668 research outputs found

    Developing mHealth Apps with researchers: multi-stakeholder design considerations

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    The authors have been involved with developing a number of mHealth smartphone Apps for use in health or wellness research in collaboration with researchers, clinicians and patient groups for clinical areas including Sickle Cell Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, asthma and infertility treatment. In these types of applications, end-users self-report their symptoms and quality of life or conduct psychometric tests. Physiological data may also be captured using sensors that are internal or external to the device. Following a discussion of the multiple stakeholders that are typically involved in small scale research projects involving end-user data collection, four Apps are used as case studies to explore the issue of non-functional requirements

    A Smartphone App to Reduce Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Young Adults in Australian Remote Indigenous Communities: Design, Formative Evaluation and User-Testing

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    ©Emma Tonkin, Lauren Jeffs, Thomas Philip Wycherley, Carol Maher, Ross Smith, Jonathon Hart, Beau Cubillo, Julie Brimblecombe. Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (http://mhealth.jmir.org), 12.12.2017. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR mhealth and uhealth, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://mhealth.jmir.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Background: The disproportionate burden of noncommunicable disease among Indigenous Australians living in remote Indigenous communities (RICs) is a complex and persistent problem. Smartphones are increasingly being used by young Indigenous adults and therefore represent a promising method to engage them in programs seeking to improve nutritional intake. Objective: This study aimed to consult RIC members to inform the content of a smartphone app that can be used to monitor and reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake in RICs. Methods: The study was conducted in two phases. The formative phase involved a simulated grocery selection activity with think aloud (“think aloud shop”), a semistructured interview, a questionnaire outlining current smartphone and app use, and a paper prototyping activity. A preliminary end-user testing phase involved a think aloud prototype test and a semistructured interview regarding user satisfaction. Convenience sampling was used to recruit 20 18- to 35-year-old smartphone users for each phase from two RICs in the Northern Territory, Australia. Thematic analysis of transcribed audio recordings was used to identify determinants of food choice from the think aloud shop; themes related to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) from the eating behaviors interview; and usability, comprehension, and satisfaction with the app from the preliminary end-user testing. Results: Smartphone use in RICs is currently different to that found in urban environments; in particular, extremely low use of Facebook, restricted variety of phone types, and limited Internet access. Findings regarding promoting app engagement indicate that utilizing an opt-in approach to social features such as leader boards and team challenges is essential. The inclusion of games was also shown to be important for satisfaction, as were the use of audio features, contextually embedded dissemination, and streamlined app design for comprehension in this target group. Conclusions: This research provides critical insights and concrete recommendations for the development of lifestyle improvement apps targeted toward disadvantaged young adults in nonurban settings, specifically RICs. It serves as a framework for future app development projects using a consultative user-centered design approach, supporting calls for the increased use of this strategy in app development

    Milk Man: Investigating the Effectiveness of a Socially Connected Breastfeeding App Targeting Fathers

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    Breastfeeding is the ideal first food for infants and fathers are important in influencing breastfeeding initiation and duration. Mobile technology offers opportunity to reach and engage people in interventions. This study investigated the impact Milk Man, a father-focused socially connected, gamified app about breastfeeding, had on exclusive breastfeeding duration. The findings provide valuable insight into the acceptability of the engagement strategies, and demonstrate a father-focused app is an acceptable approach that impacts positively on breastfeeding

    Old age or cognitive decline? Examining the usability of a mobile health app for older Australians

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    There is a growing literature on the role of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) in supporting older adults and the self-management of personal health. The purpose of this pilot study is to assess the usability of a government-funded mobile health app amongst older Australians and to evaluate whether cognitive function and demographic characteristics (i.e. age, gender, education) are associated with usability. A total of 28 older adults living in a regional city in Australia took part in the study. The participants were recruited using purposive sampling. Data collection instruments consisted of validated cognitive tests, task-based usability tests, and a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using non-parametric strategies. The findings of this study demonstrated that a government-funded, mHealth app was usable by older adults. Users were able to perform basic tasks in an effective and efficient manner. The hypothesis that elderly age would be significantly associated with performance on cognitive tests, as well as usability, was not supported. Performance on some cognitive tests was significantly and positively related to usability. Education and gender were not related to usability. The results suggest that traditional stereotypes surrounding aging and cognitive decline need to be reexamined

    Codeveloping a multibehavioural mobile phone app to enhance social and emotional well-being and reduce health risks among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women during preconception and pregnancy: A three-phased mixed-methods study

