35 research outputs found

    The 100,000 most influential scientists rank : the underrepresentation of Brazilian women in academia

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    Despite the progress observed in recent years, women are still underrepresented in science worldwide, especially at top positions. Many factors contribute to women progressively leaving academia at different stages of their career, including motherhood, harassment and conscious and unconscious discrimination. Implicit bias plays a major negative role in recognition, promotions and career advancement of female scientists. Recently, a rank of the most influential scientists in the world was created based on several metrics, including the number of published papers and citations. Here, we analyzed the representation of Brazilian scientists in this rank, focusing on gender. Female Brazilian scientists are greatly underrepresented in the rank (11% in the Top 100,000; 18% in the Top 2%). Possible reasons for this observed scenario are related to the metrics used to rank scientists, which reproduce and amplify the well-known implicit bias in peer-review and citations. Male scientists have more self-citation than female scientists and positions in the rank varied when self-citations were included, suggesting that self-citation by male scientists increases their visibility. Discussions on the repercussions of such ranks are pivotal to avoid deepening the gender gap in science

    Coleção Entomológica de Referência: 85 anos de contribuições à saúde pública

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    The Department of Hygiene of the Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo (FMUSP), organized with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, became the Institute of Hygiene, with the inaugural class taught by Samuel Darling in 1918. The history of Public Health Entomology is mixed with that of the Institute itself, which became the Faculty of Hygiene and Public Health in 1945. Still in the 1930s, Paulo César de Azevedo Antunes and John Lane organized Public Health Entomology within the Medical Parasitology area of the then Institute of Hygiene. During this period, the entomology laboratory came to be recognized for its research in the systematics of hematophagous insects, as well as in the ecology, biology and behavior of vectors. The Entomological Reference Collection (CER) originated naturally from the research of Paulo César Antunes and John Lane and is a national and international heritage covering primary and secondary types of insect species that are of interest to public health. Over the years, it has been consolidated with the efforts of Augusto Ayroza Galvão, Renato Corrêa, José Coutinho, Nelson Cerqueira, Ernesto Rabello, Oswaldo Forattini and others. In its over eighty years of activities, CER has enabled the training of several scientists able to act in programs of surveillance and control of endemic diseases associated with insect vectors throughout Latin America, in addition to training taxonomists focused on insects of interest in Public Health. Researchers from other Brazilian institutes and abroad joined the entomology laboratory because of its importance and the research developed in it. The growing scientific production made it possible for entomological studies developed at the Faculty of Public Health (FSP) to gain international visibility, contributing to the development of disease prevention and epidemic control actions in the country.O Departamento de Higiene da Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo (FMUSP), organizado com o apoio da Fundação Rockefeller, tornou-se o Instituto de Higiene, tendo a aula inaugural ministrada por Samuel Darling em 1918. A história da Entomologia de Saúde Pública confundese com a do próprio Instituto, que passou a ser a Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública em 1945. Ainda na década de 1930, Paulo César de Azevedo Antunes e John Lane começam a organizar a Entomologia de Saúde Pública dentro da Parasitologia Médica, do então Instituto de Higiene. Durante esse período o laboratório de entomologia passou a ser reconhecido por suas pesquisas em sistemática de insetos hematófagos, bem como na ecologia, biologia e comportamento de vetores. A Coleção Entomológica de Referência (CER) originou-se naturalmente das pesquisas de Paulo César Antunes e John Lane e é um patrimônio nacional e internacional abrangendo tipos primários e secundários de espécies de insetos que apresentam interesse à saúde pública. No decorrer dos anos, consolidou-se com os esforços de Augusto Ayroza Galvão, Renato Corrêa, José Coutinho, Nelson Cerqueira, Ernesto Rabello, Oswaldo Forattini e outros. Em seus mais de oitenta anos de atividades, a CER possibilitou a formação de diversos cientistas aptos a atuar em programas de vigilância e controle de endemias associadas aos insetos vetores em toda a América Latina, além de formar taxonomistas voltados aos insetos de interesse em Saúde Pública. Pesquisadores de outros institutos brasileiros e do exterior juntaram-se ao laboratório de entomologia por conta de sua importância e das pesquisas nele desenvolvidas. A produção científica crescente possibilitou aos estudos entomológicos desenvolvidos na Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP) adquirirem uma visibilidade internacional, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das ações de prevenções de doenças e controle de epidemias no país

    Characterizing Elite Scholars of Library and Information Science: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Publication metrics have become crucial to measure the productivity and impact of individuals and organizations for highlighting their influence upon the knowledge world. This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of the top two percent highly cited Library and Information Science (LIS) researchers in the Stanford University list of the top two percent researchers of various disciplines published in 2021. We have used the bibliometric method to analyze 254 highly cited LIS researchers. The findings show male dominance and female underrepresentation in LIS research. Leydesdorff, Loet is the most highly cited researcher of the LIS field. The Amsterdam School of Communications Research, Netherlands, is the most highly cited organization of LIS based on the highly cited researchers affiliated with it. The majority of LIS researchers belong to USA and UK. There is a meager contribution of Asian, Australian, and African countries producing highly cited LIS researchers. Highly cited LIS researchers are more familiar with publishing research in information retrieval, information seeking, and bibliometrics. Positions of researchers at different ranks by different measures depict their productivity, impact, h- index, and a composite score. A strong correlation exists between total publications and total citations. The study, in its nature, is unique and will provide an insight for young and emerging researchers for selection of research direction, persons for research collaboration, and a motivation to invest more efforts for impactful research

    SM3D portal’s founder as a science-wide top scientist

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    In the 2022 updated database of global science-wide top scientists, one of the founders of SM3D Portal – Dr. Quan-Hoang Vuong – appears in the list of career-long impact (ranked at 240,933th) and single-year impact (ranked at 22,704th). Last year, he also appeared in the 2021 lists of top-career-long-impact scientists (ranked at 294,101th) and top-single-year-impact scientists (ranked at 46,350th). If we only consider the career-long and single-year impacts within the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, he is ranked at 12,703th and 2,989th, respectively

    Bio-Bibliometric Portrait of Dr. Tasawar Hayat, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics

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    Aim: This article aims to present the bio-bibliometric portrait of the research productivity created by Dr. Tasawar Hayat, a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Quaid-e-Azam University, Pakistan. Methodology: The retrospective method has been applied in this study to assess the attributes of bibliographical records of the documents produced by Dr. Hayat. Elsevier’s Scopus database was used to extract the required dataset on the 28th of October 2020. The required features of the dataset of all types of published papers were downloaded for analysis. The five bibliometric indicators of the dataset were evaluated, the publications and citations ratio by year, segregation of documents by subjects, frequently used channels for publications, distribution of research collaboration by country and top-ranked co-authors. Microsoft Excel was used for the tabulated pattern and graphic interpretation, and SPSS software was used to calculate the SEM of publications and citations. Results: A total of 2,374 documents were found on the credit of Dr. Hayat on the data freezing date. Although there has been a fluctuation in the number of papers by year, overall there is a remarkable growth. The impact of quality is reflected by the number of citations that recorded 29.28 citations/doc. In the subject categories, Physics & Astronomy, Engineering and Mathematics were found the favorite areas of research. Results in Physics and Journal of Molecular Liquids are listed in top the two most preferred channels of communication having the impact factor 4.019 and 5.065 with 119 and 105 publications respectively. Pakistan has been on the first ranked in the affiliated country statement of Dr. Hayat and his co-author, followed by Saudi Arabia (n=1921), China (n=704), United States (n=106) and United Kingdom (n=96). Dr. Ahmed Alsaedi of King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia has emerged a strong co-author in more than half of the documents (n=1324; 55.77%). Conclusion: The author with fertile ideas and a creative mindset provide a strong foundation to his profession and affiliated institution. The bio-bibliometric study of the productive scientist encourages the peers and junior to follow in his footsteps. Behind the massive research success of Dr. Hayat, along with his hard work and dedication, the contribution of his co-author is also mattered. But Dr. Hayat has been playing the role of captain for his research team

    Professor Dr. Rubina Bhatti, Leader in Library and Information Science Research in the South Punjab, Pakistan: Bio-Bibliometric analysis utilizing the Scopus database

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    The current study aims to evaluate the Scopus-indexed publications of Professor Dr. Rubina Bhatti, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Chairperson, Department of Library and Information Sciences (LIS) at Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan. She obtained her Master’s degree in LIS in 1991 from IUB, later she joined IUB as a Lecturer in the Department of LIS in 1993. She completed her Ph.D. at The University of Manchester, United Kingdom in 2003. She is the most productive LIS author belonging to the Southern part of Punjab province in Pakistan. The data of this study was retrieved from the Scopus database on January 2nd, 2023. The data analysis presented the periodic growth of papers, citation impact, authorship pattern, collaborative authors, frequently used sources of publications, topographic distribution of papers based on authors’ used keywords and characteristics of top-cited papers. The findings of this study would encourage the females of Pakistan through sincere hard work, commitment and dedication, any female can achieve success in her practical and professional career

    Research on Library and Information Science Services by Pakistani Authors from 2011 to 2020

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    The main objective of the current study is to quantify the research productivity in Library and Information Science (LIS) Services produced by Pakistani authors during the period of ten years from 2011 to 2020. The retrospective research method by applying the bibliometric technique has been used. The data of the publications on LIS Services by Pakistani authors has been browsed from various online and print sources. The selected bibliographic parameters of publications were inserted in Microsoft Excel-2016 for data analysis. The findings have been presented in tabular and graphic formats. A total of 1,258 documents were identified, contributed by 3,110 authors including multiple counts with an average of 2.47 authors per document. As a distinct name, a total of 858 authors were recognized and the share of international authors was slightly more than one-fifth (21%). About one-third of the total documents were published in the last two years of the study. Eighty-three percent of the documents were the results of research collaboration and the two-author pattern was found the preferred authorship pattern. The majority of documents (91%) were published as journals articles, followed by conference papers, book chapters and books. The highest number of papers were published in Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, followed by Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Sixty-four percent of the authors contributed in one paper each while 69 authors contributed ten or more than ten papers each. Dr. Rubina Bhatti, Dr. Kanwal Ameen and Dr. Khalid Mahmood were found the top-three most productive authors with 103, 94 and 77 publications, respectively. The introduction of LIS doctorate programs and the establishment of the National Digital Library of Higher Education Commission put a healthy impact on the growth of publications. There is a need to inspire the practicing librarians that they should come forward to contribute to the research progress to develop LIS services

    Am Psychol

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    James S. Jackson (1944-2020) is remembered as a groundbreaking social psychologist whose career contributions in scholarship, research, and service were fundamental to the field of psychology. This article briefly outlines his career-long work and contributions. A strong believer in interdisciplinary work, his research spanned other related social science disciplines (e.g., sociology, political science), as well as health and social welfare professions (public health, social work, medicine). As the founding director of the Program for Research on Black Americans at the Institute for Social Research, James Jackson initiated and led a long-standing program with a dual focus on research and training and mentoring doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars, and early career scientists. Jackson's efforts in the development of several nationally representative surveys of the Black population in the United States (e.g., National Survey of Black Americans, National Survey of American Life) revolutionized research focusing on the lives of Black Americans. James Jackson's international influence and reputation included numerous prestigious positions within national science organizations and honors and awards for his scientific contributions. Among James S. Jackson's most enduring legacies is the vast network of current scientists, researchers, and academics who were trained under his direction and leadership. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).R43 DA056123/DA/NIDA NIH HHSUnited States/R25 AT010664/AT/NCCIH NIH HHSUnited States/P30 DK092926/DK/NIDDK NIH HHSUnited States/P30 AG015281/AG/NIA NIH HHSUnited States/CC/CDC HHSUnited States