32 research outputs found

    Grouping Uncertain Oriented Projective Geometric Entities with Application to Automatic Building Reconstruction

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    The fully automatic reconstruction of 3d scenes from a set of 2d images has always been a key issue in photogrammetry and computer vision and has not been solved satisfactory so far. Most of the current approaches match features between the images based on radiometric cues followed by a reconstruction using the image geometry. The motivation for this work is the conjecture that in the presence of highly redundant data it should be possible to recover the scene structure by grouping together geometric primitives in a bottom-up manner. Oriented projective geometry will be used throughout this work, which allows to represent geometric primitives, such as points, lines and planes in 2d and 3d space as well as projective cameras, together with their uncertainty. The first major contribution of the work is the use of uncertain oriented projective geometry, rather than uncertain projective geometry, that enables the representation of more complex compound entities, such as line segments and polygons in 2d and 3d space as well as 2d edgels and 3d facets. Within the uncertain oriented projective framework a procedure is developed, which allows to test pairwise relations between the various uncertain oriented projective entities. Again, the novelty lies in the possibility to check relations between the novel compound entities. The second major contribution of the work is the development of a data structure, specifically designed to enable performing the tests between large numbers of entities in an efficient manner. Being able to efficiently test relations between the geometric entities, a framework for grouping those entities together is developed. Various different grouping methods are discussed. The third major contribution of this work is the development of a novel grouping method that by analyzing the entropy change incurred by incrementally adding observations into an estimation is able to balance efficiency against robustness in order to achieve better grouping results. Finally the applicability of the proposed representations, tests and grouping methods for the task of purely geometry based building reconstruction from oriented aerial images is demonstrated. lt will be shown that in the presence of highly redundant datasets it is possible to achieve reasonable reconstruction results by grouping together geometric primitives.Gruppierung unsicherer orientierter projektiver geometrischer Elemente mit Anwendung in der automatischen Gebäuderekonstruktion Die vollautomatische Rekonstruktion von 3D Szenen aus einer Menge von 2D Bildern war immer ein Hauptanliegen in der Photogrammetrie und Computer Vision und wurde bisher noch nicht zufriedenstellend gelöst. Die meisten aktuellen Ansätze ordnen Merkmale zwischen den Bildern basierend auf radiometrischen Eigenschaften zu. Daran schließt sich dann eine Rekonstruktion auf der Basis der Bildgeometrie an. Die Motivation für diese Arbeit ist die These, dass es möglich sein sollte, die Struktur einer Szene durch Gruppierung geometrischer Primitive zu rekonstruieren, falls die Eingabedaten genügend redundant sind. Orientierte projektive Geometrie wird in dieser Arbeit zur Repräsentation geometrischer Primitive, wie Punkten, Linien und Ebenen in 2D und 3D sowie projektiver Kameras, zusammen mit ihrer Unsicherheit verwendet. Der erste Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Verwendung unsicherer orientierter projektiver Geometrie, anstatt von unsicherer projektiver Geometrie, welche die Repräsentation von komplexeren zusammengesetzten Objekten, wie Liniensegmenten und Polygonen in 2D und 3D sowie 2D Edgels und 3D Facetten, ermöglicht. Innerhalb dieser unsicheren orientierten projektiven Repräsentation wird ein Verfahren zum Testen paarweiser Relationen zwischen den verschiedenen unsicheren orientierten projektiven geometrischen Elementen entwickelt. Dabei liegt die Neuheit wieder in der Möglichkeit, Relationen zwischen den neuen zusammengesetzten Elementen zu prüfen. Der zweite Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Datenstruktur, welche speziell auf die effiziente Prüfung von solchen Relationen zwischen vielen Elementen ausgelegt ist. Die Möglichkeit zur effizienten Prüfung von Relationen zwischen den geometrischen Elementen erlaubt nun die Entwicklung eines Systems zur Gruppierung dieser Elemente. Verschiedene Gruppierungsmethoden werden vorgestellt. Der dritte Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer neuen Gruppierungsmethode, die durch die Analyse der Änderung der Entropie beim Hinzufügen von Beobachtungen in die Schätzung Effizienz und Robustheit gegeneinander ausbalanciert und dadurch bessere Gruppierungsergebnisse erzielt. Zum Schluss wird die Anwendbarkeit der vorgeschlagenen Repräsentationen, Tests und Gruppierungsmethoden für die ausschließlich geometriebasierte Gebäuderekonstruktion aus orientierten Luftbildern demonstriert. Es wird gezeigt, dass unter der Annahme von hoch redundanten Datensätzen vernünftige Rekonstruktionsergebnisse durch Gruppierung von geometrischen Primitiven erzielbar sind

