544 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Logic Control for Multiresolutive Adaptive PN Acquisition Scheme in Time-Varying Multipath Ionospheric Channel

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    Communication with remote places is a challenge often solved using satellites. However, when trying to reach Antarctic stations, this solution suffers from poor visibility range and high operational costs. In such scenarios, skywave ionospheric communication systems represent a good alternative to satellite communications. The Research Group in Electromagnetism and Communications (GRECO) is designing an HF system for long haul digital communication between the Antarctic Spanish Base in Livingston Island (62.6S, 60.4W) and Observatori de l’Ebre in Spain (40.8N,0.5E) (Vilella et al., 2008). The main interest of Observatori de l’Ebre is the transmission of the data collected from the sensors located at the base, including a geomagnetic sensor, a vertical incidence ionosonde, an oblique incidence ionosonde and a GNSS receiver. The geomagnetic sensor, the vertical incidence ionosonde and the GNSS receiver are commercial solutions from third parties. The oblique incidence ionosonde, used to sound the ionospheric channel between Antarctica and Spain, was developed by the GRECO in the framework of this project. During the last Antarctic campaign, exhaustive measurements of the HF channel characteristics were performed, which allowed us to determine parameters such as availability, SNR, delay and Doppler spread, etc. In addition to the scientific interest of this sounding, a further objective of the project is the establishment of a backup link for data transmission from the remote sensors in the Antarctica. In this scenario, ionospheric communications appear to be an interesting complementary alternative to geostationary satellite communications since the latter are expensive and not always available from high-latitudes. Research work in the field of fuzzy logics applied to the estimation of the above mentioned channel was first applied in (Alsina et al., 2005a) for serial search acquisition systems in AWGN channels, afterwards applied to the same channel but in the multiresolutive structure (Alsina et al., 2009a; Morán et al., 2001) in papers (Alsina et al., 2007b; 2009b) achieving good results. In this chapter the application of fuzzy logic control trained for Rayleigh fading channels (Proakis, 1995) with Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DS-SS) is presented, specifically suited for the ionospheric channel Antarctica-Spain. Stability and reliability of the reception, which are currently being designed, are key factors for the reception. It is important to note that the fuzzy control design presented in this chapter not only resolves the issue of improving the multiresolutive structure performance presented by (Morán et al., 2001), but also introduces a new option for the control design of many LMS adaptive structures used for PN code acquisition found in the literature. (El-Tarhuni & Sheikh, 1996) presented an LMS-based system to acquire a DS-SS system in Rayleigh channels; years after, (Han et al., 2006) improved the performance of the acquisition system designed by (El-Tarhuni & Sheikh, 1996). And also in other type of channels, LMS filters are used as an acquisition system, even in oceanic transmissions (Stojanovic & Freitag, 2003). Although the fuzzy control system presented in this chapter is compared to the stability control used in (Morán et al., 2001) it also can be used to improve all previous designs performance in terms of stability and robustness. Despite this generalization, the design of every control system should be done according to the requirements of the acquisition system and the specific channel characteristics

    Performance Evaluation of Phase Optimized Spreading Codes in Non Linear DS-CDMA Receiver

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    Spread spectrum (SS) is a modulation technique in which the signal occupies a bandwidth much larger than the minimum necessary to send the information. A synchronized reception with the code at the receiver is used for despreading the information before data recovery. Bandspread is accomplished by means of a code which is independent of the data. Bandspreading code is pseudo-random, thus the spread signal resembles noise. The coded modulation characteristic of SS system uniquely qualifies it for navigation applications. Any signal used in ranging is subject to time/distance relations. A SS signal has advantage that its phase is easily resolvable. Direct-sequence (DS) form of modulation is mostly preferred over Frequency Hopping system (FH) as FH systems do not normally possess high resolution properties. Higher the chip rate, the better the measurement capability. The basic resolution is one code chip. Initially, some existing code families e.g. Gold, Kasami (large and smal..

    Single-Frequency Network Terrestrial Broadcasting with 5GNR Numerology

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    Multiuser detection employing recurrent neural networks for DS-CDMA systems.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.Over the last decade, access to personal wireless communication networks has evolved to a point of necessity. Attached to the phenomenal growth of the telecommunications industry in recent times is an escalating demand for higher data rates and efficient spectrum utilization. This demand is fuelling the advancement of third generation (3G), as well as future, wireless networks. Current 3G technologies are adding a dimension of mobility to services that have become an integral part of modem everyday life. Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) is the standardized multiple access scheme for 3G Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). As an air interface solution, CDMA has received considerable interest over the past two decades and a great deal of current research is concerned with improving the application of CDMA in 3G systems. A factoring component of CDMA is multiuser detection (MUD), which is aimed at enhancing system capacity and performance, by optimally demodulating multiple interfering signals that overlap in time and frequency. This is a major research problem in multipoint-to-point communications. Due to the complexity associated with optimal maximum likelihood detection, many different sub-optimal solutions have been proposed. This focus of this dissertation is the application of neural networks for MUD, in a direct sequence CDMA (DS-CDMA) system. Specifically, it explores how the Hopfield recurrent neural network (RNN) can be employed to give yet another suboptimal solution to the optimization problem of MUD. There is great scope for neural networks in fields encompassing communications. This is primarily attributed to their non-linearity, adaptivity and key function as data classifiers. In the context of optimum multiuser detection, neural networks have been successfully employed to solve similar combinatorial optimization problems. The concepts of CDMA and MUD are discussed. The use of a vector-valued transmission model for DS-CDMA is illustrated, and common linear sub-optimal MUD schemes, as well as the maximum likelihood criterion, are reviewed. The performance of these sub-optimal MUD schemes is demonstrated. The Hopfield neural network (HNN) for combinatorial optimization is discussed. Basic concepts and techniques related to the field of statistical mechanics are introduced and it is shown how they may be employed to analyze neural classification. Stochastic techniques are considered in the context of improving the performance of the HNN. A neural-based receiver, which employs a stochastic HNN and a simulated annealing technique, is proposed. Its performance is analyzed in a communication channel that is affected by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) by way of simulation. The performance of the proposed scheme is compared to that of the single-user matched filter, linear decorrelating and minimum mean-square error detectors, as well as the classical HNN and the stochastic Hopfield network (SHN) detectors. Concluding, the feasibility of neural networks (in this case the HNN) for MUD in a DS-CDMA system is explored by quantifying the relative performance of the proposed model using simulation results and in view of implementation issues

