in Surakarta. This study uses Unified Model of Electronic Government (UMEGA). This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires with a total sample of 74 local taxpayers in the city of Surakarta. Data analysis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM-PLS) with the Smart PLS 3 application. The results of this study indicate that the factors that influence E-SPTPD service users are performance expectation, social influence, user attitudes. When the level of use and interest of service users, especially local taxpayers, increases, it will increase the compliance of local taxpayers to be able to report and pay taxes in a timely manner. So that this compliance will increase local tax revenue

    Fatores que afetam a adoção de análises de Big Data em empresas

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    With the total quantity of data doubling every two years, the low price of computing and data storage, make Big Data analytics (BDA) adoption desirable for companies, as a tool to get competitive advantage. Given the availability of free software, why have some companies failed to adopt these techniques? To answer this question, we extend the unified theory of technology adoption and use of technology model (UTAUT) adapted for the BDA context, adding two variables: resistance to use and perceived risk. We used the level of implementation of these techniques to divide companies into users and non-users of BDA. The structural models were evaluated by partial least squares (PLS). The results show the importance of good infrastructure exceeds the difficulties companies face in implementing it. While companies planning to use Big Data expect strong results, current users are more skeptical about its performance.Con la cantidad total de datos duplicándose cada dos años, el bajo precio de la informática y del almacenamiento de datos, la adopción del análisis Big Data (BDA) es altamente deseable para las empresas, como un instrumento para conseguir una ventaja competitiva. Dada la disponibilidad de software libre, ¿por qué algunas empresas no han adoptado estas técnicas? Para responder a esta pregunta, ampliamos la teoría unificada de la adopción y uso de tecnología (UTAUT) adaptado para el contexto BDA, agregando dos variables: resistencia al uso y riesgo percibido. Utilizamos el grado de implantación de estas técnicas para dividir las empresas entre: usuarias y no usuarias de BDA. Los modelos estructurales fueron evaluados con partial least squres (PLS). Los resultados muestran que la importancia de una buena infraestructura excede las dificultades que enfrentan las empresas para implementarla. Mientras que las compañías que planean usar BDA esperan muy buenos resultados, las usuarias actuales son más escépticos sobre su rendimiento.Com a quantidade total de dados duplicando a cada dois anos, o baixo preço da computação e do armazenamento de dados tornam a adoção de análises de Big Data (BDA) desejável para as empresas, como aquelas que obterão uma vantagem competitiva. Dada a disponibilidade de software livre, por que algumas empresas não adotaram essas técnicas? Para responder a essa pergunta, estendemos a teoria unificada de adoção e uso de tecnologia (UTAUT) adaptado para o contexto do BDA, adicionando duas variáveis: resistência ao uso e risco percebido. Usamos a nível da implementação da tecnologia para dividir as empresas em usuários e não usuários de técnicas de BDA. Os modelos estruturais foram avaliados por partial least squares (PLS). Os resultados mostram que a importância de uma boa infraestrutura excede as dificuldades que as empresas enfrentam para implementá-la. Enquanto as empresas que planejam usar Big Data esperam resultados fortes, os usuários atuais são mais céticos em relação ao seu desempenho

    Acceptance and use of information and communication technology in higher education institutes of Kuwait: a proposed framework

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    Information Technology has been effective in every field around the world, and ICT acceptance in any field has produced new developments which has significantly contributed in that particular context. Driven by this impulse the Higher Education Institutes (HEI) around the world are incorporating ICT apparatuses and using the most recent advances to give world class education to inhabitants. In such manner Ministry of Education (MOE) Kuwait has propelled numerous plans and put some considerable measures in the execution of innovation in HEIs. HEIs for the most part comprises of Universities. While there is no comprehensive study conducted in measuring the success and obstacles in the State of Kuwait, therefore, this paper focuses to measure and identify the success factors in acceptance of HEIs in the State of Kuwait. In the interim keeping in mind the end goal to evaluate the adoption and use of ICT by students and academicians in their day by day work, the UTAUT will be used as baseline theory to measure the ICT acceptance by students and academicians. This investigation likewise intends to discover the variables and issues keeping in mind the end goal to make a model for better usage of ICT by in HEIs. The effect of this investigation will be on HEI (s) to enhance the policy of learning methods through successful use of ICT and enhance the ability of students and academicians to be more viable and quality-situated people