    Grouping Uncertain Oriented Projective Geometric Entities with Application to Automatic Building Reconstruction

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    The fully automatic reconstruction of 3d scenes from a set of 2d images has always been a key issue in photogrammetry and computer vision and has not been solved satisfactory so far. Most of the current approaches match features between the images based on radiometric cues followed by a reconstruction using the image geometry. The motivation for this work is the conjecture that in the presence of highly redundant data it should be possible to recover the scene structure by grouping together geometric primitives in a bottom-up manner. Oriented projective geometry will be used throughout this work, which allows to represent geometric primitives, such as points, lines and planes in 2d and 3d space as well as projective cameras, together with their uncertainty. The first major contribution of the work is the use of uncertain oriented projective geometry, rather than uncertain projective geometry, that enables the representation of more complex compound entities, such as line segments and polygons in 2d and 3d space as well as 2d edgels and 3d facets. Within the uncertain oriented projective framework a procedure is developed, which allows to test pairwise relations between the various uncertain oriented projective entities. Again, the novelty lies in the possibility to check relations between the novel compound entities. The second major contribution of the work is the development of a data structure, specifically designed to enable performing the tests between large numbers of entities in an efficient manner. Being able to efficiently test relations between the geometric entities, a framework for grouping those entities together is developed. Various different grouping methods are discussed. The third major contribution of this work is the development of a novel grouping method that by analyzing the entropy change incurred by incrementally adding observations into an estimation is able to balance efficiency against robustness in order to achieve better grouping results. Finally the applicability of the proposed representations, tests and grouping methods for the task of purely geometry based building reconstruction from oriented aerial images is demonstrated. It will be shown that in the presence of highly redundant datasets it is possible to achieve reasonable reconstruction results by grouping together geometric primitives.Gruppierung unsicherer orientierter projektiver geometrischer Elemente mit Anwendung in der automatischen Gebäuderekonstruktion Die vollautomatische Rekonstruktion von 3D Szenen aus einer Menge von 2D Bildern war immer ein Hauptanliegen in der Photogrammetrie und Computer Vision und wurde bisher noch nicht zufriedenstellend gelöst. Die meisten aktuellen Ansätze ordnen Merkmale zwischen den Bildern basierend auf radiometrischen Eigenschaften zu. Daran schließt sich dann eine Rekonstruktion auf der Basis der Bildgeometrie an. Die Motivation für diese Arbeit ist die These, dass es möglich sein sollte, die Struktur einer Szene durch Gruppierung geometrischer Primitive zu rekonstruieren, falls die Eingabedaten genügend redundant sind. Orientierte projektive Geometrie wird in dieser Arbeit zur Repräsentation geometrischer Primitive, wie Punkten, Linien und Ebenen in 2D und 3D sowie projektiver Kameras, zusammen mit ihrer Unsicherheit verwendet.Der erste Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Verwendung unsicherer orientierter projektiver Geometrie, anstatt von unsicherer projektiver Geometrie, welche die Repräsentation von komplexeren zusammengesetzten Objekten, wie Liniensegmenten und Polygonen in 2D und 3D sowie 2D Edgels und 3D Facetten, ermöglicht. Innerhalb dieser unsicheren orientierten projektiven Repräsentation wird ein Verfahren zum testen paarweiser Relationen zwischen den verschiedenen unsicheren orientierten projektiven geometrischen Elementen entwickelt. Dabei liegt die Neuheit wieder in der Möglichkeit, Relationen zwischen den neuen zusammengesetzten Elementen zu prüfen. Der zweite Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Datenstruktur, welche speziell auf die effiziente Prüfung von solchen Relationen zwischen vielen Elementen ausgelegt ist. Die Möglichkeit zur effizienten Prüfung von Relationen zwischen den geometrischen Elementen erlaubt nun die Entwicklung eines Systems zur Gruppierung dieser Elemente. Verschiedene Gruppierungsmethoden werden vorgestellt. Der dritte Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer neuen Gruppierungsmethode, die durch die Analyse der änderung der Entropie beim Hinzufügen von Beobachtungen in die Schätzung Effizienz und Robustheit gegeneinander ausbalanciert und dadurch bessere Gruppierungsergebnisse erzielt. Zum Schluss wird die Anwendbarkeit der vorgeschlagenen Repräsentationen, Tests und Gruppierungsmethoden für die ausschließlich geometriebasierte Gebäuderekonstruktion aus orientierten Luftbildern demonstriert. Es wird gezeigt, dass unter der Annahme von hoch redundanten Datensätzen vernünftige Rekonstruktionsergebnisse durch Gruppierung von geometrischen Primitiven erzielbar sind

