193 research outputs found

    Compression and Subjective Quality Assessment of 3D Video

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    In recent years, three-dimensional television (3D TV) has been broadly considered as the successor to the existing traditional two-dimensional television (2D TV) sets. With its capability of offering a dynamic and immersive experience, 3D video (3DV) is expected to expand conventional video in several applications in the near future. However, 3D content requires more than a single view to deliver the depth sensation to the viewers and this, inevitably, increases the bitrate compared to the corresponding 2D content. This need drives the research trend in video compression field towards more advanced and more efficient algorithms. Currently, the Advanced Video Coding (H.264/AVC) is the state-of-the-art video coding standard which has been developed by the Joint Video Team of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG. This codec has been widely adopted in various applications and products such as TV broadcasting, video conferencing, mobile TV, and blue-ray disc. One important extension of H.264/AVC, namely Multiview Video Coding (MVC) was an attempt to multiple view compression by taking into consideration the inter-view dependency between different views of the same scene. This codec H.264/AVC with its MVC extension (H.264/MVC) can be used for encoding either conventional stereoscopic video, including only two views, or multiview video, including more than two views. In spite of the high performance of H.264/MVC, a typical multiview video sequence requires a huge amount of storage space, which is proportional to the number of offered views. The available views are still limited and the research has been devoted to synthesizing an arbitrary number of views using the multiview video and depth map (MVD). This process is mandatory for auto-stereoscopic displays (ASDs) where many views are required at the viewer side and there is no way to transmit such a relatively huge number of views with currently available broadcasting technology. Therefore, to satisfy the growing hunger for 3D related applications, it is mandatory to further decrease the bitstream by introducing new and more efficient algorithms for compressing multiview video and depth maps. This thesis tackles the 3D content compression targeting different formats i.e. stereoscopic video and depth-enhanced multiview video. Stereoscopic video compression algorithms introduced in this thesis mostly focus on proposing different types of asymmetry between the left and right views. This means reducing the quality of one view compared to the other view aiming to achieve a better subjective quality against the symmetric case (the reference) and under the same bitrate constraint. The proposed algorithms to optimize depth-enhanced multiview video compression include both texture compression schemes as well as depth map coding tools. Some of the introduced coding schemes proposed for this format include asymmetric quality between the views. Knowing that objective metrics are not able to accurately estimate the subjective quality of stereoscopic content, it is suggested to perform subjective quality assessment to evaluate different codecs. Moreover, when the concept of asymmetry is introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) performs a fusion process which is not completely understood. Therefore, another important aspect of this thesis is conducting several subjective tests and reporting the subjective ratings to evaluate the perceived quality of the proposed coded content against the references. Statistical analysis is carried out in the thesis to assess the validity of the subjective ratings and determine the best performing test cases

    Deep Learning Based Point Cloud Processing and Compression

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed August 24, 2022Dissertation advisors: Zhu Li and Sejun SongVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 116-137)Dissertation (Ph.D)--Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2022A point cloud is a 3D data representation that is becoming increasingly popular. Recent significant advances in 3D sensors and capturing techniques have led to a surge in the usage of 3D point clouds in virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) content creation, as well as 3D sensing for robotics, smart cities, telepresence, and automated driving applications. With an increase in point cloud applications and improved capturing technologies, we now have high-resolution point clouds with millions of points per frame. However, due to the large size of a point cloud, efficient techniques for the transmission, compression, and processing of point cloud content are still widely sought. This thesis addresses multiple issues in the transmission, compression, and processing pipeline for point cloud data. We employ a deep learning solution to process 3D dense as well as sparse point cloud data for both static as well as dynamic contents. Employing deep learning on point cloud data which is inherently sparse is a challenging task. We propose multiple deep learning-based frameworks that address each of the following problems: Point Cloud Compression Artifact Removal. V-PCC is the current state-of-the-art for dynamic point cloud compression. However, at lower bitrates, there are unpleasant artifacts introduced by V-PCC. We propose a deep learning solution for V-PCC artifact removal by leveraging the direction of projection property in V-PCC to remove quantization noise. Point Cloud Geometry Prediction. The current point cloud lossy compression and processing techniques suffer from quantization loss which results in a coarser sub-sampled representation of the point cloud. We solve the problem of points lost during voxelization by performing geometry prediction across spatial scales using deep learning architecture. Point Cloud Geometry Upsampling. Loss of details and irregularities in point cloud geometry can occur during the capturing, processing, and compression pipeline. We present a novel geometry upsampling technique, PU-Dense, which can process a diverse set of point clouds including synthetic mesh-based point clouds, real-world high-resolution point clouds, real-world indoor LiDAR scanned objects, as well as outdoor dynamically acquired LiDAR-based point clouds. Dynamic Point Cloud Interpolation. Dense photorealistic point clouds can depict real-world dynamic objects in high resolution and with a high frame rate. Frame interpolation of such dynamic point clouds would enable the distribution, processing, and compression of such content. We also propose the first point cloud interpolation framework for photorealistic dynamic point clouds. Inter-frame Compression for Dynamic Point Clouds. Efficient point cloud compression is essential for applications like virtual and mixed reality, autonomous driving, and cultural heritage. We propose a deep learning-based inter-frame encoding scheme for dynamic point cloud geometry compression. In each case, our method achieves state-of-the-art results with significant improvement to the current technologies.Introduction -- Point cloud compression artifact removal -- Point cloud geometry prediction -- PU-Dense: sparse tensor-based point cloud geometry upsampling -- Dynamic point cloud interpolation -- Inter-frame compression for dynamic point cloud geometry codin

