2,716 research outputs found

    Tracking random finite objects using 3D-LIDAR in marine environments

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    This paper presents a random finite set theoretic formulation for multi-object tracking as perceived by a 3D-LIDAR in a dynamic environment. It is mainly concerned with the joint detection and estimation of the unknown and time varying number of objects present in the environment and the dynamic state of these objects, given a set of measurements. This problem is particularly challenging in cluttered dynamic environments such as in urban settings or marine environments, because, given a measurement set, there is absolutely no knowledge of which object generated which measurement, and the detected measurements are indistinguishable from false alarms. The proposed approach to multi-object tracking is based on the rigorous theory of finite set statistics (FISST). The optimal Bayesian multi-object tracking is not yet practical due to its computational complexity. However, a practical alternative to the optimal filter is the probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter, that propagates the first order statistical moment of the full multi-object posterior distribution. In contrast to classical approaches, this random finite set framework does not require any explicit data associations. In this paper, a Gaussian mixture approximation of the PHD filter is applied to track variable number of objects from 3D-LIDAR measurements by estimating both the number of objects and their respective locations in each scan. Experimental results obtained in marine environments demonstrate the efficacy and tracking performance of the proposed approach.MIT-Singapore Allianc

    Deep Learning Methods for 3D Aerial and Satellite Data

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    Recent advances in digital electronics have led to an overabundance of observations from electro-optical (EO) imaging sensors spanning high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. This unprecedented volume, variety, and velocity is overwhelming our capacity to manage and translate that data into actionable information. Although decades of image processing research have taken the human out of the loop for many important tasks, the human analyst is still an irreplaceable link in the image exploitation chain, especially for more complex tasks requiring contextual understanding, memory, discernment, and learning. If knowledge discovery is to keep pace with the growing availability of data, new processing paradigms are needed in order to automate the analysis of earth observation imagery and ease the burden of manual interpretation. To address this gap, this dissertation advances fundamental and applied research in deep learning for aerial and satellite imagery. We show how deep learning---a computational model inspired by the human brain---can be used for (1) tracking, (2) classifying, and (3) modeling from a variety of data sources including full-motion video (FMV), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and stereo photogrammetry. First we assess the ability of a bio-inspired tracking method to track small targets using aerial videos. The tracker uses three kinds of saliency maps: appearance, location, and motion. Our approach achieves the best overall performance, including being the only method capable of handling long-term occlusions. Second, we evaluate the classification accuracy of a multi-scale fully convolutional network to label individual points in LiDAR data. Our method uses only the 3D-coordinates and corresponding low-dimensional spectral features for each point. Evaluated using the ISPRS 3D Semantic Labeling Contest, our method scored second place with an overall accuracy of 81.6\%. Finally, we validate the prediction capability of our neighborhood-aware network to model the bare-earth surface of LiDAR and stereo photogrammetry point clouds. The network bypasses traditionally-used ground classifications and seamlessly integrate neighborhood features with point-wise and global features to predict a per point Digital Terrain Model (DTM). We compare our results with two widely used softwares for DTM extraction, ENVI and LAStools. Together, these efforts have the potential to alleviate the manual burden associated with some of the most challenging and time-consuming geospatial processing tasks, with implications for improving our response to issues of global security, emergency management, and disaster response

    Context Exploitation in Data Fusion

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    Complex and dynamic environments constitute a challenge for existing tracking algorithms. For this reason, modern solutions are trying to utilize any available information which could help to constrain, improve or explain the measurements. So called Context Information (CI) is understood as information that surrounds an element of interest, whose knowledge may help understanding the (estimated) situation and also in reacting to that situation. However, context discovery and exploitation are still largely unexplored research topics. Until now, the context has been extensively exploited as a parameter in system and measurement models which led to the development of numerous approaches for the linear or non-linear constrained estimation and target tracking. More specifically, the spatial or static context is the most common source of the ambient information, i.e. features, utilized for recursive enhancement of the state variables either in the prediction or the measurement update of the filters. In the case of multiple model estimators, context can not only be related to the state but also to a certain mode of the filter. Common practice for multiple model scenarios is to represent states and context as a joint distribution of Gaussian mixtures. These approaches are commonly referred as the join tracking and classification. Alternatively, the usefulness of context was also demonstrated in aiding the measurement data association. Process of formulating a hypothesis, which assigns a particular measurement to the track, is traditionally governed by the empirical knowledge of the noise characteristics of sensors and operating environment, i.e. probability of detection, false alarm, clutter noise, which can be further enhanced by conditioning on context. We believe that interactions between the environment and the object could be classified into actions, activities and intents, and formed into structured graphs with contextual links translated into arcs. By learning the environment model we will be able to make prediction on the target\u2019s future actions based on its past observation. Probability of target future action could be utilized in the fusion process to adjust tracker confidence on measurements. By incorporating contextual knowledge of the environment, in the form of a likelihood function, in the filter measurement update step, we have been able to reduce uncertainties of the tracking solution and improve the consistency of the track. The promising results demonstrate that the fusion of CI brings a significant performance improvement in comparison to the regular tracking approaches