    The Influences Of Cognitive Factors And Trust On E-Government Acceptance: Evidence From A Two-Stage Model

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    This paper reviews literature in related research in information systems, social psychology, management science, communications and marketing, and develops a two-stage model of factors influencing e-government acceptance.  The model proposes that a number of cognitive factors influence perceived usefulness of e-government services while this perceived usefulness, along with trust online and several personal traits, further influence a user’s intention to return and use such e-services in the future.  The model is put to a test via a survey instrument.  Results show that perceived informativeness, perceived ease of use and trust significantly influence perceived usefulness of the e-government site, while perceived usefulness, trust and compatibility have a significant impact on a user’s intention to return.  This study sheds light on areas website designers should pay attention to in order to increase the number of online users of e-government services

    Blockchain Technology Acceptance in Electronic Medical Record System

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    Blockchain Technology is the advance information technology in medical sector that need secure data sharing among related parties in the network. The investigating factors have impacts on electronic medical record Blockchain technology adoption. Online questionnaire was developed from literature with performance expectation, trust, and risk concepts. Online survey sent to patients and medical personnel. The feedback respondents were 149. The research results showed that the most influential factor affecting the acceptance is performance expectation which includes the recognition of technological benefits and relative advantages. Trust factor has impact on acceptance and low risk has positive impact of the Blockchain technolog

    Impact of Explanation on Sense of Control and Perceived Power Relationship Towards Online Advisory System

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    Online advisory services have become ubiquitous and are of the essence of life in today’s living. Many government agencies these days are offering such services as a means to provide a hassle free assistance to the public in fulfilling their information and service needs. This project assesses the impact of providing online advisory services, in particular those with explanation feature, to the public. Building on insights from practice and literature, the project utilizes a survey to empirically examine the key role of explanation feature provided in online advisory tools. Three online advisory tools being examined are the e-Filing, e-Quit Rent and e-Assessment; all provide services related to tax assessment. 100 respondents involved in this small scale project; their opinions are gathered by means of questionnaire which is developed from four major constructs namely information process satisfaction, information process transparency, sense of control and perceived power relationship. The analysis phase involved the use of SPSS version 19.0 that supports various data analysis techniques including descriptive statistics, cross tabulation and correlation. The findings reveal fore-Filing shows sense of control lead to greater satisfaction among public. Whilee-Quit Rentande-Assessment is the perceived power relationship is better for the satisfaction of information. For transparency in the process of e-filing information ande-Quit Rent, a sense of control is better than the perceived power relationship in steadofe-Assessment. It can be concluded from this project that the explanation in online advisory tools gives the public a better sense of control over their assessment outcome. It also gives the public a better perceived power relationship with the government agency to which they are beholden

    Technology Readiness Index of Agricultural Extension Officers in Bandung City, Indonesia, towards Digitalization of the “Buruan Sae” Program

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    Currently, “Buruan Sae” is a leading program in Bandung City, during the pandemic, this program was used to solve the problem of food security for every community. The government also promotes every community to implement urban farming in the city. Meanwhile, digitization is a step that is expected to be carried out in the future. To prepare for the transformation in this direction, the initial step is to measure readiness. Therefore, this study aims to determine the readiness of Agricultural Extension Officers (AOE) in Bandung as a necessary initial step in assisting the digital transformation of the “Buran Sae” program. AOE from the Department of Food and Agriculture were used as the sample population considering that they are the “spearhead” of this program. Using the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) Model, the value obtained was 3.365, which can be categorized as Medium Technology Readiness group. The amount of Explorers group namely 37.5% indicated that the majority of extension officers will accept the technology quickly. Furthermore, no part of the population can completely resist technological change as implied by the absence of the Laggards group. In the future, the results are expected to become a fundamental basis for the Department of Food and Agriculture to achieve digital transformation and this program will continue to be the main answer to every community’s problem of food and agriculture