114 research outputs found

    Dynamic behavior of bridge structures under moving loads and masses using differential quadrature method

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    The current study is focused on the dynamic behavior of an idealized highway bridge structure subjected to moving heavy vehicular loads using simplified representative models such as Euler beams and Kirchhoff plates. The study also successfully implemented the application of a numerical procedure called Differential Quadrature Method (DQM) to solve transient dynamic systems using conventional and generalized DQ schemes. A semi-analytical (modal method) DQ procedure proved computationally very effective to study the vehicle-bridge dynamic system.Three types of models were used to represent the vehicle-bridge system i.e. moving force, moving mass and moving oscillator systems. The dynamic behavior of the vehicle-bridge system is discussed with reference to vehicle speed, damping characteristics of the bridge, vehicle to bridge frequency ratio, vehicle to bridge mass ratio for a single axle load system, including inter-load spacing for a two axle load system. The dynamic amplification factor (DAF), characterizing the dynamic behavior of a bridge structure, was found to increase with the speed of moving vehicles. The vehicle-bridge dynamic behavior is unclear in the low speed parameter range to sufficiently address the differences in the moving force, moving mass and moving oscillator models. For a single axle load system with speed parameters ranging above 0.1, the moving mass model appeared conservative with higher DAF's, the moving oscillator yielded reduced DAF's and the moving force model predicted DAF's in between the above models. However, for a two axle load system with speed parameters ranging above 0.1, a moving oscillator model predicted higher dynamic responses than a corresponding moving force model

    Improved Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Modeling and Automation of Bridge System Identification Techniques

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    The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recognizes the necessity for cost-effective and practical system identification (SI) techniques within structural health monitoring (SHM) frameworks for asset management applications. Indirect health monitoring (IHM), a promising SHM approach, utilizes accelerometer-equipped vehicles to measure bridge modal properties (e.g., natural frequencies, damping ratios, mode shapes) through bridge vibration data to assess the bridge\u27s condition. However, engineers and researchers often encounter noise from road roughness, environmental factors, and vehicular components in collected vehicle signals. This noise contaminates the vehicle signal with spurious modes corresponding to stochastic frequencies, impacting damage monitoring assessments. Thus, an efficient and reliable SI technique is required to process vehicle signals and extract bridge features effectively before practical deployment. To achieve this, vehicle-bridge interaction (VBI) models are often developed to simulate physical data for either initial verification of SI methodologies or for use in a model-updating algorithm to determine the bridge modal properties by tuning the model to the physical data. Common steps in the SI process include signal processing of the raw data, operational modal analysis (OMA), and leveraging machine learning (ML). This dissertation proposes a framework for efficient creation of VBI models using commercial code, develops an autonomous SI technique (APPVMD) to extract bridge frequencies from passing vehicles, provides guidelines for improving bridge frequency extraction with multi-vehicle scenarios via an extensive analytical study, demonstrates the need for improved methodologies for simulating road surface roughness effects in VBI models via comparison with physical data, and provides a substantial archive of test data and models that can be leveraged in future studies (road surface profiles using laser profilometers and vehicle acceleration data from four-post shaker testing with the associated vehicle model). The work encompasses four major studies aimed at achieving these research objectives. The first study presents a computationally efficient VBI modeling framework in commercial finite element (FE) software (Abaqus) requiring minimal user coding, suitable for industrial and research communities. The framework\u27s dynamic response is verified using literature data, and a damage modeling methodology is proposed to extend the framework to SHM applications with SI techniques in IHM. In the second study, an autonomous peak-picking variational mode decomposition (APPVMD) framework is introduced to enhance scalability in SI techniques for the IHM of a bridge network. APPVMD leverages signal processing techniques and heuristic models to autonomously extract bridge frequencies from vehicle acceleration responses without prior information or model-informed training. The framework is tested on different vehicles and bridge classes to assess its feasibility, achieving successful bridge frequency extractions in many cases. In the third study, an extensive parametric study is undertaken to determine if multiple vehicle scenarios would enhance bridge frequency identification and what vehicle types and driving speeds would be most effective. Four vehicles are considered representative of true vehicle properties found in the literature, and six bridges are taken from physical bridge data, including drawings obtained from both the literature and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). The study unveils interesting phenomena regarding the complex interaction between vehicles and bridges, performs brief case studies to improve bridge frequency extractions further, and proposes guidelines that researchers and engineers can follow when preparing to collect acceleration data from vehicles for bridge SI. The fourth study presents preliminary work to experimentally show that current methodologies for representing road surface roughness effects are insufficient. First, a vehicle model is developed to include road surface roughness effects and compared with experimental data collected in a previous study at Clemson University. The results suggest that commonly referenced roughness factors in the literature underestimate road surface roughness effects while inputting the average values based on road class from the ISO-8608 standard tends to exaggerate road surface roughness effects. A moving-average filter (MAF) was found to help attenuate noise but requires appropriate parameter selection. Recommendations for improving road surface roughness modeling in VBI problems are provided. Further work is conducted on a BMW 535 Xi with enhanced ride quality, including verification exercises using a four-post shaker and extensive road tests for real-life road roughness measurements during driving. The study concludes with the suggested path forward for utilizing collected data. It suggests additional tests that can unveil the tire behavior during road tests to compute the transfer function between the road surface roughness and the unsprung masses in VBI models. This dissertation concludes by summarizing the contributions made to the field IHM of bridges and outlines the next steps for future research

    Dynamic analysis of pre-stressed elastic beams under moving mass using different beam models

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    This study presents dynamic analysis of pre-stressed elastic beams under the action of moving mass loads by using Bernoulli-Euler, Rayleigh, and shear beam models. It is assumed the mass moves with a constant speed and is in continuous contact with the beam during its motion. Discrete equations of motion with time-dependent coefficients are obtained by using the assumed mode method for each beam models considered. Numerical calculations are made by Newmark method to obtain dynamic response of the beam. Effects of the pre-stressing force, rotatory inertia and transverse shear on the results for the dynamic deflection and bending moment of the beam and the interaction force between the mass and the beam are studied by depending on mass weight and speed of the moving mass

    Design and development of a quarter car test rig

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come obiettivo la progettazione di un banco prova per un quarto di veicolo e la realizzazione di un generatore di segnale in grado di inviare segnali di ingresso ad un attuatore idraulico il quale sarà utilizzato per eccitare la ruota in modo da simulare il profilo stradale. La fase di progettazione è stata svolta utilizzando il software Solidworks. In seguito sono state eseguite simulazioni per l’analisi strutturale e di frequenza di alcune parti del banco tramite l’utilizzo del software Ansys. Terminata la fase di progetto, il modello Solidworks è stato importato in ambiente Simulink utilizzando i blocchi di modellazione della piattaforma Simscape/SimMechanics, in modo da effettuare un'analisi dinamica del modello. L’ultima parte dello studio riguarda la realizzazione di un generatore di segnale in grado di ricevere il segnale di feedback proveniente dal servo controller dell’attuatore. Il generatore è stato realizzato utilizzando il micro controllore Arduino Uno. Tale dispositivo, grazie alle sue potenzialità, ha permesso la generazione di un segnale sinusoidale a diverse ampiezza e frequenze in modo da coprirne un certo campo di valori in base alla richiesta. Inoltre tale sistema è in grado di ricevere il segnale di feedback dal servo controller dello shaker in modo tale da leggerne il valore e monitorarlo in tempo reale sul PC. I risultati di questo studio mostrano che il Quarter car test rig progettato è una piattaforma in grado di studiare il comportamento dinamico dei sistemi sospensivi, la cui struttura si rende capace di poter testare diverse tipologie di sospensioni e pesi di veicolo, rappresentando un solido punto di partenza per una futura realizzazione fisica del banco

    Simulation of vertical dynamic vehicle–track interaction using a two-dimensional slab track model

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    The vertical dynamic interaction between a railway vehicle anda slab track is simulated in the time domain using an extendedstate-space vector approach in combination with a complex-valuedmodal superposition technique for the linear, time-invariant andtwo-dimensional track model. Wheel–rail contact forces, bendingmoments in the concrete panel and load distributions on the supportingfoundation are evaluated. Two generic slab track modelsincluding one or two layers of concrete slabs are presented.The upper layer containing the discrete slab panels is describedby decoupled beams of finite length, while the lower layer isa continuous beam. Both the rail and concrete layers are modelledusing Rayleigh–Timoshenko beam theory. Rail receptances forthe two slab track models are compared with the receptance ofa traditional ballasted track. The described procedure is demonstratedby two application examples involving: (i) the periodicresponse due to the rail seat passing frequency as influenced bythe vehicle speed and a foundation stiffness gradient and (ii) thetransient response due to a local rail irregularity (dipped weldedjoint)

    Combined Time and Frequency Domain Approaches to the Operational Identification of Vehicle Suspension Systems

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    This research is an investigation into the identification of vehicle suspension systems from measured operational data. Methods of identifying unknown parameter values in dynamic models, from experimental data, are of considerable interest in practice. Much of the focus has been on the identification of mechanical systems when both force and response data are obtainable. In recent years a number of researchers have turned their focus to the identification of mechanical systems in the absence of a measured input force. This work presents a combined time and frequency domain approach to the identification of vehicle suspension parameters using operational measurements. An end– to–end approach is taken to the problem which involves a combination of focused experimental design, well established force–response testing methods and vehicle suspension experimental testing and simulation. A quarter car suspension test rig is designed and built to facilitate experimental suspension system testing. A novel shock absorber force measurement set–up is developed allowing the measurement of shock absorber force under both isolated and operational testing conditions. The quarter car rig is first disassembled and its major components identified in isolation using traditional force–response testing methods. This forms the basis for the development of an accurate nonlinear simulation of the quarter car test rig. A comprehensive understanding of the quarter car experimental test rig dynamics is obtained before operational identification is implemented. This provides a means of validating the suspension parameters obtained using operational testing methods. A new approach to the operational identification of suspension system parameters is developed. The approach is first developed under controlled simulated conditions before being applied to the operational identification of the quarter car experimental test rig. A combination of time and frequency domain methods are used to extract sprung mass, linear stiffness and nonlinear damping model parameters from the quarter car experimental test rig. Component parameters identified under operational conditions show excellent agreement with those identified under isolated laboratory conditions

    Railway-induced ground vibrations – a review of vehicle effects

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    This paper is a review of the effect of vehicle characteristics on ground- and track borne-vibrations from railways. It combines traditional theory with modern thinking and uses a range of numerical analysis and experimental results to provide a broad analysis of the subject area. First, the effect of different train types on vibration propagation is investigated. Then, despite not being the focus of this work, numerical approaches to vibration propagation modelling within the track and soil are briefly touched upon. Next an in-depth discussion is presented related to the evolution of numerical models, with analysis of the suitability of various modelling approaches for analysing vehicle effects. The differences between quasi-static and dynamic characteristics are also discussed with insights into defects such as wheel/rail irregularities. Additionally, as an appendix, a modest database of train types are presented along with detailed information related to their physical attributes. It is hoped that this information may provide assistance to future researchers attempting to simulate railway vehicle vibrations. It is concluded that train type and the contact conditions at the wheel/rail interface can be influential in the generation of vibration. Therefore, where possible, when using numerical approach, the vehicle should be modelled in detail. Additionally, it was found that there are a wide variety of modelling approaches capable of simulating train types effects. If non-linear behaviour needs to be included in the model, then time domain simulations are preferable, however if the system can be assumed linear then frequency domain simulations are suitable due to their reduced computational demand

    Modelling chassis flexibility in vehicle dynamics simulation

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    This thesis deals with the development of advanced mathematical models for the assessment of the influence of chassis flexibility on vehicle handling qualities. A review of the literature relevant to the subject is presented and discussed in the first part of the thesis. A preliminary model that includes chassis flexibility is then developed and employed for a first assessment of the significance of chassis flexibility. In the second part of the thesis a symbolic multibody library for vehicle dynamics simulations is introduced. This library constitutes the basis for the development of an advanced 14-degrees-of-freedom vehicle model that includes chassis flexibility. The model is then demonstrated using a set of data relative to a real vehicle. Finally, simulation results are discussed and conclusions are presented. The advanced model fully exploits a novel multibody formulation which represent the kinematics and the dynamics of the system with a level of accuracy which is typical of numeric multibody models while retaining the benefits of purpose-developed hand- derived models. More specifically, a semi-recursive formulation, a velocity projection technique and a symbolic development are, for the first time, coupled with flexible body modelling. The effect of chassis flexibility on vehicle handling is observed through the analysis of open- and closed-loop manoeuvres. Results show that chassis flexibility induces variations of lateral load transfer distribution and suspension kinematics that sensibly affect the steady-state behaviour of the vehicle. Further effects on dynamic response and high-speed stability are demonstrated. Also, optimal control theory is employed to demonstrate the existence of a strict correlation between chassis flexibility and driver behaviour. The research yields new insights into the dynamics of vehicles with a flexible chassis and highlights critical aspects of chassis design. Although the focus is on sports and race cars, both the modelling approach and the results can be extended to other vehicles.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo