82 research outputs found

    Kinetic and Dynamic Delaunay tetrahedralizations in three dimensions

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    We describe the implementation of algorithms to construct and maintain three-dimensional dynamic Delaunay triangulations with kinetic vertices using a three-simplex data structure. The code is capable of constructing the geometric dual, the Voronoi or Dirichlet tessellation. Initially, a given list of points is triangulated. Time evolution of the triangulation is not only governed by kinetic vertices but also by a changing number of vertices. We use three-dimensional simplex flip algorithms, a stochastic visibility walk algorithm for point location and in addition, we propose a new simple method of deleting vertices from an existing three-dimensional Delaunay triangulation while maintaining the Delaunay property. The dual Dirichlet tessellation can be used to solve differential equations on an irregular grid, to define partitions in cell tissue simulations, for collision detection etc.Comment: 29 pg (preprint), 12 figures, 1 table Title changed (mainly nomenclature), referee suggestions included, typos corrected, bibliography update

    TetGen, towards a quality tetrahedral mesh generator

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    TetGen is a C++ program for generating quality tetrahedral meshes aimed to support numerical methods and scientific computing. It is also a research project for studying the underlying mathematical problems and evaluating algorithms. This paper presents the essential meshing components developed in TetGen for robust and efficient software implementation. And it highlights the state-of-the-art algorithms and technologies currently implemented and developed in TetGen for automatic quality tetrahedral mesh generation

    The existence of triangulations of non-convex polyhedra without new vertices

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    It is well known that a simple three-dimensional non-convex polyhedron may not be triangulated without using new vertices (so-called {\it Steiner points}). In this paper, we prove a condition that guarantees the existence of a triangulation of a non-convex polyhedron (of any dimension) without Steiner points. We briefly discuss algorithms for efficiently triangulating three-dimensional polyhedra

    3D boundary recovery by constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization

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    Three-dimensional boundary recovery is a fundamental problem in mesh generation. In this paper, we propose a practical algorithm for solving this problem. Our algorithm is based on the construction of a {\it constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization} (CDT) for a set of constraints (segments and facets). The algorithm adds additional points (so-called Steiner points) on segments only. The Steiner points are chosen in such a way that the resulting subsegments are Delaunay and their lengths are not unnecessarily short. It is theoretically guaranteed that the facets can be recovered without using Steiner points. The complexity of this algorithm is analyzed. The proposed algorithm has been implemented. Its performance is reported through various application examples

    A comprehensive survey on Delaunay Triangulation: applications, algorithms, and implementations over CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs

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    Delaunay triangulation is an effective way to build a triangulation of a cloud of points, i.e., a partitioning of the points into simplices (triangles in 2D, tetrahedra in 3D, and so on), such that no two simplices overlap and every point in the set is a vertex of at least one simplex. Such a triangulation has been shown to have several interesting properties in terms of the structure of the simplices it constructs (e.g., maximising the minimum angle of the triangles in the bi-dimensional case) and has several critical applications in the contexts of computer graphics, computational geometry, mobile robotics or indoor localisation, to name a few application domains. This review paper revolves around three main pillars: (I) algorithms, (II) implementations over central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and (III) applications. Specifically, the paper provides a comprehensive review of the main state-of-the-art algorithmic approaches to compute the Delaunay Triangulation. Subsequently, it delivers a critical review of implementations of Delaunay triangulation over CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. Finally, the paper covers a broad and multi-disciplinary range of possible applications of this technique

    Anisotropic geometry-conforming d-simplicial meshing via isometric embeddings

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    We develop a dimension-independent, Delaunay-based anisotropic mesh generation algorithm suitable for integration with adaptive numerical solvers. As such, the mesh produced by our algorithm conforms to an anisotropic metric prescribed by the solver as well as the domain geometry, given as a piecewise smooth complex. Motivated by the work of LĂ©vy and Dassi [10-12,20], we use a discrete manifold embedding algorithm to transform the anisotropic problem to a uniform one. This work differs from previous approaches in several ways. First, the embedding algorithm is driven by a Riemannian metric field instead of the Gauss map, lending itself to general anisotropic mesh generation problems. Second we describe our method for computing restricted Voronoi diagrams in a dimension-independent manner which is used to compute constrained centroidal Voronoi tessellations. In particular, we compute restricted Voronoi simplices using exact arithmetic and use data structures based on convex polytope theory. Finally, since adaptive solvers require geometry-conforming meshes, we offer a Steiner vertex insertion algorithm for ensuring the extracted dual Delaunay triangulation is homeomorphic to the input geometries. The two major contributions of this paper are: a method for isometrically embedding arbitrary mesh-metric pairs in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces and a dimension-independent vertex insertion algorithm for producing geometry-conforming Delaunay meshes. The former is demonstrated on a two-dimensional anisotropic problem whereas the latter is demonstrated on both 3d and 4d problems. Keywords: Anisotropic mesh generation; metric; Nash embedding theorem; isometric; geometry-conforming; restricted Voronoi diagram; constrained centroidal Voronoi tessellation; Steiner vertices; dimension-independen

    TetGen: A quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a 3D Delaunay triangulator (Version 1.5 — User’s Manual)

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    TetGen is a software for tetrahedral mesh generation. Its goal is to generate good quality tetrahedral meshes suitable for numerical methods and scientific computing. It can be used as either a standalone program or a library component integrated in other software. The purpose of this document is to give a brief explanation of the kind of tetrahedralizations and meshing problems handled by TetGen and to give a fairly detailed documentation about the usage of the program. Readers will learn how to create tetrahedral meshes using input files from the command line. Furthermore, the programming interface for calling TetGen from other programs is explained

    Constrained Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generation and refinement

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    A {\it constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization} of a domain in R3\mathbb{R}^3 is a tetrahedralization such that it respects the boundaries of this domain, and it has properties similar to those of a Delaunay tetrahedralization. Such objects have various applications such as finite element analysis, computer graphics rendering, geometric modeling, and shape analysis. This article is devoted to presenting recent developments on constrained Delaunay tetrahedralizations of piecewise linear domains. The focus is for the application of numerically solving partial differential equations using finite element or finite volume methods. We survey various related results and detail two core algorithms that have provable guarantees and are amenable to practical implementation. We end this article by listing a set of open questions
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