26 research outputs found

    D13.2 Techniques and performance analysis on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.2 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the status of the research work of the various Joint Research Activities (JRA) in WP1.3 and the results that were developed up to the second year of the project. For each activity there is a description, an illustration of the adherence to and relevance with the identified fundamental open issues, a short presentation of the main results, and a roadmap for the future joint research. In the Annex, for each JRA, the main technical details on specific scientific activities are described in detail.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    D13.1 Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.1 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the current status in the research area of energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking and highlights the fundamental issues still open for further investigation. Furthermore, the report presents the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which will be performed within WP1.3. For each activity there is the description, the identification of the adherence with the identified fundamental open issues, a presentation of the initial results, and a roadmap for the planned joint research work in each topic.Preprin

    Energy-Aware Competitive Power Allocation for Heterogeneous Networks Under QoS Constraints

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    This work proposes a distributed power allocation scheme for maximizing energy efficiency in the uplink of orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA)-based heterogeneous networks (HetNets). The user equipment (UEs) in the network are modeled as rational agents that engage in a non-cooperative game where each UE allocates its available transmit power over the set of assigned subcarriers so as to maximize its individual utility (defined as the user's throughput per Watt of transmit power) subject to minimum-rate constraints. In this framework, the relevant solution concept is that of Debreu equilibrium, a generalization of Nash equilibrium which accounts for the case where an agent's set of possible actions depends on the actions of its opponents. Since the problem at hand might not be feasible, Debreu equilibria do not always exist. However, using techniques from fractional programming, we provide a characterization of equilibrial power allocation profiles when they do exist. In particular, Debreu equilibria are found to be the fixed points of a water-filling best response operator whose water level is a function of minimum rate constraints and circuit power. Moreover, we also describe a set of sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of Debreu equilibria exploiting the contraction properties of the best response operator. This analysis provides the necessary tools to derive a power allocation scheme that steers the network to equilibrium in an iterative and distributed manner without the need for any centralized processing. Numerical simulations are then used to validate the analysis and assess the performance of the proposed algorithm as a function of the system parameters.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures, to appear IEEE Trans. Wireless Commu

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Performance analysis of biological resource allocation algorithms for next generation networks.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Abstract available in PDF.Publications listed on page iii

    Hybrid generalized non-orthogonal multiple access for the 5G wireless networks.

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    Master of Science in Computer Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2018.The deployment of 5G networks will lead to an increase in capacity, spectral efficiency, low latency and massive connectivity for wireless networks. They will still face the challenges of resource and power optimization, increasing spectrum efficiency and energy optimization, among others. Furthermore, the standardized technologies to mitigate against the challenges need to be developed and are a challenge themselves. In the current predecessor LTE-A networks, orthogonal frequency multiple access (OFDMA) scheme is used as the baseline multiple access scheme. It allows users to be served orthogonally in either time or frequency to alleviate narrowband interference and impulse noise. Further spectrum limitations of orthogonal multiple access (OMA) schemes have resulted in the development of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes to enable 5G networks to achieve high spectral efficiency and high data rates. NOMA schemes unorthogonally co-multiplex different users on the same resource elements (RE) (i.e. time-frequency domain, OFDMA subcarrier, or spreading code) via power domain (PD) or code domain (CD) at the transmitter and successfully separating them at the receiver by applying multi-user detection (MUD) algorithms. The current developed NOMA schemes, refered to as generalized-NOMA (G-NOMA) technologies includes; Interleaver Division Multiple Access (IDMA, Sparse code multiple access (SCMA), Low-density spreading multiple access (LDSMA), Multi-user shared access (MUSA) scheme and the Pattern Division Multiple Access (PDMA). These protocols are currently still under refinement, their performance and applicability has not been thoroughly investigated. The first part of this work undertakes a thorough investigation and analysis of the performance of the existing G-NOMA schemes and their applicability. Generally, G-NOMA schemes perceives overloading by non-orthogonal spectrum resource allocation, which enables massive connectivity of users and devices, and offers improved system spectral efficiency. Like any other technologies, the G-NOMA schemes need to be improved to further harvest their benefits on 5G networks leading to the requirement of Hybrid G-NOMA (G-NOMA) schemes. The second part of this work develops a HG-NOMA scheme to alleviate the 5G challenges of resource allocation, inter and cross-tier interference management and energy efficiency. This work develops and investigates the performance of an Energy Efficient HG-NOMA resource allocation scheme for a two-tier heterogeneous network that alleviates the cross-tier interference and improves the system throughput via spectrum resource optimization. By considering the combinatorial problem of resource pattern assignment and power allocation, the HG-NOMA scheme will enable a new transmission policy that allows more than two macro-user equipment’s (MUEs) and femto-user equipment’s (FUEs) to be co-multiplexed on the same time-frequency RE increasing the spectral efficiency. The performance of the developed model is shown to be superior to the PD-NOMA and OFDMA schemes

    Interference Management Techniques for Cellular Wireless Communication Systems

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    The growing demand for higher capacity wireless networks can be met by increasing the frequency bandwidth, spectral efficiency, and base station density. Flexible spectrum access, multiantenna, and multicarrier techniques are key enablers in satisfying the demand. In addition, automation of tasks related to network planning, optimization, interference management, and maintenance are needed in order to ensure cost-efficiency. Effective, dynamic, and automated interference management tailored for bursty and local data traffic plays a central role in the task. Adjacent channel interference (ACI) management is an enabler for flexible spectrum use and uncoordinated network deployments. In this thesis the impact of ACI in local area time division duplex (TDD) cellular systems is demonstrated. A method is proposed where the transmitters optimize their transmitted spectral shape on-line, such that constraints on ACI induced by power amplifier non-linearity are met. The proposed method increases the fairness among spectrum sharing transceivers when ACI is a limiting factor. A novel interference-aware scheduling technique is proposed and analyzed. The technique manages co-channel interference (CCI) in a decentralized fashion, relying on beacon messages sent by data receivers. It is demonstrated that the proposed technique is an enabler for fair spectrum sharing among operators, independent adaptation of uplink/downlink switching points in TDD networks, and it provides overall more fair and spectrally efficient wireless access. Especially, the technique is able to improve the cell-edge throughput tremendously. New services are emerging that generate local traffic among the users in addition to the data traffic between the users and the network. Such device-to-device (D2D) traffic is effectively served by direct transmissions. The thesis demonstrates the possibilities for allowing such direct D2D transmissions on a shared band together with the cellular communication. It is shown that interference management is needed in order to facilitate reliable and efficient shared band operation. For this purpose, three methods are proposed that provide interference aware power control, interference aware multiuser and multiband resource allocation, and interference avoiding spatial precoding. It is shown that enabling direct transmission itself provides most of the gains in system capacity, while the interference management schemes are more important in promoting fairness and reliability.Langattomien tietoliikenneverkkojen käyttö kasvaa erittäin nopeasti mobiilien internet-palvelujen ja älykkäiden päätelaitteiden suosion myötä. Järjestelmien tiedonsiirtokapasiteettiä voidaan lisätä kasvattamalla kaistanleveyttä, spektritehokkuutta ja tukiasemaverkon tiheyttä. Kehityksen mahdollistaa mm. joustava taajuuksien käyttö ja moniantenni- ja monikantoaaltotekniikat. Lisäksi radioverkkojen suunnitteluun, optimointiin, ylläpitoon ja interferenssinhallintaan liittyvien tehtävien automatisoinnilla voidaan pienentää verkko-operaattoreiden kustannuksia. Tässä hetkellisen ja paikallisen tietoliikenteen tehokas, dynaaminen ja automatisoitu interferenssinhallinta on keskeisessä asemassa. Viereisen kanavan interferenssin hallinta mahdollistaa osaltaan joustavan spektrinkäytön ja koordinoimattoman verkkojen asennuksen. Väitöskirjassa on analysoitu viereisen kanavan interferenssin vaikutusta aikajakoiseen dupleksilähetykseen perustuvien paikallisten radioverkkojen toimintaan. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa on kehitetty menetelmä, jolla voidaan hallita interferenssiä reaaliaikaisesti. Menetelmä maksimoi lähetetyn signaalin spektritehokkuuden siten, että tehovahvistimen epälineaarisuuden aiheuttama viereisen kanavan interferenssi on rajoitettu. Väitöskirjassa on kehitetty ja analysoitu uudenlainen interferenssitietoinen lähetysten ajoitustekniikka. Tekniikka hallitsee reaaliaikaisesti ja hajautetusti saman kanavan interferenssiä vastaanottimien lähettämien majakkasignaalien avulla. Esitetyt simulaatiot osoittavat, että tämä mahdollistaa operaattoreiden välisen taajuuskaistojen jaon, ja alas- ja yloslinkkien aikajaon joustavan säädön. Tämän lisäksi on mahdollista saavuttaa korkeampi yleinen spektritehokkuus. Erityisesti tiedonsiirtonopeus solujen reunoille kasvaa esitetyn tekniikan avulla huomattavasti. Uudenlaiset tietoliikennepalvelut lisäävät laitteidenvälisen paikallisen tietoliikenteen määrää. Spektrinkäytön kannalta tämä liikenne on tehokkainta lähettää suoraan laitteesta toiseen. Väitöskirjassa on tutkittu joustavaa spektrinkäyttöä suorien laitteidenvälisten lähetysten ja soluverkon välillä. Interferenssin hallinta takaa luotettavan ja tehokkaan spektrin yhteiskäytön. Tätä varten väitöskirjassa on kehitetty kolme menetelmää, jotka perustuvat tehonsäätöön, lähetysten ajoitukseen ja moniantennilähetykseen