440 research outputs found

    Review on Automatic Face Naming by Learning Discriminative Affinity Matrices from Weakly Labeled Images

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    Given a set of pictures, wherever every image contains many faces and is related to a number of names within the corresponding caption, the goal of face naming is to give the right name for every face. During this paper, we tend to propose 2 new ways to effectively solve this downside by learning 2 discriminative affinity matrices from these labeled  pictures. we tend to first propose a replacement methodology referred to as regular low-rank illustration by effectively utilizing  supervised data to be told a low-rank reconstruction constant matrix whereas exploring multiple topological space structures of the information. Specifically, by introducing a specially designed regularizer to the low-rank illustration methodology, we tend to penalise the corresponding reconstruction coefficients associated with the things wherever a face is reconstructed by exploitation face pictures from alternative subjects or by exploitation itself. With the inferred reconstruction constant matrix, a discriminative affinity matrix is often obtained. Moreover, we tend to conjointly develop a replacement distance metric learning methodology referred to as equivocally supervised structural metric learning by exploitation feeble supervised data to hunt a discriminative distance metric. Hence, another discriminative affinity matrix are often obtained exploitation the similarity matrix (i.e., the kernel matrix) supported the Mahalanobis distances of the information. Perceptive that these 2 affinity matrices contain complementary data, we tend to mix those to get a consolidated affinity matrix supported that we tend to develop a replacement reiterative theme to infer the name of every face. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. General TermsAffinity matrix, caption-based face naming

    Labeling Faces Victimization Bunch Primarily Based Internet Pictures Annotation to Produce Authentication in Security

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    Auto face annotation is important in abounding absolute apple advice administration systems. Face tagging in images and videos enjoys abounding abeyant applications in multimedia advice retrieval. Face comment is a meadow of face apprehension and recognition. Mining abominably labeled facial images on the internet shows abeyant classic appear auto face annotation. This blazon of classic motivates the new assay botheration of defended authentication. The ambition of the arrangement is to comment disregarded faces in images and videos with the words that best alarm the image. A framework called seek based face comment (SBFA) provides the way to abundance abominably labeled facial images. Facial images that are accessible on Apple Wide Web (WWW) or the angel database created by the aegis administration can be annotated. A one arduous botheration with the seek based face comment arrangement is how finer accomplish comment by advertisement agnate facial images and their anemic labels which are blatant and incomplete. To affected this botheration proposed admission uses unsupervised characterization clarification (ULR) to clarify the labels of web facial images. To acceleration up the proposed arrangement a absorption based approximation algorithm is used. Uses of comment will advice for user to seek admiration angel and video. As well if arrangement gets implemented in amusing arrangement again it will affected the check of accepted absolute arrangement which tags manually

    TAG ME: An Accurate Name Tagging System for Web Facial Images using Search-Based Face Annotation

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    Now a day the demand of social media is increases rapidly and most of the part of social media is made up of multimedia content cognate as images, audio, video. Hence for taking this as a motivation we have proffer a framework for Name tagging or labeling For Web Facial Images, which are easily obtainable on the internet. TAG ME system does that name tagging by utilizing search-based face annotation (SBFA). Here we are going to select an image from a database which are weakly labeled on the internet and the "TAG ME" assign a correct and accurate names or tags to that facial image, for doing this a few challenges have to be faced the One exigent difficulty for search-based face annotation strategy is how to effectually conduct annotation by utilizing the list of nearly all identical face images and its labels which is weak that are habitually rowdy and deficient. In TAGME we have resolve this problem by utilizing an effectual semi supervised label refinement (SSLR) method for purify the labels of web and nonweb facial images with the help of machine learning techniques. Secondly we used convex optimization techniques to resolve learning problem and used effectual optimization algorithms to resolve the learning task which is based on the large scale integration productively. For additionally quicken the given system, finally TAGME system proposed clustering-based approximation algorithm which boost the scalability considerably

    Media justice: Madeleine McCann, intermediatization and "trial by media" in the British press

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    Three-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared on 3 May 2007 from a holiday apartment in Portugal. Over five years and multiple investigations that failed to solve this abducted child case, Madeleine and her parents were subject to a process of relentless ‘intermediatization’. Across 24–7 news coverage, websites, documentaries, films, YouTube videos, books, magazines, music and artworks, Madeleine was a mediagenic image of innocence and a lucrative story. In contrast to Madeleine’s media sacralization, the representation of her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, fluctuated between periods of vociferous support and prolonged and libellous ‘trial by media’. This article analyses how the global intermediatization of the ‘Maddie Mystery’ fed into and fuelled the ‘trial by media’ of Kate and Gerry McCann in the UK press. Our theorization of ‘trial by media’ is developed and refined through considering its legal limitations in an era of ‘attack journalism’ and unprecedented official UK inquiries into press misconduct and criminality