    Map-based localization for urban service mobile robotics

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    Mobile robotics research is currently interested on exporting autonomous navigation results achieved in indoor environments, to more challenging environments, such as, for instance, urban pedestrian areas. Developing mobile robots with autonomous navigation capabilities in such urban environments supposes a basic requirement for a upperlevel service set that could be provided to an users community. However, exporting indoor techniques to outdoor urban pedestrian scenarios is not evident due to the larger size of the environment, the dynamism of the scene due to pedestrians and other moving obstacles, the sunlight conditions, and the high presence of three dimensional elements such as ramps, steps, curbs or holes. Moreover, GPS-based mobile robot localization has demonstrated insufficient performance for robust long-term navigation in urban environments. One of the key modules within autonomous navigation is localization. If localization supposes an a priori map, even if it is not a complete model of the environment, localization is called map-based. This assumption is realistic since current trends of city councils are on building precise maps of their cities, specially of the most interesting places such as city downtowns. Having robots localized within a map allows for a high-level planning and monitoring, so that robots can achieve goal points expressed on the map, by following in a deliberative way a previously planned route. This thesis deals with the mobile robot map-based localization issue in urban pedestrian areas. The thesis approach uses the particle filter algorithm, a well-known and widely used probabilistic and recursive method for data fusion and state estimation. The main contributions of the thesis are divided on four aspects: (1) long-term experiments of mobile robot 2D and 3D position tracking in real urban pedestrian scenarios within a full autonomous navigation framework, (2) developing a fast and accurate technique to compute on-line range observation models in 3D environments, a basic step required by the real-time performance of the developed particle filter, (3) formulation of a particle filter that integrates asynchronous data streams and (4) a theoretical proposal to solve the global localization problem in an active and cooperative way, defining cooperation as either information sharing among the robots or planning joint actions to solve a common goal.Actualment, la recerca en robòtica mòbil té un interés creixent en exportar els resultats de navegació autònoma aconseguits en entorns interiors cap a d'altres tipus d'entorns més exigents, com, per exemple, les àrees urbanes peatonals. Desenvolupar capacitats de navegació autònoma en aquests entorns urbans és un requisit bàsic per poder proporcionar un conjunt de serveis de més alt nivell a una comunitat d'usuaris. Malgrat tot, exportar les tècniques d'interiors cap a entorns exteriors peatonals no és evident, a causa de la major dimensió de l'entorn, del dinamisme de l'escena provocada pels peatons i per altres obstacles en moviment, de la resposta de certs sensors a la il.luminació natural, i de la constant presència d'elements tridimensionals tals com rampes, escales, voreres o forats. D'altra banda, la localització de robots mòbils basada en GPS ha demostrat uns resultats insuficients de cara a una navegació robusta i de llarga durada en entorns urbans. Una de les peces clau en la navegació autònoma és la localització. En el cas que la localització consideri un mapa conegut a priori, encara que no sigui un model complet de l'entorn, parlem d'una localització basada en un mapa. Aquesta assumpció és realista ja que la tendència actual de les administracions locals és de construir mapes precisos de les ciutats, especialment dels llocs d'interés tals com les zones més cèntriques. El fet de tenir els robots localitzats en un mapa permet una planificació i una monitorització d'alt nivell, i així els robots poden arribar a destinacions indicades sobre el mapa, tot seguint de forma deliberativa una ruta prèviament planificada. Aquesta tesi tracta el tema de la localització de robots mòbils, basada en un mapa i per entorns urbans peatonals. La proposta de la tesi utilitza el filtre de partícules, un mètode probabilístic i recursiu, ben conegut i àmpliament utilitzat per la fusió de dades i l'estimació d'estats. Les principals contribucions de la tesi queden dividides en quatre aspectes: (1) experimentació de llarga durada del seguiment de la posició, tant en 2D com en 3D, d'un robot mòbil en entorns urbans reals, en el context de la navegació autònoma, (2) desenvolupament d'una tècnica ràpida i precisa per calcular en temps d'execució els models d'observació de distàncies en entorns 3D, un requisit bàsic pel rendiment del filtre de partícules a temps real, (3) formulació d'un filtre de partícules que integra conjunts de dades asíncrones i (4) proposta teòrica per solucionar la localització global d'una manera activa i cooperativa, entenent la cooperació com el fet de compartir informació, o bé com el de planificar accions conjuntes per solucionar un objectiu comú