    HiNeRV: Video Compression with Hierarchical Encoding-based Neural Representation

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    Learning-based video compression is currently a popular research topic, offering the potential to compete with conventional standard video codecs. In this context, Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) have previously been used to represent and compress image and video content, demonstrating relatively high decoding speed compared to other methods. However, existing INR-based methods have failed to deliver rate quality performance comparable with the state of the art in video compression. This is mainly due to the simplicity of the employed network architectures, which limit their representation capability. In this paper, we propose HiNeRV, an INR that combines light weight layers with novel hierarchical positional encodings. We employs depth-wise convolutional, MLP and interpolation layers to build the deep and wide network architecture with high capacity. HiNeRV is also a unified representation encoding videos in both frames and patches at the same time, which offers higher performance and flexibility than existing methods. We further build a video codec based on HiNeRV and a refined pipeline for training, pruning and quantization that can better preserve HiNeRV's performance during lossy model compression. The proposed method has been evaluated on both UVG and MCL-JCV datasets for video compression, demonstrating significant improvement over all existing INRs baselines and competitive performance when compared to learning-based codecs (72.3% overall bit rate saving over HNeRV and 43.4% over DCVC on the UVG dataset, measured in PSNR)

    Super Resolution of Wavelet-Encoded Images and Videos

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    In this dissertation, we address the multiframe super resolution reconstruction problem for wavelet-encoded images and videos. The goal of multiframe super resolution is to obtain one or more high resolution images by fusing a sequence of degraded or aliased low resolution images of the same scene. Since the low resolution images may be unaligned, a registration step is required before super resolution reconstruction. Therefore, we first explore in-band (i.e. in the wavelet-domain) image registration; then, investigate super resolution. Our motivation for analyzing the image registration and super resolution problems in the wavelet domain is the growing trend in wavelet-encoded imaging, and wavelet-encoding for image/video compression. Due to drawbacks of widely used discrete cosine transform in image and video compression, a considerable amount of literature is devoted to wavelet-based methods. However, since wavelets are shift-variant, existing methods cannot utilize wavelet subbands efficiently. In order to overcome this drawback, we establish and explore the direct relationship between the subbands under a translational shift, for image registration and super resolution. We then employ our devised in-band methodology, in a motion compensated video compression framework, to demonstrate the effective usage of wavelet subbands. Super resolution can also be used as a post-processing step in video compression in order to decrease the size of the video files to be compressed, with downsampling added as a pre-processing step. Therefore, we present a video compression scheme that utilizes super resolution to reconstruct the high frequency information lost during downsampling. In addition, super resolution is a crucial post-processing step for satellite imagery, due to the fact that it is hard to update imaging devices after a satellite is launched. Thus, we also demonstrate the usage of our devised methods in enhancing resolution of pansharpened multispectral images

    Task-oriented and Semantics-aware Communication Framework for Augmented Reality

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    Upon the advent of the emerging metaverse and its related applications in Augmented Reality (AR), the current bit-oriented network struggles to support real-time changes for the vast amount of associated information, hindering its development. Thus, a critical revolution in the Sixth Generation (6G) networks is envisioned through the joint exploitation of information context and its importance to the task, leading to a communication paradigm shift towards semantic and effectiveness levels. However, current research has not yet proposed any explicit and systematic communication framework for AR applications that incorporate these two levels. To fill this research gap, this paper presents a task-oriented and semantics-aware communication framework for augmented reality (TSAR) to enhance communication efficiency and effectiveness in 6G. Specifically, we first analyse the traditional wireless AR point cloud communication framework and then summarize our proposed semantic information along with the end-to-end wireless communication. We then detail the design blocks of the TSAR framework, covering both semantic and effectiveness levels. Finally, numerous experiments have been conducted to demonstrate that, compared to the traditional point cloud communication framework, our proposed TSAR significantly reduces wireless AR application transmission latency by 95.6%, while improving communication effectiveness in geometry and color aspects by up to 82.4% and 20.4%, respectively