    Hierarchically grouped 2D local features applied to edge contour localisation

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    One of the most significant research topics in computer vision is object detection. Most of the reported object detection results localise the detected object within a bounding box, but do not explicitly label the edge contours of the object. Since object contours provide a fundamental diagnostic of object shape, some researchers have initiated work on linear contour feature representations for object detection and localisation. However, linear contour feature-based localisation is highly dependent on the performance of linear contour detection within natural images, and this can be perturbed significantly by a cluttered background. In addition, the conventional approach to achieving rotation-invariant features is to rotate the feature receptive field to align with the local dominant orientation before computing the feature representation. Grid resampling after rotation adds extra computational cost and increases the total time consumption for computing the feature descriptor. Though it is not an expensive process if using current computers, it is appreciated that if each step of the implementation is faster to compute especially when the number of local features is increasing and the application is implemented on resource limited ”smart devices”, such as mobile phones, in real-time. Motivated by the above issues, a 2D object localisation system is proposed in this thesis that matches features of edge contour points, which is an alternative method that takes advantage of the shape information for object localisation. This is inspired by edge contour points comprising the basic components of shape contours. In addition, edge point detection is usually simpler to achieve than linear edge contour detection. Therefore, the proposed localization system could avoid the need for linear contour detection and reduce the pathological disruption from the image background. Moreover, since natural images usually comprise many more edge contour points than interest points (i.e. corner points), we also propose new methods to generate rotation-invariant local feature descriptors without pre-rotating the feature receptive field to improve the computational efficiency of the whole system. In detail, the 2D object localisation system is achieved by matching edge contour points features in a constrained search area based on the initial pose-estimate produced by a prior object detection process. The local feature descriptor obtains rotation invariance by making use of rotational symmetry of the hexagonal structure. Therefore, a set of local feature descriptors is proposed based on the hierarchically hexagonal grouping structure. Ultimately, the 2D object localisation system achieves a very promising performance based on matching the proposed features of edge contour points with the mean correct labelling rate of the edge contour points 0.8654 and the mean false labelling rate 0.0314 applied on the data from Amsterdam Library of Object Images (ALOI). Furthermore, the proposed descriptors are evaluated by comparing to the state-of-the-art descriptors and achieve competitive performances in terms of pose estimate with around half-pixel pose error

    Kernel and Classifier Level Fusion for Image Classification.

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    Automatic understanding of visual information is one of the main requirements for a complete artificial intelligence system and an essential component of autonomous robots. State-of-the-art image recognition approaches are based on different local descriptors, each capturing some properties of the image such as intensity, color and texture. Each set of local descriptors is represented by a codebook and gives rise to a separate feature channel. For classification the feature channels are combined by using multiple kernel learning (MKL), early fusion or classifier level fusion approaches. Due to the importance of complementary information in fusion techniques, there is an increasing demand for diverse feature channels. The first part of the thesis focuses on the ways to encode information from images that is complementary to the state-of-the-art local features. To address this issue we present a novel image representation which can encode the structure of an object and propose three descriptors based on this representation. In the state-of-the-art recognition system the kernels are often computed independently of each other and thus may be highly informative yet redundant. Proper selection and fusion of the kernels is, therefore, crucial to maximize the performance and to address the efficiency issues in visual recognition applications. We address this issue in second part of the thesis where, we propose novel techniques to fuse feature channels for object and pattern recognition. We present an extensive evaluation of the fusion methods on four object recognition datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results on all of them. We also present results on four bioinformatics datasets to demonstrate that the proposed fusion methods work for a variety of pattern recognition problems, provided that we have multiple feature channels