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    Objective Describe the development and pretest of a prototype multibehavioural change app MAMA-EMPOWER. Design Mixed-methods study reporting three phases: (1) contextual enquiry included stakeholder engagement and qualitative interviews with Aboriginal women, (2) value specification included user-workshop with an Aboriginal researcher, community members and experts, (3) codesign with Aboriginal researchers and community members, followed by a pretest of the app with Aboriginal women, and feedback from qualitative interviews and the user-Mobile Application Rating Scale (U-MARS) survey tool. Settings Aboriginal women and communities in urban and regional New South Wales, Australia. Participants Phase 1: interviews, 8 Aboriginal women. Phase 2: workshop, 6 Aboriginal women. Phase 3: app trial, 16 Aboriginal women. U-MARS, 5 Aboriginal women. Results Phase 1 interviews revealed three themes: current app use, desired app characteristics and implementation. Phase 2 workshop provided guidance for the user experience. Phase 3 app trial assessed all content areas. The highest ratings were for information (mean score of 3.80 out of 5, SD=0.77) and aesthetics (mean score of 3.87 with SD of 0.74), while functionality, engagement and subjective quality had lower scores. Qualitative interviews revealed the acceptability of the app, however, functionality was problematic. Conclusions Developing a mobile phone app, particularly in an Aboriginal community setting, requires extensive consultation, negotiation and design work. Using a strong theoretical foundation of behavioural change technique’s coupled with the consultative approach has added rigour to this process. Using phone apps to implement behavioural interventions in Aboriginal community settings remains a new area for investigation. In the next iteration of the app, we aim to find better ways to personalise the content to women’s needs, then ensure full functionality before conducting a larger trial. We predict the process of development will be of interest to other health researchers and practitioners

    The Impact of Mobile Technology in the Battle against COVID-19

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    Mobile technology has undergone rapid development in the last decade and immediately found fertile ground for use in digital healthcare applications. The advantages both for citizens and the health domain are many and interconnected. During the pandemic, mobile technology was also useful for minimizing social distancing, epidemiological monitoring through contact tracing, psychological support, and maintaining social relationships. There is a particular need for scholars to focus both on the innovations in this field during the pandemic and on the problems hampering the use of mobile technology to facilitate the correct and effective introduction of this technology into routine clinical programs in stable health care models. All professionals working in this sector were encouraged to contribute with their experiences. This reprint contains contributions from various experts and different fields. Aspects relating to the success and failures of employment, the medical experience, and acceptance are addressed. Particular space was also given to the role of social media, the use of apps (also presenting critical issues), and innovative apps for contact tracing. The digital divide and the infodemic were also investigated along with their impacts on citizens during the pandemic, for example, in following government directives relating to prevention and vaccination. We dedicate the book to all those involved with different roles in digital health

    Recommendations for developing a lifecycle, multidimensional assessment framework for mobile medical apps

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    Digital health and mobile medical apps (MMAs) have shown great promise in transforming health care, but their adoption in clinical care has been unsatisfactory, and regulatory guidance and coverage decisions have been lacking or incomplete. A multidimensional assessment framework for regulatory, policymaking, health technology assessment, and coverage purposes based on the MMA lifecycle is needed. A targeted review of relevant policy documents from international sources was conducted to map current MMA assessment frameworks, to formulate 10 recommendations, subsequently shared amongst an expert panel of key stakeholders. Recommendations go beyond economic dimensions such as cost and economic evaluation and also include MMA development and update, classification and evidentiary requirements, performance and maintenance monitoring, usability testing, clinical evidence requirements, safety and security, equity considerations, organizational assessment, and additional outcome domains (patient empowerment and environmental impact). The COVID‐19 pandemic greatly expanded the use of MMAs, but temporary policies governing their use and oversight need consolidation through well‐developed frameworks to support decision‐makers, producers and introduction into clinical care processes, especially in light of the strong international, cross‐border character of MMAs, the new EU medical device and health technology assessment regulations, and the Next Generation EU funding earmarked for health digitalization

    Use of m-Health Technology for Preventive Interventions to Tackle Cardiometabolic Conditions and Other Non-Communicable Diseases in Latin America- Challenges and Opportunities

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    In Latin America, cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality rates will increase by an estimated 145% from 1990 to 2020. Several challenges related to social strains, inadequate public health infrastructure, and underfinanced healthcare systems make cardiometabolic conditions and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) difficult to prevent and control. On the other hand, the region has high mobile phone coverage, making mobile health (mHealth) particularly attractive to complement and improve strategies toward prevention and control of these conditions in low- and middle-income countries. In this article, we describe the experiences of three Centers of Excellence for prevention and control of NCDs sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute with mHealth interventions to address cardiometabolic conditions and other NCDs in Argentina, Guatemala, and Peru. The nine studies described involved the design and implementation of complex interventions targeting providers, patients and the public. The rationale, design of the interventions, and evaluation of processes and outcomes of each of these studies are described, together with barriers and enabling factors associated with their implementation.Fil: Beratarrechea, Andrea Gabriela. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Diez Canseco, Francisco. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; PerĂșFil: Irazola, Vilma. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Miranda, Jaime. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; PerĂșFil: Ramirez Zea, Manuel. Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama; GuatemalaFil: Rubinstein, Adolfo Luis. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin
