22 research outputs found

    An Experimental Distributed Framework for Distributed Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is widely used in applications such as rescue, navigation, semantic mapping, augmented reality and home entertainment applications. Most of these applications would do better if multiple devices are used in a distributed setting. The distributed SLAM research would benefit if there is a framework where the complexities of network communication is already handled. In this paper we introduce such framework utilizing open source Robot Operating System (ROS) and VirtualBox virtualization software. Furthermore, we describe a way to measure communication statistics of the distributed SLAM system

    A Real-Time Robust SLAM for Large-Scale Outdoor Environments

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    International audienceThe problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is still a challenging issue in large-scale unstructured dynamic environments. In this paper, we introduce a real-time reliable SLAM solution with the capability of closing the loop using exclusive laser data. In our algorithm, a universal motion model is presented for initial pose estimation. To further refine robot pose, we propose a novel progressive refining strategy using a pyramid grid-map based on Maximum Likelihood mapping framework. We demonstrate the success of our algorithm in experimental result by building a consistent map along a 1.2 km loop trajectory (an area about 100,000 m2) in an increasingly unstructured outdoor environment, with people and other clutter in real time

    New framework for simultaneous localization and mapping: Multi map SLAM

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    The main contribution of this paper arises from the development of a new framework, which has its inspiration in the mechanics of human navigation, for solving the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). The proposed framework has specific relevance to vision based SLAM, in particular, small baseline stereo vision based SLAM and addresses several key issues relevant to the particular sensor domain. Firstly, as observed in the authors' earlier work, the particular sensing device has a highly nonlinear observation model resulting in inconsistent state estimations when standard recursive estimators such as the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) or the Unscented variants are used. Secondly, vision based approaches tend to have issues related to large feature density, narrow field of view and the potential requirement of maintaining large databases for vision based data association techniques. The proposed Multi Map SLAM solution addresses the filter inconsistency issue by formulating the SLAM problem as a nonlinear batch optimization. Feature management is addressed through a two tier map representation. The two maps have unique attributes assigned to them. The Global Map (GM) is a compact global representation of the robots environment and the Local Map (LM) is exclusively used for low-level navigation between local points in the robot's navigation horizon. ©2008 IEEE

    A Novel Combined SLAM Based on RBPF-SLAM and EIF-SLAM for Mobile System Sensing in a Large Scale Environment

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    Mobile autonomous systems are very important for marine scientific investigation and military applications. Many algorithms have been studied to deal with the computational efficiency problem required for large scale Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and its related accuracy and consistency. Among these methods, submap-based SLAM is a more effective one. By combining the strength of two popular mapping algorithms, the Rao-Blackwellised particle filter (RBPF) and extended information filter (EIF), this paper presents a Combined SLAM—an efficient submap-based solution to the SLAM problem in a large scale environment. RBPF-SLAM is used to produce local maps, which are periodically fused into an EIF-SLAM algorithm. RBPF-SLAM can avoid linearization of the robot model during operating and provide a robust data association, while EIF-SLAM can improve the whole computational speed, and avoid the tendency of RBPF-SLAM to be over-confident. In order to further improve the computational speed in a real time environment, a binary-tree-based decision-making strategy is introduced. Simulation experiments show that the proposed Combined SLAM algorithm significantly outperforms currently existing algorithms in terms of accuracy and consistency, as well as the computing efficiency. Finally, the Combined SLAM algorithm is experimentally validated in a real environment by using the Victoria Park dataset

    2D SLAM Correction Prediction in Large Scale Urban Environments

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    International audienceSimultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) is one of the major bricks needed to build truly autonomous mobile robots. The probabilistic formulation of SLAM is based on two models: the motion model and the observation model. In practice, these models, together with the SLAM map representation, do not model perfectly the robot's real dynamics, the sensor measurement errors and the environment. Consequently, systematic errors affect SLAM estimations. In this paper, we propose two approaches to predict corrections to be applied to SLAM estimations. Both are based on the Ensemble Multilayer Perceptron model. The first approach uses successive estimated poses to predict the errors, with no assumptions on the underlying SLAM process or sensor used. The second method is specific to 2D likelihood SLAM approaches, thus, the likelihood distributions are used to predict the corrections, making this second approach independent of the sensor used. We also build a hybrid correction module based on successive estimated poses and the likelihood distributions. The validity of both approaches is evaluated through two experiments using different evaluation metrics and sensor configurations