4 research outputs found

    Blind, MIMO system estimation based on PARAFAC decomposition of higher order output tensors

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    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54(11): pp. 4156-4168.We present a novel framework for the identification of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system driven by white, mutually independent unobservable inputs. Samples of the system frequency response are obtained based on parallel factorization (PARAFAC) of three- or four-way tensors constructed based on, respectively, third- or fourth-order cross spectra of the system outputs. The main difficulties in frequency-domain methods are frequency- dependent permutation and filtering ambiguities.We show that the information available in the higher order spectra allows for the ambiguities to be resolved up to a constant scaling and permutation ambiguities and a linear phase ambiguity. Important features of the proposed approach are that it does not require channel length information, needs no phase unwrapping, and unlike the majority of existing methods, needs no prewhitening of the system outputs

    Blind identification of possibly under-determined convolutive MIMO systems

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    Blind identi¯cation of a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system is of great importance in many applications, such as speech processing, multi-access communication, multi-sensor sonar/radar systems, and biomedical applications. The objective of blind identi¯cation for a MIMO system is to identify an unknown system, driven by Ni unobservable inputs, based on the No system outputs. We ¯rst present a novel blind approach for the identi¯cation of a over-determined (No ¸ Ni) MIMO system driven by white, mutually independent unobservable inputs. Samples of the system frequency response are obtained based on Parallel Factorization (PARAFAC) of three- or four-way tensors constructed respectively based on third- or fourth-order cross-spectra of the system outputs. We show that the information available in the higher-order spectra allows for the system response to be identi¯ed up to a constant scaling and permutation ambiguities and a linear phase ambiguity. Important features of the proposed approaches are that they do not require channel length information, need no phase unwrapping, and unlike the majority of existing methods, need no pre-whitening of the system outputs.While several methods have been proposed to blindly identify over-determined convolutive MIMO systems, very scarce results exist for under-determined (No < Ni) case, all of which refer to systems that either have some special structure, or special No, Ni values. We propose a novel approach for blind identi¯cation of under-determined convolutive MIMO systems of general dimensions. As long as min(No;Ni) ¸ 2, we can always ¯nd the appropriate order of statistics that guarantees identi¯ability of the system response within trivial ambiguities. We provide the description of the class of identi¯able MIMO systems for a certain order of statistics K, and an algorithm to reach the solution.Finally we propose a novel approach for blind identi¯cation and symbol recovery of a distributed antenna system with multiple carrier-frequency o®sets (CFO), arising due to mismatch between the oscillators of transmitters and receivers. The received base-band signal is over-sampled, and its polyphase components are used to formulate a virtual MIMO problem. By applying blind MIMO system estimation techniques, the system response is estimated and used to subsequently decouple the users and transform the multiple CFOs estimation problem into a set of independent single CFO estimation problems.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    Sobre separação cega de fontes : proposições e analise de estrategias para processamento multi-usuario

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    Orientadores: João Marcos Travassos Romano, Francisco Rodrigo Porto CavalcantiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Esta tese é dedicada ao estudo de tecnicas de separação cega de fontes aplicadas ao contexto de processamento multiusuario em comunicações digitais. Utilizando estrategias de estimação da função de densidade de probabilidade (fdp), são propostos dois metodos de processamento multiusuario que permitem recuperar os sinais transmitidos pela medida de similaridade de Kullback-Leibler entre a fdp dos sinais a saida do dispositivo de separação e um modelo parametrico que contem as caracteristicas dos sinais transmitidos. Alem desta medida de similaridade, são empregados diferentes metodos que garantem a descorrelação entre as estimativas das fontes de tal forma que os sinais recuperados sejam provenientes de diferentes fontes. E ainda realizada a analise de convergencia dos metodos e suas equivalencias com tecnicas classicas resultando em algumas importantes relações entre criterios cegos e supervisionados, tais como o criterio proposto e o criterio de maxima a posteriori. Estes novos metodos aliam a capacidade de recuperação da informação uma baixa complexidade computacional. A proposição de metodos baseados na estimativa da fdp permitiu a realização de um estudo sobre o impacto das estatisticas de ordem superior em algoritmos adaptativos para separação cega de fontes. A utilização da expansão da fdp em series ortonormais permite avaliar atraves dos cumulantes a dinamica de um processo de separação de fontes. Para tratar com problemas de comunicação digital e proposta uma nova serie ortonormal, desenvolvida em torno de uma função de densidade de probabilidade dada por um somatorio de gaussianas. Esta serie e utilizada para evidenciar as diferenças em relação ao desempenho em tempo real ao se reter mais estatisticas de ordem superior. Simulações computacionais são realizadas para evidenciar o desempenho das propostas frente a tecnicas conhecidas da literatura em varias situações de necessidade de alguma estrategia de recuperação de sinaisAbstract: This thesis is devoted to study blind source separation techniques applied to multiuser processing in digital communications. Using probability density function (pdf) estimation strategies, two multiuser processing methods are proposed. They aim for recovering transmitted signal by using the Kullback-Leibler similarity measure between the signals pdf and a parametric model that contains the signals characteristics. Besides the similarity measure, different methods are employed to guarantee the decorrelation of the sources estimates, providing that the recovered signals origin from different sources. The convergence analysis of the methods as well as their equivalences with classical techniques are presented, resulting on important relationships between blind and supervised criteria such as the proposal and the maximum a posteriori one. Those new methods have a good trade-off between the recovering ability and computational complexity. The proposal os pdf estimation-based methods had allowed the investigation on the impact of higher order statistics on adaptive algorithms for blind source separation. Using pdf orthonormal series expansion we are able to evaluate through cumulants the dynamics of a source separation process. To be able to deal with digital communication signals, a new orthonormal series expansion is proposed. Such expansion is developed in terms of a Gaussian mixture pdf. This new expansion is used to evaluate the differences in real time processing when we retain more higher order statistics. Computational simulations are carried out to stress the performance of the proposals, faced to well known techniques reported in the literature, under the situations where a recovering signal strategy is required.DoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric