1,075 research outputs found

    Two Time Point MS Lesion Segmentation in Brain MRI:An Expectation-Maximization Framework

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    Purpose: Lesion volume is a meaningful measure in multiple sclerosis (MS) prognosis. Manual lesion segmentation for computing volume in a single or multiple time points is time consuming and suffers from intra and inter-observer variability. Methods: In this paper, we present MSmetrix-long: a joint expectation-maximization (EM) framework for two time point white matter (WM) lesion segmentation. MSmetrix-long takes as input a 3D T1-weighted and a 3D FLAIR MR image and segments lesions in three steps: (1) cross-sectional lesion segmentation of the two time points; (2) creation of difference image, which is used to model the lesion evolution; (3) a joint EM lesion segmentation framework that uses output of step (1) and step (2) to provide the final lesion segmentation. The accuracy (Dice score) and reproducibility (absolute lesion volume difference) of MSmetrix-long is evaluated using two datasets. Results: On the first dataset, the median Dice score between MSmetrix-long and expert lesion segmentation was 0.63 and the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) was equal to 0.96. On the second dataset, the median absolute volume difference was 0.11 ml. Conclusions: MSmetrix-long is accurate and consistent in segmenting MS lesions. Also, MSmetrix-long compares favorably with the publicly available longitudinal MS lesion segmentation algorithm of Lesion Segmentation Toolbox

    HACA3: A Unified Approach for Multi-site MR Image Harmonization

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    The lack of standardization is a prominent issue in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. This often causes undesired contrast variations due to differences in hardware and acquisition parameters. In recent years, MR harmonization using image synthesis with disentanglement has been proposed to compensate for the undesired contrast variations. Despite the success of existing methods, we argue that three major improvements can be made. First, most existing methods are built upon the assumption that multi-contrast MR images of the same subject share the same anatomy. This assumption is questionable since different MR contrasts are specialized to highlight different anatomical features. Second, these methods often require a fixed set of MR contrasts for training (e.g., both Tw-weighted and T2-weighted images must be available), which limits their applicability. Third, existing methods generally are sensitive to imaging artifacts. In this paper, we present a novel approach, Harmonization with Attention-based Contrast, Anatomy, and Artifact Awareness (HACA3), to address these three issues. We first propose an anatomy fusion module that enables HACA3 to respect the anatomical differences between MR contrasts. HACA3 is also robust to imaging artifacts and can be trained and applied to any set of MR contrasts. Experiments show that HACA3 achieves state-of-the-art performance under multiple image quality metrics. We also demonstrate the applicability of HACA3 on downstream tasks with diverse MR datasets acquired from 21 sites with different field strengths, scanner platforms, and acquisition protocols

    Improved inter-scanner MS lesion segmentation by adversarial training on longitudinal data

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    The evaluation of white matter lesion progression is an important biomarker in the follow-up of MS patients and plays a crucial role when deciding the course of treatment. Current automated lesion segmentation algorithms are susceptible to variability in image characteristics related to MRI scanner or protocol differences. We propose a model that improves the consistency of MS lesion segmentations in inter-scanner studies. First, we train a CNN base model to approximate the performance of icobrain, an FDA-approved clinically available lesion segmentation software. A discriminator model is then trained to predict if two lesion segmentations are based on scans acquired using the same scanner type or not, achieving a 78% accuracy in this task. Finally, the base model and the discriminator are trained adversarially on multi-scanner longitudinal data to improve the inter-scanner consistency of the base model. The performance of the models is evaluated on an unseen dataset containing manual delineations. The inter-scanner variability is evaluated on test-retest data, where the adversarial network produces improved results over the base model and the FDA-approved solution.Comment: MICCAI BrainLes 2019 Worksho

    A large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of white matter hyperintensity

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    Precise detection and quantification of white matter hyperintensity (WMH) is of great interest in studies of neurological and vascular disorders. In this work, we propose a novel method for automatic WMH segmentation with both supervised and semi-supervised large margin algorithms provided by the framework. The proposed algorithms optimize a kernel based max-margin objective function which aims to maximize the margin between inliers and outliers. We show that the semi-supervised learning problem can be formulated to learn a classifier and label assignment simultaneously, which can be solved efficiently by an iterative algorithm. The model is learned first via the supervised approach and then fine-tuned on a target image by using the semi-supervised algorithm. We evaluate our method on 88 brain fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance (MR) images from subjects with vascular disease. Quantitative evaluation of the proposed approach shows that it outperforms other well known methods for WMH segmentation

    Test-time Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    Convolutional neural networks trained on publicly available medical imaging datasets (source domain) rarely generalise to different scanners or acquisition protocols (target domain). This motivates the active field of domain adaptation. While some approaches to the problem require labeled data from the target domain, others adopt an unsupervised approach to domain adaptation (UDA). Evaluating UDA methods consists of measuring the model's ability to generalise to unseen data in the target domain. In this work, we argue that this is not as useful as adapting to the test set directly. We therefore propose an evaluation framework where we perform test-time UDA on each subject separately. We show that models adapted to a specific target subject from the target domain outperform a domain adaptation method which has seen more data of the target domain but not this specific target subject. This result supports the thesis that unsupervised domain adaptation should be used at test-time, even if only using a single target-domain subjectComment: Accepted at MICCAI 202
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