51 research outputs found

    Research on High-performance and Scalable Data Access in Parallel Big Data Computing

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    To facilitate big data processing, many dedicated data-intensive storage systems such as Google File System(GFS), Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) and Quantcast File System(QFS) have been developed. Currently, the Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) [20] is the state-of-art and most popular open-source distributed file system for big data processing. It is widely deployed as the bedrock for many big data processing systems/frameworks, such as the script-based pig system, MPI-based parallel programs, graph processing systems and scala/java-based Spark frameworks. These systems/applications employ parallel processes/executors to speed up data processing within scale-out clusters. Job or task schedulers in parallel big data applications such as mpiBLAST and ParaView can maximize the usage of computing resources such as memory and CPU by tracking resource consumption/availability for task assignment. However, since these schedulers do not take the distributed I/O resources and global data distribution into consideration, the data requests from parallel processes/executors in big data processing will unfortunately be served in an imbalanced fashion on the distributed storage servers. These imbalanced access patterns among storage nodes are caused because a). unlike conventional parallel file system using striping policies to evenly distribute data among storage nodes, data-intensive file systems such as HDFS store each data unit, referred to as chunk or block file, with several copies based on a relative random policy, which can result in an uneven data distribution among storage nodes; b). based on the data retrieval policy in HDFS, the more data a storage node contains, the higher the probability that the storage node could be selected to serve the data. Therefore, on the nodes serving multiple chunk files, the data requests from different processes/executors will compete for shared resources such as hard disk head and network bandwidth. Because of this, the makespan of the entire program could be significantly prolonged and the overall I/O performance will degrade. The first part of my dissertation seeks to address aspects of these problems by creating an I/O middleware system and designing matching-based algorithms to optimize data access in parallel big data processing. To address the problem of remote data movement, we develop an I/O middleware system, called SLAM, which allows MPI-based analysis and visualization programs to benefit from locality read, i.e, each MPI process can access its required data from a local or nearby storage node. This can greatly improve the execution performance by reducing the amount of data movement over network. Furthermore, to address the problem of imbalanced data access, we propose a method called Opass, which models the data read requests that are issued by parallel applications to cluster nodes as a graph data structure where edges weights encode the demands of load capacity. We then employ matching-based algorithms to map processes to data to achieve data access in a balanced fashion. The final part of my dissertation focuses on optimizing sub-dataset analyses in parallel big data processing. Our proposed methods can benefit different analysis applications with various computational requirements and the experiments on different cluster testbeds show their applicability and scalability

    Predicting Intermediate Storage Performance for Workflow Applications

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    Configuring a storage system to better serve an application is a challenging task complicated by a multidimensional, discrete configuration space and the high cost of space exploration (e.g., by running the application with different storage configurations). To enable selecting the best configuration in a reasonable time, we design an end-to-end performance prediction mechanism that estimates the turn-around time of an application using storage system under a given configuration. This approach focuses on a generic object-based storage system design, supports exploring the impact of optimizations targeting workflow applications (e.g., various data placement schemes) in addition to other, more traditional, configuration knobs (e.g., stripe size or replication level), and models the system operation at data-chunk and control message level. This paper presents our experience to date with designing and using this prediction mechanism. We evaluate this mechanism using micro- as well as synthetic benchmarks mimicking real workflow applications, and a real application.. A preliminary evaluation shows that we are on a good track to meet our objectives: it can scale to model a workflow application run on an entire cluster while offering an over 200x speedup factor (normalized by resource) compared to running the actual application, and can achieve, in the limited number of scenarios we study, a prediction accuracy that enables identifying the best storage system configuration

    Optimizations for Energy-Aware, High-Performance and Reliable Distributed Storage Systems

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    With the decreasing cost and wide-spread use of commodity hard drives, it has become possible to create very large-scale storage systems with less expense. However, as we approach exabyte-scale storage systems, maintaining important features such as energy-efficiency, performance, reliability and usability became increasingly difficult. Despite the decreasing cost of storage systems, the energy consumption of these systems still needs to be addressed in order to retain cost-effectiveness. Any improvements in a storage system can be outweighed by high energy costs. On the other hand, large-scale storage systems can benefit more from the object storage features for improved performance and usability. One area of concern is metadata performance bottleneck of applications reading large directories or creating a large number of files. Similarly, computation on big data where data needs to be transferred between compute and storage clusters adversely affects I/O performance. As the storage systems become more complex and larger, transferring data between remote compute and storage tiers becomes impractical. Furthermore, storage systems implement reliability typically at the file system or client level. This approach might not always be practical in terms of performance. Lastly, object storage features are usually tailored to specific use cases that makes it harder to use them in various contexts. In this thesis, we are presenting several approaches to enhance energy-efficiency, performance, reliability and usability of large-scale storage systems. To begin with, we improve the energy-efficiency of storage systems by moving I/O load to a subset of the storage nodes with energy-aware node allocation methods and turn off the unused nodes, while preserving load balance on demand. To address the metadata performance issue associated with large creates and directory reads, we represent directories with object storage collections and implement lazy creation of objects. Similarly, in-situ computation on large-scale data is enabled by using object storage features to integrate a computational framework with the existing object storage layer to eliminate the need to transfer data between compute and storage silos for better performance. We then present parity-based redundancy using object storage features to achieve reliability with less performance impact. Finally, unified storage brings together the object storage features to meet the needs of distinct use cases; such as cloud storage, big data or high-performance computing to alleviate the unnecessary fragmentation of storage resources. We evaluate each proposed approach thoroughly and validate their effectiveness in terms of improving energy-efficiency, performance, reliability and usability of a large-scale storage system

    Towards Multi-site Metadata Management for Geographically Distributed Cloud Workflows

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    International audienceWith their globally distributed datacenters, clouds now provide an opportunity to run complex large-scale applications on dynamically provisioned, networked and federated infrastructures. However, there is a lack of tools supporting data-intensive applications across geographically distributed sites. For instance, scientific workflows which handle many small files can easily saturate state-of-the-art distributed filesystems based on centralized metadata servers (e.g. HDFS, PVFS). In this paper, we explore several alternative design strategies to efficiently support the execution of existing workflow engines across multi-site clouds, by reducing the cost of metadata operations. These strategies leverage workflow semantics in a 2-level metadata partitioning hierarchy that combines distribution and replication. The system was validated on the Microsoft Azure cloud across 4 EU and US datacenters. The experiments were conducted on 128 nodes using synthetic benchmarks and real-life applications. We observe as much as 28% gain in execution time for a parallel, geo-distributed real-world application (Montage) and up to 50% for a metadata-intensive synthetic benchmark, compared to a baseline centralized configuration

    Virtual Organization Clusters: Self-Provisioned Clouds on the Grid

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    Virtual Organization Clusters (VOCs) provide a novel architecture for overlaying dedicated cluster systems on existing grid infrastructures. VOCs provide customized, homogeneous execution environments on a per-Virtual Organization basis, without the cost of physical cluster construction or the overhead of per-job containers. Administrative access and overlay network capabilities are granted to Virtual Organizations (VOs) that choose to implement VOC technology, while the system remains completely transparent to end users and non-participating VOs. Unlike alternative systems that require explicit leases, VOCs are autonomically self-provisioned according to configurable usage policies. As a grid computing architecture, VOCs are designed to be technology agnostic and are implementable by any combination of software and services that follows the Virtual Organization Cluster Model. As demonstrated through simulation testing and evaluation of an implemented prototype, VOCs are a viable mechanism for increasing end-user job compatibility on grid sites. On existing production grids, where jobs are frequently submitted to a small subset of sites and thus experience high queuing delays relative to average job length, the grid-wide addition of VOCs does not adversely affect mean job sojourn time. By load-balancing jobs among grid sites, VOCs can reduce the total amount of queuing on a grid to a level sufficient to counteract the performance overhead introduced by virtualization