    Metadata assisted image segmentation

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2006. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    From uncertainty to adaptivity : multiscale edge detection and image segmentation

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    This thesis presents the research on two different tasks in computer vision: edge detection and image segmentation (including texture segmentation and motion field segmentation). The central issue of this thesis is the uncertainty of the joint space-frequency image analysis, which motivates the design of the adaptive multiscale/multiresolution schemes for edge detection and image segmentation. Edge detectors capture most of the local features in an image, including the object boundaries and the details of surface textures. Apart from these edge features, the region properties of surface textures and motion fields are also important for segmenting an image into disjoint regions. The major theoretical achievements of this thesis are twofold. First, a scale parameter for the local processing of an image (e.g. edge detection) is proposed. The corresponding edge behaviour in the scale space, referred to as Bounded Diffusion, is the basis of a multiscale edge detector where the scale is adjusted adaptively according to the local noise level. Second, an adaptive multiresolution clustering scheme is proposed for texture segmentation (referred to as Texture Focusing) and motion field segmentation. In this scheme, the central regions of homogeneous textures (motion fields) are analysed using coarse resolutions so as to achieve a better estimation of the textural content (optical flow), and the border region of a texture (motion field) is analysed using fine resolutions so as to achieve a better estimation of the boundary between textures (moving objects). Both of the above two achievements are the logical consequences of the uncertainty principle. Four algorithms, including a roof edge detector, a multiscale step edge detector, a texture segmentation scheme and a motion field segmentation scheme are proposed to address various aspects of edge detection and image segmentation. These algorithms have been implemented and extensively evaluated

    Free-hand Sketch Understanding and Analysis

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    PhDWith the proliferation of touch screens, sketching input has become popular among many software products. This phenomenon has stimulated a new round of boom in free-hand sketch research, covering topics like sketch recognition, sketch-based image retrieval, sketch synthesis and sketch segmentation. Comparing to previous sketch works, the newly proposed works are generally employing more complicated sketches and sketches in much larger quantity, thanks to the advancements in hardware. This thesis thus demonstrates some new works on free-hand sketches, presenting novel thoughts on aforementioned topics. On sketch recognition, Eitz et al. [32] are the first explorers, who proposed the large-scale TU-Berlin sketch dataset [32] that made sketch recognition possible. Following their work, we continue to analyze the dataset and find that the visual cue sparsity and internal structural complexity are the two biggest challenges for sketch recognition. Accordingly, we propose multiple kernel learning [45] to fuse multiple visual cues and star graph representation [12] to encode the structures of the sketches. With the new schemes, we have achieved significant improvement on recognition accuracy (from 56% to 65.81%). Experimental study on sketch attributes is performed to further boost sketch recognition performance and enable novel retrieval-by-attribute applications. For sketch-based image retrieval, we start by carefully examining the existing works. After looking at the big picture of sketch-based image retrieval, we highlight that studying the sketch’s ability to distinguish intra-category object variations should be the most promising direction to proceed on, and we define it as the fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval problem. Deformable part-based model which addresses object part details and object deformations is raised to tackle this new problem, and graph matching is employed to compute the similarity between deformable part-based models by matching the parts of different models. To evaluate this new problem, we combine the TU-Berlin sketch dataset and the PASCAL VOC photo dataset [36] to form a new challenging cross-domain dataset with pairwise sketch-photo similarity ratings, and our proposed method has shown promising results on this new dataset. Regarding sketch synthesis, we focus on the generating of real free-hand style sketches for general categories, as the closest previous work [8] only managed to show efficacy on a single category: human faces. The difficulties that impede sketch synthesis to reach other categories include the cluttered edges and diverse object variations due to deformation. To address those difficulties, we propose a deformable stroke model to form the sketch synthesis into a detection process, which is directly aiming at the cluttered background and the object variations. To alleviate the training of such a model, a perceptual grouping algorithm is further proposed that utilizes stroke length’s relationship to stroke semantics, stroke temporal order and Gestalt principles [58] to perform part-level sketch segmentation. The perceptual grouping provides semantic part-level supervision automatically for the deformable stroke model training, and an iterative learning scheme is introduced to gradually refine the supervision and the model training. With the learned deformable stroke models, sketches with distinct free-hand style can be generated for many categories

    Modelling Visual Objects Regardless of Depictive Style

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