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Study of the cyclostationarity properties of various signals of opportunity

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) offer precise position estimation and navigation services outdoor but they are rarely accessible in strong multipath environments, such as indoor environments. Fortunately, several Signals of Opportunity (SoO), (such as RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, digital TV signals, etc.) are readily available in these environments, creating an opportunity for seamless positioning. Performance evolution of positioning can be achieved through contextual exploitation of SoO. The detection and identification of available SoO signals or of the signals which are most relevant to localization and the signal selection in an optimum way, according to designer defined optimality criteria, are important stages to enter such contextual awareness domain. Man-made modulated signals have certain properties which vary periodically in time and this time-varying periodical characteristics trigger what is known as cyclostationarity. Cyclostationarity analysis can be used, among others, as a tool for signal detection. Detected signals through cyclostationary features can be exploited as SoO. The main purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the cyclostationarity properties of various SoO. An additional goal is to investigate whether such cyclostationarity properties can be used to detect, identify and distinguish the signals which are present in a certain frequency band. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the literature review part, the physical layer study of several signals is given, by emphasizing the potential of SoO in positioning. In the implementation part, the possibility of signals detection through cyclostationary features is investigated through MATLAB simulations. Cyclostationary properties obtained through FFT accumulation Method (FAM) and statistical performance of detection are studied in the presence of stationary additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Besides that, the performance in signal detection using cyclostationary-based detector is also compared to the performance with the energy-based detectors, used as benchmarks. The simulated result suggest that cyclostationary features can certainly detect the presence of signals in noise, but simple cases, such as one type of signal only and AWGN noise, are better addressed via traditional energy-based detection. However, cyclostationary features can exhibit advantages in other types of noises and in the presence of signal mixtures which in fact may fulfil one of the preliminary requirements of cognitive positioning

    Techniques in secure chaos communication

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    In today's climate of increased criminal attacks on the privacy of personal or confidential data over digital communication systems, a more secure physical communication link is required. Chaotic signals which have bifurcation behavior (depending on some initial condition) can readily be exploited to enhance the security of communication systems. A chaotic generator produces disordered sequences that provide very good auto- and cross- correlation properties similar to those of random white noise. This would be an important feature in multiple access environments. These sequences are used to scramble data in spread spectrum systems as they can produce low co-channel interference, hence improve the system capacity and performance. The chaotic signal can be created from only a single mathematical relationship and is neither restricted in length nor is repetitive/ cyclic. On the other hand, with the progress in digital signal processing and digital hardware, there has been an increased interest in using adaptive algorithms to improve the performance of digital systems. Adaptive algorithms provide the system with the ability to self-adjust its coefficients according to the signal condition, and can be used with linear or non-linear systems; hence, they might find application in chaos communication. There has been a lot of literature that proposed the use of LMS adaptive algorithm in the communication arena for a variety of applications such as (but not limited to): channel estimation, channel equalization, demodulation, de-noising, and beamforming. In this thesis, we conducted a study on the application of chaos theory in communication systems as well as the application of adaptive algorithms in chaos communication. The First Part of the thesis tackled the application of chaos theory in com- munication. We examined different types of communication techniques utilizing chaos theory. In particular, we considered chaos shift keying (CSK) and mod- ified kind of logistic map. Then, we applied space-time processing and eigen- beamforming technique to enhance the performance of chaos communication. Following on, we conducted a study on CSK and Chaos-CDMA in conjunction with multi-carrier modulation (MCM) techniques such as OFDM (FFT/ IFFT) and wavelet-OFDM. In the Second Part of the thesis, we tried to apply adaptivity to chaos com- munication. Initially, we presented a study of multi-user detection utilizing an adaptive algorithm in a chaotic CDMA multi-user environment, followed by a study of adaptive beamforming and modified weight-vector adaptive beam- forming over CSK communication. At last, a study of modified time-varying adaptive filtering is presented and a conventional adaptive filtering technique is applied in chaotic signal environment. Twelve papers have been published during the PhD candidature, include two journal papers and ten refereed conference papers

    Non-Linear Fuzzy Receivers for DS-CDMA Communication System

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    Direct sequence-code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) technique is used in cellular systems where users in the cell are separated from each other with their unique spreading codes. In recent times DS-CDMA has been used extensively. These systems suffers from multiple access interference (MAI) due to other users transmitting in the cell, channel inter symbol interference (ISI) due to multipath nature of channels in presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). This thesis presents an investigation on design of fuzzy based receivers for DS-CDMA system. Fuzzy based receiver has been proposed to work as chip level based (CLB) receivers and also multi user detection (MUD) receivers. It is seen that fuzzy receiver is capable of providing performance close to optimal radial basis function (RBF) receivers and provide considerable computational complexity reduction. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate the performance of the fuzzy receivers and the performance have been compared with RAKE receiver, matched filter (MF) receiver, minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver and RBF receiver