    DeepToF: Off-the-shelf real-time correction of multipath interference in time-of-flight imaging

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    Time-of-flight (ToF) imaging has become a widespread technique for depth estimation, allowing affordable off-the-shelf cameras to provide depth maps in real time. However, multipath interference (MPI) resulting from indirect illumination significantly degrades the captured depth. Most previous works have tried to solve this problem by means of complex hardware modifications or costly computations. In this work, we avoid these approaches and propose a new technique to correct errors in depth caused by MPI, which requires no camera modifications and takes just 10 milliseconds per frame. Our observations about the nature of MPI suggest that most of its information is available in image space; this allows us to formulate the depth imaging process as a spatially-varying convolution and use a convolutional neural network to correct MPI errors. Since the input and output data present similar structure, we base our network on an autoencoder, which we train in two stages. First, we use the encoder (convolution filters) to learn a suitable basis to represent MPI-corrupted depth images; then, we train the decoder (deconvolution filters) to correct depth from synthetic scenes, generated by using a physically-based, time-resolved renderer. This approach allows us to tackle a key problem in ToF, the lack of ground-truth data, by using a large-scale captured training set with MPI-corrupted depth to train the encoder, and a smaller synthetic training set with ground truth depth to train the decoder stage of the network. We demonstrate and validate our method on both synthetic and real complex scenarios, using an off-the-shelf ToF camera, and with only the captured, incorrect depth as input

    Sensor-Based Real-Time Adaptation of 3D Video Encoding Quality for Remote Control Applications

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    The availability of stereoscopic mobile devices, such as mobile phones, on the consumer market allows to attempt the development of low-cost remote control systems that can provide a real-time 3D video feedback. In this work we show how implement such a communication system by considering the stringent latency constraints of the remote control scenario. To reduce the impact of this issue, we observe that part of the latency is due to the limited processing power of the mobile device that cannot sustain video transmission at high quality with low latency. Thus, we propose to dynamically change the latency-quality trade-off at the transmitter to optimize the quality of experience as perceived by the operator of the remote control system, by taking into account, in real-time, the dynamics of the control operations. In more details, low-cost accelerometer and gyroscopic sensors are employed to decide in real-time how much latency has to be privileged over quality and vice versa, by selectively reducing the quality of one of the views in favor of a reduced overall latency. Comparisons with a non-adaptive higher-quality but also higher-latency system show that the operators prefer the adaptive system despite the video quality is slightly reduced in dynamic control conditions

    Multiview Video Coding for Virtual Reality

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    Virtual reality (VR) is one of the emerging technologies in recent years. It brings a sense of real world experience in simulated environments, hence, it is being used in many applications for example in live sporting events, music recordings and in many other interactive multimedia applications. VR makes use of multimedia content, and videos are a major part of it. VR videos are captured from multiple directions to cover the entire 360 field-of-view. It usually employs, multiple cameras of wide field-of-view such as fisheye lenses and the camera arrangement can also vary from linear to spherical set-ups. Videos in VR system are also subjected to constraints such as, variations in network bandwidth, heterogeneous mobile devices with limited decoding capacity, adaptivity for view switching in the display. The uncompressed videos from multiview cameras are redundant and impractical for storage and transmission. The existing video coding standards compresses the multiview videos effi ciently. However, VR systems place certain limitations on the video and camera arrangements, such as, it assumes rectilinear properties for video, translational motion model for prediction and the camera set-up to be linearly arranged. The aim of the thesis is to propose coding schemes which are compliant to the current video coding standards of H.264/AVC and its successor H.265/HEVC, the current state-of-the-art and multiview/scalable extensions. This thesis presents methods that compress the multiview videos which are captured from eight cameras that are arranged spherically, pointing radially outwards. The cameras produce circular fi sheye videos of 195 degree field-of-view. The final goal is to present methods, which optimize the bitrate in both storage and transmission of videos for the VR system. The presented methods can be categorized into two groups: optimizing storage bitrate and optimizing streaming bitrate of multiview videos. In the storage bitrate category, six methods were experimented. The presented methods competed against simulcast coding of individual views. The coding schemes were experimented with two data sets of 8 views each. The method of scalable coding with inter-layer prediction in all frames outperformed simulcast coding with approximately 7.9%. In the case of optimizing streaming birates, five methods were experimented. The method of scalable plus multiview skip-coding outperformed the simulcast method of coding by 36% on average. Future work will focus on pre-processing the fi sheye videos to rectilinear videos, in-order to fit them to the current translational model of the video coding standards. Moreover, the methods will be tested in comprehensive applications and system requirements
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