6 research outputs found

    Untangling polygons and graphs

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    Untangling is a process in which some vertices of a planar graph are moved to obtain a straight-line plane drawing. The aim is to move as few vertices as possible. We present an algorithm that untangles the cycle graph C_n while keeping at least \Omega(n^{2/3}) vertices fixed. For any graph G, we also present an upper bound on the number of fixed vertices in the worst case. The bound is a function of the number of vertices, maximum degree and diameter of G. One of its consequences is the upper bound O((n log n)^{2/3}) for all 3-vertex-connected planar graphs.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Untangling Circular Drawings: Algorithms and Complexity

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    We consider the problem of untangling a given (non-planar) straight-line circular drawing δG\delta_G of an outerplanar graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) into a planar straight-line circular drawing by shifting a minimum number of vertices to a new position on the circle. For an outerplanar graph GG, it is clear that such a crossing-free circular drawing always exists and we define the circular shifting number shift(δG)(\delta_G) as the minimum number of vertices that are required to be shifted in order to resolve all crossings of δG\delta_G. We show that the problem Circular Untangling, asking whether shift(δG)≤K(\delta_G) \le K for a given integer KK, is NP-complete. For nn-vertex outerplanar graphs, we obtain a tight upper bound of shift(δG)≤n−⌊n−2⌋−2(\delta_G) \le n - \lfloor\sqrt{n-2}\rfloor -2. Based on these results we study Circular Untangling for almost-planar circular drawings, in which a single edge is involved in all the crossings. In this case, we provide a tight upper bound shift(δG)≤⌊n2⌋−1(\delta_G) \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor-1 and present a constructive polynomial-time algorithm to compute the circular shifting number of almost-planar drawings.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, extended version of ISAAC 2021 pape

    Moving Vertices to Make Drawings Plane

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    A straight-line drawing δ\delta of a planar graph GG need not be plane, but can be made so by moving some of the vertices. Let shift(G,δ)(G,\delta) denote the minimum number of vertices that need to be moved to turn δ\delta into a plane drawing of GG. We show that shift(G,δ)(G,\delta) is NP-hard to compute and to approximate, and we give explicit bounds on shift(G,δ)(G,\delta) when GG is a tree or a general planar graph. Our hardness results extend to 1BendPointSetEmbeddability, a well-known graph-drawing problem.Comment: This paper has been merged with http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.017

    Untangling a Planar Graph

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