245 research outputs found

    Keyphrase Generation: A Multi-Aspect Survey

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    Extractive keyphrase generation research has been around since the nineties, but the more advanced abstractive approach based on the encoder-decoder framework and sequence-to-sequence learning has been explored only recently. In fact, more than a dozen of abstractive methods have been proposed in the last three years, producing meaningful keyphrases and achieving state-of-the-art scores. In this survey, we examine various aspects of the extractive keyphrase generation methods and focus mostly on the more recent abstractive methods that are based on neural networks. We pay particular attention to the mechanisms that have driven the perfection of the later. A huge collection of scientific article metadata and the corresponding keyphrases is created and released for the research community. We also present various keyphrase generation and text summarization research patterns and trends of the last two decades.Comment: 10 pages, 5 tables. Published in proceedings of FRUCT 2019, the 25th Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Helsinki, Finlan

    Unsupervised keyword extraction from microblog posts via hashtags

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    © River Publishers. Nowadays, huge amounts of texts are being generated for social networking purposes on Web. Keyword extraction from such texts like microblog posts benefits many applications such as advertising, search, and content filtering. Unlike traditional web pages, a microblog post usually has some special social feature like a hashtag that is topical in nature and generated by users. Extracting keywords related to hashtags can reflect the intents of users and thus provides us better understanding on post content. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised keyword extraction approach for microblog posts by treating hashtags as topical indicators. Our approach consists of two hashtag enhanced algorithms. One is a topic model algorithm that infers topic distributions biased to hashtags on a collection of microblog posts. The words are ranked by their average topic probabilities. Our topic model algorithm can not only find the topics of a collection, but also extract hashtag-related keywords. The other is a random walk based algorithm. It first builds a word-post weighted graph by taking into account posts themselves. Then, a hashtag biased random walk is applied on this graph, which guides the algorithm to extract keywords according to hashtag topics. Last, the final ranking score of a word is determined by the stationary probability after a number of iterations. We evaluate our proposed approach on a collection of real Chinese microblog posts. Experiments show that our approach is more effective in terms of precision than traditional approaches considering no hashtag. The result achieved by the combination of two algorithms performs even better than each individual algorithm

    Proceedings of the 2nd Computer Science Student Workshop: Microsoft Istanbul, Turkey, April 9, 2011

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    Consensus-based Approach for Keyword Extraction from Urban Events Collections

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    Automatic keyword extraction (AKE) from textual sources took a valuable step towards harnessing the problem of efficient scanning of large document collections. Particularly in the context of urban mobility, where the most relevant events in the city are advertised on-line, it becomes difficult to know exactly what is happening in a place./nIn this paper we tackle this problem by extracting a set of keywords from different kinds of textual sources, focusing on the urban events context. We propose an ensemble of automatic keyword extraction systems KEA (Key-phrase Extraction Algorithm) and KUSCO (Knowledge Unsupervised Search for instantiating Concepts on lightweight Ontologies) and Conditional Random Fields (CRF)./nUnlike KEA and KUSCO which are well-known tools for automatic keyword extraction, CRF needs further pre-processing. Therefore, a tool for handling AKE from the documents using CRF is developed. The architecture for the AKE ensemble system is designed and efficient integration of component applications is presented in which a consensus between such classifiers is achieved. Finally, we empirically show that our AKE ensemble system significantly succeeds on baseline sources and urban events collections

    Bayesian Semi-supervised Keyphrase Extraction and Jackknife Empirical Likelihood for Assessing Heterogeneity in Meta-analysis