    Deep Heterogeneous Hashing for Face Video Retrieval

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    Retrieving videos of a particular person with face image as a query via hashing technique has many important applications. While face images are typically represented as vectors in Euclidean space, characterizing face videos with some robust set modeling techniques (e.g. covariance matrices as exploited in this study, which reside on Riemannian manifold), has recently shown appealing advantages. This hence results in a thorny heterogeneous spaces matching problem. Moreover, hashing with handcrafted features as done in many existing works is clearly inadequate to achieve desirable performance for this task. To address such problems, we present an end-to-end Deep Heterogeneous Hashing (DHH) method that integrates three stages including image feature learning, video modeling, and heterogeneous hashing in a single framework, to learn unified binary codes for both face images and videos. To tackle the key challenge of hashing on the manifold, a well-studied Riemannian kernel mapping is employed to project data (i.e. covariance matrices) into Euclidean space and thus enables to embed the two heterogeneous representations into a common Hamming space, where both intra-space discriminability and inter-space compatibility are considered. To perform network optimization, the gradient of the kernel mapping is innovatively derived via structured matrix backpropagation in a theoretically principled way. Experiments on three challenging datasets show that our method achieves quite competitive performance compared with existing hashing methods.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP) 201

    Corpus selection

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    Entregable del proyecto Collaborative Annotation of multi-MOdal, MultI-Lingual and multi-mEdia documents. This document describes the different corpora that will be used during the Camomile projectPeer ReviewedPreprin

    Deep Feature Representation and Similarity Matrix based Noise Label Refinement Method for Efficient Face Annotation

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    Face annotation is a naming procedure that assigns the correct name to a person emerging from an image. Faces that are manually annotated by people in online applications include incorrect labels, giving rise to the issue of label ambiguity. This may lead to mislabelling in face annotation. Consequently, an efficient method is still essential to enhance the reliability of face annotation. Hence, in this work, a novel method named the Similarity Matrix-based Noise Label Refinement (SMNLR) is proposed, which effectively predicts the accurate label from the noisy labelled facial images. To enhance the performance of the proposed method, the deep learning technique named Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is used for feature representation. Several experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed face annotation method using the LFW, IMFDB and Yahoo datasets. The experimental results clearly illustrate the robustness of the proposed SMNLR method in dealing with noisy labelled faces

    Bias in Deep Learning and Applications to Face Analysis

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    Deep learning has fostered the progress in the field of face analysis, resulting in the integration of these models in multiple aspects of society. Even though the majority of research has focused on optimizing standard evaluation metrics, recent work has exposed the bias of such algorithms as well as the dangers of their unaccountable utilization.n this thesis, we explore the bias of deep learning models in the discriminative and the generative setting. We begin by investigating the bias of face analysis models with regards to different demographics. To this end, we collect KANFace, a large-scale video and image dataset of faces captured ``in-the-wild’'. The rich set of annotations allows us to expose the demographic bias of deep learning models, which we mitigate by utilizing adversarial learning to debias the deep representations. Furthermore, we explore neural augmentation as a strategy towards training fair classifiers. We propose a style-based multi-attribute transfer framework that is able to synthesize photo-realistic faces of the underrepresented demographics. This is achieved by introducing a multi-attribute extension to Adaptive Instance Normalisation that captures the multiplicative interactions between the representations of different attributes. Focusing on bias in gender recognition, we showcase the efficacy of the framework in training classifiers that are more fair compared to generative and fairness-aware methods.In the second part, we focus on bias in deep generative models. In particular, we start by studying the generalization of generative models on images of unseen attribute combinations. To this end, we extend the conditional Variational Autoencoder by introducing a multilinear conditioning framework. The proposed method is able to synthesize unseen attribute combinations by modeling the multiplicative interactions between the attributes. Lastly, in order to control protected attributes, we investigate controlled image generation without training on a labelled dataset. We leverage pre-trained Generative Adversarial Networks that are trained in an unsupervised fashion and exploit the clustering that occurs in the representation space of intermediate layers of the generator. We show that these clusters capture semantic attribute information and condition image synthesis on the cluster assignment using Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation.Open Acces
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