    ConservationBots: Autonomous Aerial Robot for Fast Robust Wildlife Tracking in Complex Terrains

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    Today, the most widespread, widely applicable technology for gathering data relies on experienced scientists armed with handheld radio telemetry equipment to locate low-power radio transmitters attached to wildlife from the ground. Although aerial robots can transform labor-intensive conservation tasks, the realization of autonomous systems for tackling task complexities under real-world conditions remains a challenge. We developed ConservationBots-small aerial robots for tracking multiple, dynamic, radio-tagged wildlife. The aerial robot achieves robust localization performance and fast task completion times -- significant for energy-limited aerial systems while avoiding close encounters with potential, counter-productive disturbances to wildlife. Our approach overcomes the technical and practical problems posed by combining a lightweight sensor with new concepts: i) planning to determine both trajectory and measurement actions guided by an information-theoretic objective, which allows the robot to strategically select near-instantaneous range-only measurements to achieve faster localization, and time-consuming sensor rotation actions to acquire bearing measurements and achieve robust tracking performance; ii) a bearing detector more robust to noise and iii) a tracking algorithm formulation robust to missed and false detections experienced in real-world conditions. We conducted extensive studies: simulations built upon complex signal propagation over high-resolution elevation data on diverse geographical terrains; field testing; studies with wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons; nocturnal, vulnerable species dwelling in underground warrens) and tracking comparisons with a highly experienced biologist to validate the effectiveness of our aerial robot and demonstrate the significant advantages over the manual method.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figure

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Contextual information aided target tracking and path planning for autonomous ground vehicles

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    Recently, autonomous vehicles have received worldwide attentions from academic research, automotive industry and the general public. In order to achieve a higher level of automation, one of the most fundamental requirements of autonomous vehicles is the capability to respond to internal and external changes in a safe, timely and appropriate manner. Situational awareness and decision making are two crucial enabling technologies for safe operation of autonomous vehicles. This thesis presents a solution for improving the automation level of autonomous vehicles in both situational awareness and decision making aspects by utilising additional domain knowledge such as constraints and influence on a moving object caused by environment and interaction between different moving objects. This includes two specific sub-systems, model based target tracking in environmental perception module and motion planning in path planning module. In the first part, a rigorous Bayesian framework is developed for pooling road constraint information and sensor measurement data of a ground vehicle to provide better situational awareness. Consequently, a new multiple targets tracking (MTT) strategy is proposed for solving target tracking problems with nonlinear dynamic systems and additional state constraints. Besides road constraint information, a vehicle movement is generally affected by its surrounding environment known as interaction information. A novel dynamic modelling approach is then proposed by considering the interaction information as virtual force which is constructed by involving the target state, desired dynamics and interaction information. The proposed modelling approach is then accommodated in the proposed MTT strategy for incorporating different types of domain knowledge in a comprehensive manner. In the second part, a new path planning strategy for autonomous vehicles operating in partially known dynamic environment is suggested. The proposed MTT technique is utilized to provide accurate on-board tracking information with associated level of uncertainty. Based on the tracking information, a path planning strategy is developed to generate collision free paths by not only predicting the future states of the moving objects but also taking into account the propagation of the associated estimation uncertainty within a given horizon. To cope with a dynamic and uncertain road environment, the strategy is implemented in a receding horizon fashion