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    This dissertation investigates: (1) A Bayesian Semi-supervised Approach to Keyphrase Extraction with Only Positive and Unlabeled Data, (2) Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for Assessing Heterogeneity in Meta-analysis of Rare Binary Events. In the big data era, people are blessed with a huge amount of information. However, the availability of information may also pose great challenges. One big challenge is how to extract useful yet succinct information in an automated fashion. As one of the first few efforts, keyphrase extraction methods summarize an article by identifying a list of keyphrases. Many existing keyphrase extraction methods focus on the unsupervised setting, with all keyphrases assumed unknown. In reality, a (small) subset of the keyphrases may be available for an article. To utilize such information, we propose a probability model based on a semi-supervised setup. Our method incorporates the graph-based information of an article into a Bayesian framework so that our model facilitates statistical inference, which is often absent in the existing methods. To overcome the difficulty arising from high-dimensional posterior sampling, we develop two Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms based on Gibbs samplers, and compare their performance using benchmark data. We further propose a false discovery rate (FDR) based approach for selecting the number of keyphrases, while the existing methods use ad-hoc threshold values. Our numerical results show that the proposed method compared favorably with state-of-the-art methods for keyphrase extraction. In meta-analysis, the extent to which effect sizes vary across component studies is called heterogeneity. Typically, it is reflected by a variance parameter in a widely used random-effects (Re) model. In the literature, methods for constructing confidence intervals (CIs) for the parameter often assume that study-level effect sizes be normally distributed. However, this assumption may be violated in practice, especially in meta-analysis of rare binary events. We propose to use jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL), a nonparametric approach that uses jackknife pseudo-values, to construct CIs for the heterogeneity parameter, which lifts the requirement of normality in the Re model. To compute jackknife pseudo-values, we employ a moment-based estimator and consider two commonly used weighing schemes (i.e., equal and inverse variance weights). We prove that with each scheme, the resulting log empirical likelihood ratio follows a chi-square distribution asymptotically. We further examine the performance of the proposed JEL methods and compare them with existing CIs through simulation studies and data examples that focus on data of rare binary events. Our numerical results suggest that the JEL method with equal weights compares favorably with other alternatives, especially when (observed) effect sizes are non-normal and the number of component studies is large. Thus, it is worth serious consideration in statistical inference

    A Survey on Semantic Processing Techniques

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    Semantic processing is a fundamental research domain in computational linguistics. In the era of powerful pre-trained language models and large language models, the advancement of research in this domain appears to be decelerating. However, the study of semantics is multi-dimensional in linguistics. The research depth and breadth of computational semantic processing can be largely improved with new technologies. In this survey, we analyzed five semantic processing tasks, e.g., word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, named entity recognition, concept extraction, and subjectivity detection. We study relevant theoretical research in these fields, advanced methods, and downstream applications. We connect the surveyed tasks with downstream applications because this may inspire future scholars to fuse these low-level semantic processing tasks with high-level natural language processing tasks. The review of theoretical research may also inspire new tasks and technologies in the semantic processing domain. Finally, we compare the different semantic processing techniques and summarize their technical trends, application trends, and future directions.Comment: Published at Information Fusion, Volume 101, 2024, 101988, ISSN 1566-2535. The equal contribution mark is missed in the published version due to the publication policies. Please contact Prof. Erik Cambria for detail

    Concept graphs: Applications to biomedical text categorization and concept extraction

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    As science advances, the underlying literature grows rapidly providing valuable knowledge mines for researchers and practitioners. The text content that makes up these knowledge collections is often unstructured and, thus, extracting relevant or novel information could be nontrivial and costly. In addition, human knowledge and expertise are being transformed into structured digital information in the form of vocabulary databases and ontologies. These knowledge bases hold substantial hierarchical and semantic relationships of common domain concepts. Consequently, automating learning tasks could be reinforced with those knowledge bases through constructing human-like representations of knowledge. This allows developing algorithms that simulate the human reasoning tasks of content perception, concept identification, and classification. This study explores the representation of text documents using concept graphs that are constructed with the help of a domain ontology. In particular, the target data sets are collections of biomedical text documents, and the domain ontology is a collection of predefined biomedical concepts and relationships among them. The proposed representation preserves those relationships and allows using the structural features of graphs in text mining and learning algorithms. Those features emphasize the significance of the underlying relationship information that exists in the text content behind the interrelated topics and concepts of a text document. The experiments presented in this study include text categorization and concept extraction applied on biomedical data sets. The experimental results demonstrate how the relationships extracted from text and captured in graph structures can be used to improve the performance of the aforementioned applications. The discussed techniques can be used in creating and maintaining digital libraries through enhancing indexing, retrieval, and management of documents as well as in a broad range of domain-specific applications such as drug discovery, hypothesis generation, and the analysis of molecular structures in chemoinformatics