23,802 research outputs found

    Trends of Palestinian Higher Educational Institutions in Gaza Strip as Learning Organizations

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    The research aims to identify the trends of Palestinian higher educational institutions in Gaza Strip as learning organizations from the perspective of senior management in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) employees from the Palestinian universities was selected and the recovery rate was (69.2%). Statistical analysis (SPSS) program was used for analysis and processing the data. The study found the following results: There is an agreement about: the importance of the focus of "organizational structure" with an average approval, the importance of "technological infrastructure" axis with high approval, and the importance of "strategic" with an average approval. The results concluded that the study sample agree on the importance of "organizational dimension" highly. The results showed that the sample believe that the "strategic leadership" level in the universities got medium-approval. There is a fair level agreement about the axis of interest "teams / committees". There is an agreement about the importance of the "human dimension" moderately. The results showed that the sample is highly agreed about the importance of focus of the "knowledge management", and the focus of the "continuing education". They agreed weakly to somewhat about the importance of the focus of "scientific research", moderately agree about the importance of the center of "institutional culture", agree moderately on the importance of "cognitive dimension". The results showed that the sample largely agree on the importance of the focus of "strategic partnerships and alliances". They agree highly on the axis "keep up with the labor market" and on the focus of the importance of "technology incubators". The results showed that the sample moderately agree about the importance of the theme on "consulting and training", the importance of the focus of "social responsibility", and the focus of the "Community dimension". The study found a group of recommendations including: there is a need to provide suitable environment that achieve learning organizations. There is a need to develop the technological infrastructure (hardware, software, networks, databases, and human skills) because of the great advantages that they offer. The universities need to adopt knowledge management in the academic and administrative departments because knowledge is the core of the work of these departments. The establishment of technology incubators in universities to adopt outstanding university research projects, to protect, to supports, and to market them; furthermore, to develop the capabilities and skills of employees in the field of information technology

    Learning Organizations and Their Role in Achieving Organizational Excellence in the Palestinian Universities

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    The research aims to identify the learning organizations and their role in achieving organizational excellence in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) workers from the Palestinian universities was selected and the recovery rate was (69.2%). Statistical analysis (SPSS) program was used for analysis and processing the data. The research found the following results: there is a fair degree of approval on "cognitive dimension", there is a high approval about the importance of "organizational dimension", there is moderately consent of the importance of "Community dimension", there is a large degree of consent about the importance of axis of the "leadership excellence", there is a large degree of consent about the importance of axis of the "service-excellence", there is a fair degree approval about the importance of the axis of "cognitive excellence", and there is a moderately consent of the importance of "Organizational Excellence". The research found a group of recommendations including: the need to develop appropriate strategies for the University, employ modern technology in information systems, in addition to provide appropriate environment that achieve learning organizations, develop technological infrastructure, adopt universities for knowledge management in the academic and administrative departments because knowledge is the core of the work of these departments, create technological incubators in universities to adopt excellence academic research projects, and protected them, support them, and market them. Establishing of centers of excellence for scientific research in the university.The need for cooperation and coordination between local, Arab and international universities for the exchange of knowledge, information, and participation programs and training courses, as it provides an opportunity to develop the capabilities and skills of personnel and expertise

    Intellectual property as complex innovation projects component

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    The materials presented the possibilities development of intellectual property complex innovation projects modern highly effective science-based problems of improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise that can provide all its energy needs alone. Some features of the possibilities of solving evidence-based problems of development of mechanisms for identifying syner-gistic processes, their scientific justification improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise. The problem of wastes utilization and recycling is present as complex synergetic processes research and analysis of energy- and resource saving process-es for treatment of polymer wastes of various origin. The research focused on the study of issues such as the development of models of waste-modifying polymer. The investigation are focused in researching such problems as selection of scientific based methods of wastes to be utilized or recycled; the development of appropriated process flow sheets and choice of modifications additives and equipment for polymers waste recycling. The choice of appropriate plants with selected energy resources is very important for projects realization

    Intellectual property as complex innovation projects component

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    The materials presented the possibilities development of intellectual property complex innovation projects modern highly effective science-based problems of improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise that can provide all its energy needs alone. Some features of the possibilities of solving evidence-based problems of development of mechanisms for identifying syner-gistic processes, their scientific justification improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise. The problem of wastes utilization and recycling is present as complex synergetic processes research and analysis of energy- and resource saving process-es for treatment of polymer wastes of various origin. The research focused on the study of issues such as the development of models of waste-modifying polymer. The investigation are focused in researching such problems as selection of scientific based methods of wastes to be utilized or recycled; the development of appropriated process flow sheets and choice of modifications additives and equipment for polymers waste recycling. The choice of appropriate plants with selected energy resources is very important for projects realization

    Integrated quality and enhancement review : summative review : Hartpury College

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    Focal Spot, Spring/Summer 2010

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    Integrating digital document acquisition into a university library : A case study of social and organizational challenges

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    In this article we report on the effort of the university library of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration to integrate a digital library component for research documents authored at the university into the existing library infrastructure. Setting up a digital library has become a relatively easy task using the current data base technology and the components and tools freely available. However, to integrate such a digital library into existing library systems and to adapt existing document acquisition work-flows in the organization are non-trivial tasks. We use a research frame work to identify the key players in this change process and to analyze their incentive structures. Then we describe the light-weight integration approach employed by our university and show how it provides incentives to the key players and at the same time requires only minimal adaptation of the organization in terms of changing existing work-flows. Our experience suggests that this light-weight integration offers a cost efficient and low risk intermediate step towards switching to exclusive digital document acquisition


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    The paper deals with university knowledge transfer. The adjustment of relations between universities and enterprises makes knowledge transfer a necessary requirement for university development to ensure the implementation of market-oriented educational programs. The paper proposes use of modular competency-based and ontological approaches to ensure the university knowledge transfer. The initial data is presented in the databases of the university, authorized bodies of education and science, enterprises, business structures and professional standards. This data is processed and scanned for knowledge to be put into the knowledge database with technological (informational) and modular competency-based approaches.  As part of a market-oriented innovation university concept the task is to improve the education system in relation to skills development. To solve this problem it is necessary to build a distributed information system of university knowledge transfer. It is necessary to create a unified educational space - an educational portal - to ensure the university knowledge transfer between all participants - teachers, students and employers. The study offers an architectural solution for a distributed information system.Artykuł dotyczy transferu wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Dostosowanie relacji między uniwersytetami a przedsiębiorstwami sprawia, że ​​transfer wiedzy jest niezbędnym warunkiem rozwoju uniwersytetów, aby zapewnić realizację programów edukacyjnych zorientowanych na rynek. W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie modułowego podejścia opartego na kompetencjach i ontologii, aby zapewnić transfer wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Wstępne dane są prezentowane w bazach danych uniwersytetu, upoważnionych organów oświaty i nauki, przedsiębiorstw, struktur biznesowych i standardów zawodowych. Dane te są przetwarzane i skanowane w celu umieszczenia wiedzy w bazie wiedzy za pomocą technologicznych (informacyjnych) i modułowych podejść opartych na kompetencjach. W ramach zorientowanej rynkowo koncepcji uniwersytetów innowacyjnych zadaniem jest ulepszenie systemu edukacji w odniesieniu do rozwoju umiejętności. Aby rozwiązać ten problem, konieczne jest zbudowanie rozproszonego systemu informacji o transferze wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Konieczne jest stworzenie jednolitej przestrzeni edukacyjnej – portalu edukacyjnego – aby zapewnić transfer wiedzy uniwersyteckiej między wszystkimi uczestnikami – nauczycielami, studentami i pracodawcami. Badanie oferuje rozwiązanie architektoniczne dla rozproszonego systemu informatycznego

    The International Space University's variable gravity research facility design

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    A manned mission to Mars will require long travel times between Earth and Mars. However, exposure to long-duration zero gravity is known to be harmful to the human body. Some of the harmful effects are loss of heart and lung capacity, inability to stand upright, muscular weakness and loss of bone calcium. A variable gravity research facility (VGRF) that would be placed in low Earth orbit (LEO) was designed by students of the International Space University 1989 Summer Session held in Strasbourg, France, to provide a testbed for conducting experiments in the life and physical sciences in preparation for a mission to Mars. This design exercise was unique because it addressed all aspects concerning a large space project. The VGRF design was described which was developed by international participants specializing in the following areas: the politics of international cooperation, engineering, architecture, in-space physiology, material and life science experimentation, data communications, business, and management