78 research outputs found

    Blind Equalization and Channel Estimation in Coherent Optical Communications Using Variational Autoencoders

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    We investigate the potential of adaptive blind equalizers based on variational inference for carrier recovery in optical communications. These equalizers are based on a low-complexity approximation of maximum likelihood channel estimation. We generalize the concept of variational autoencoder (VAE) equalizers to higher order modulation formats encompassing probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS), ubiquitous in optical communications, oversampling at the receiver, and dual-polarization transmission. Besides black-box equalizers based on convolutional neural networks, we propose a model-based equalizer based on a linear butterfly filter and train the filter coefficients using the variational inference paradigm. As a byproduct, the VAE also provides a reliable channel estimation. We analyze the VAE in terms of performance and flexibility over a classical additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with inter-symbol interference (ISI) and over a dispersive linear optical dual-polarization channel. We show that it can extend the application range of blind adaptive equalizers by outperforming the state-of-the-art constant-modulus algorithm (CMA) for PCS for both fixed but also time-varying channels. The evaluation is accompanied with a hyperparameter analysis.Comment: Published (Open Access) in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Sep 202

    Unsupervised Massive MIMO Channel Estimation with Dual-Path Knowledge-Aware Auto-Encoders

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    In this paper, an unsupervised deep learning framework based on dual-path model-driven variational auto-encoders (VAE) is proposed for angle-of-arrivals (AoAs) and channel estimation in massive MIMO systems. Specifically designed for channel estimation, the proposed VAE differs from the original VAE in two aspects. First, the encoder is a dual-path neural network, where one path uses the received signal to estimate the path gains and path angles, and another uses the correlation matrix of the received signal to estimate AoAs. Second, the decoder has fixed weights that implement the signal propagation model, instead of learnable parameters. This knowledge-aware decoder forces the encoder to output meaningful physical parameters of interests (i.e., path gains, path angles, and AoAs), which cannot be achieved by original VAE. Rigorous analysis is carried out to characterize the multiple global optima and local optima of the estimation problem, which motivates the design of the dual-path encoder. By alternating between the estimation of path gains, path angles and the estimation of AoAs, the encoder is proved to converge. To further improve the convergence performance, a low-complexity procedure is proposed to find good initial points. Numerical results validate theoretical analysis and demonstrate the performance improvements of our proposed framework

    Semi-supervised MIMO Detection Using Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Network

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    In this paper, a new semi-supervised deep multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection approach using a cycle-consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN) is proposed for communication systems without any prior knowledge of underlying channel distributions. Specifically, we propose the CycleGAN detector by constructing a bidirectional loop of two modified least squares generative adversarial networks (LS-GAN). The forward LS-GAN learns to model the transmission process, while the backward LS-GAN learns to detect the received signals. By optimizing the cycle-consistency of the transmitted and received signals through this loop, the proposed method is trained online and semi-supervisedly using both the pilots and the received payload data. As such, the demand on labelled training dataset is considerably controlled, and thus the overhead is effectively reduced. Numerical results show that the proposed CycleGAN detector achieves better performance in terms of both bit error-rate (BER) and achievable rate than existing semi-blind deep learning (DL) detection methods as well as conventional linear detectors, especially when considering signal distortion due to the nonlinearity of power amplifiers (PA) at the transmitter

    Covert Communication in Autoencoder Wireless Systems

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    The broadcast nature of wireless communications presents security and privacy challenges. Covert communication is a wireless security practice that focuses on intentionally hiding transmitted information. Recently, wireless systems have experienced significant growth, including the emergence of autoencoder-based models. These models, like other DNN architectures, are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, highlighting the need to study their susceptibility to covert communication. While there is ample research on covert communication in traditional wireless systems, the investigation of autoencoder wireless systems remains scarce. Furthermore, many existing covert methods are either detectable analytically or difficult to adapt to diverse wireless systems. The first part of this thesis provides a comprehensive examination of autoencoder-based communication systems in various scenarios and channel conditions. It begins with an introduction to autoencoder communication systems, followed by a detailed discussion of our own implementation and evaluation results. This serves as a solid foundation for the subsequent part of the thesis, where we propose a GAN-based covert communication model. By treating the covert sender, covert receiver, and observer as generator, decoder, and discriminator neural networks, respectively, we conduct joint training in an adversarial setting to develop a covert communication scheme that can be integrated into any normal autoencoder. Our proposal minimizes the impact on ongoing normal communication, addressing previous works shortcomings. We also introduce a training algorithm that allows for the desired tradeoff between covertness and reliability. Numerical results demonstrate the establishment of a reliable and undetectable channel between covert users, regardless of the cover signal or channel condition, with minimal disruption to the normal system operation

    Deep Learning Based Physical-Layer Receiver With Pre-Denoise

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    Traditional physical-layer receivers are typically composed of step-by-step serial processing modules heavily relying on complex hardware implementations and algorithms, where the optimal global performance cannot be guaranteed. In addition, system noise degrades the reliability of each module, resulting in the cumulative effect of errors. In this correspondence, we proposes a novel intelligent receiver consisting of a pre-denoised network and a stacked long-short term memory (LSTM) network to achieve more reliable information recovery. Specifically, the residual convolutional neural network (CNN) is employed to extract time-frequency characteristics of noise to denoise preprocessing, and then we utilize the stacked LSTM network to recover the information. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can archive a bit error rate (BER) performance close to the ideal maximum likelihood algorithm and outperform the baselines
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