798 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Texture Segmentation

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    A Fully Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm

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    This paper presents a fully unsupervised texture segmentation algorithm by using a modified discrete wavelet frames decomposition and a mean shift algorithm. By fully unsupervised, we mean the algorithm does not require any knowledge of the type of texture present nor the number of textures in the image to be segmented. The basic idea of the proposed method is to use the modified discrete wavelet frames to extract useful information from the image. Then, starting from the lowest level, the mean shift algorithm is used together with the fuzzy c-means clustering to divide the data into an appropriate number of clusters. The data clustering process is then refined at every level by taking into account the data at that particular level. The final crispy segmentation is obtained at the root level. This approach is applied to segment a variety of composite texture images into homogeneous texture areas and very good segmentation results are reported

    Unsupervised texture segmentation

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    Model-based learning of local image features for unsupervised texture segmentation

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    Features that capture well the textural patterns of a certain class of images are crucial for the performance of texture segmentation methods. The manual selection of features or designing new ones can be a tedious task. Therefore, it is desirable to automatically adapt the features to a certain image or class of images. Typically, this requires a large set of training images with similar textures and ground truth segmentation. In this work, we propose a framework to learn features for texture segmentation when no such training data is available. The cost function for our learning process is constructed to match a commonly used segmentation model, the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model. This means that the features are learned such that they provide an approximately piecewise constant feature image with a small jump set. Based on this idea, we develop a two-stage algorithm which first learns suitable convolutional features and then performs a segmentation. We note that the features can be learned from a small set of images, from a single image, or even from image patches. The proposed method achieves a competitive rank in the Prague texture segmentation benchmark, and it is effective for segmenting histological images

    Unsupervised Texture Segmentation using Active Contours and Local Distributions of Gaussian Markov Random Field Parameters

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    In this paper, local distributions of low order Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) model parameters are proposed as texture features for unsupervised texture segmentation.Instead of using model parameters as texture features, we exploit the variations in parameter estimates found by model fitting in local region around the given pixel. Thespatially localized estimation process is carried out by maximum likelihood method employing a moderately small estimation window which leads to modeling of partial texturecharacteristics belonging to the local region. Hence significant fluctuations occur in the estimates which can be related to texture pattern complexity. The variations occurred in estimates are quantified by normalized local histograms. Selection of an accurate window size for histogram calculation is crucial and is achieved by a technique based on the entropy of textures. These texture features expand the possibility of using relativelylow order GMRF model parameters for segmenting fine to very large texture patterns and offer lower computational cost. Small estimation windows result in better boundarylocalization. Unsupervised segmentation is performed by integrated active contours, combining the region and boundary information. Experimental results on statistical and structural component textures show improved discriminative ability of the features compared to some recent algorithms in the literature

    Nonparametric statistics of image neighborhoods for unsupervised texture segmentation

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    technical reportIn this paper, we present a novel approach to unsupervised texture segmentation that is based on a very general statistical model of image neighborhoods. We treat image neighborhoods as samples from an underlying, high-dimensional probability density function (PDF). We obtain an optimal segmentation via the minimization of an entropy-based metric on the neighborhood PDFs conditioned on the classification. Unlike previous work in this area, we model image neighborhoods directly without preprocessing or the construction of intermediate features. We represent the underlying PDFs nonparametrically, using Parzen windowing, thus enabling the method to model a wide variety of textures. The entropy minimization drives a level-set evolution that provides a degree of spatial homogeneity. We show that the proposed approach easily generalizes, from the two-class case, to an arbitrary number of regions by incorporating an efficient multi-phase level-set framework. This paper presents results on synthetic and real images from the literature, including segmentations of electron microscopy images of cellular structures

    Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space

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    In this report, we propose a novel and efficient approach for active unsurpervised texture segmentation. First, we show how we can extract a small set of good features for texture segmentation based on the structure tensor and nonlinear diffusion. Then, we propose a variational framework that allows to incorporate these features in a level set based unsupervised segmentation process that adaptively takes into account their estimated statistical information inside and outside the region to segment. Unlike features obtained by Gabor filters, our approach naturally leads to a significantly reduced number of feature channels. Thus, the supervised part of a texture segmentation algorithm, where the choice of good feature channels has to be learned in advance, can be omitted, and we get an efficient solution for unsupervised texture segmentation. The actual segmentation process based on the new features is an active and adaptative contour model that estimates dynamically probability density functions inside and outside a region and produces very convincing results. It is implemented using a fast level set based active contour technique and has been tested on various real textured images. The performance of the approach is favorably compared to recent studies

    Hierarchical Multiple Markov Chain Model for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation

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    Archetypal analysis: an alternative to clustering for unsupervised texture segmentation

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    Texture segmentation is one of the main tasks in image applications, specifically in remote sensing, where the objective is to segment high-resolution images of natural landscapes into different cover types. Often the focus is on the selection of discriminant textural features, and although these are really fundamental, there is another part of the process that is also influential, partitioning different homogeneous textures into groups. A methodology based on archetype analysis (AA) of the local textural measurements is proposed. AA seeks the purest textures in the image and it can find the borders between pure textures, as those regions composed of mixtures of several archetypes. The proposed procedure has been tested on a remote sensing image application with local granulometries, providing promising results