1,526 research outputs found

    On the Size Complexity of Non-Returning Context-Free PC Grammar Systems

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    Improving the previously known best bound, we show that any recursively enumerable language can be generated with a non-returning parallel communicating (PC) grammar system having six context-free components. We also present a non-returning universal PC grammar system generating unary languages, that is, a system where not only the number of components, but also the number of productions and the number of nonterminals are limited by certain constants, and these size parameters do not depend on the generated language

    Minimum Description Length Induction, Bayesianism, and Kolmogorov Complexity

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    The relationship between the Bayesian approach and the minimum description length approach is established. We sharpen and clarify the general modeling principles MDL and MML, abstracted as the ideal MDL principle and defined from Bayes's rule by means of Kolmogorov complexity. The basic condition under which the ideal principle should be applied is encapsulated as the Fundamental Inequality, which in broad terms states that the principle is valid when the data are random, relative to every contemplated hypothesis and also these hypotheses are random relative to the (universal) prior. Basically, the ideal principle states that the prior probability associated with the hypothesis should be given by the algorithmic universal probability, and the sum of the log universal probability of the model plus the log of the probability of the data given the model should be minimized. If we restrict the model class to the finite sets then application of the ideal principle turns into Kolmogorov's minimal sufficient statistic. In general we show that data compression is almost always the best strategy, both in hypothesis identification and prediction.Comment: 35 pages, Latex. Submitted IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Computability and human symbolic output

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    This paper concerns “human symbolic output,” or strings of characters produced by humans in our various symbolic systems; e.g., sentences in a natural language, mathematical propositions, and so on. One can form a set that consists of all of the strings of characters that have been produced by at least one human up to any given moment in human history. We argue that at any particular moment in human history, even at moments in the distant future, this set is finite. But then, given fundamental results in recursion theory, the set will also be recursive, recursively enumerable, axiomatizable, and could be the output of a Turing machine. We then argue that it is impossible to produce a string of symbols that humans could possibly produce but no Turing machine could. Moreover, we show that any given string of symbols that we could produce could also be the output of a Turing machine. Our arguments have implications for Hilbert’s sixth problem and the possibility of axiomatizing particular sciences, they undermine at least two distinct arguments against the possibility of Artificial Intelligence, and they entail that expert systems that are the equals of human experts are possible, and so at least one of the goals of Artificial Intelligence can be realized, at least in principle

    Generic algorithms for halting problem and optimal machines revisited

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    The halting problem is undecidable --- but can it be solved for "most" inputs? This natural question was considered in a number of papers, in different settings. We revisit their results and show that most of them can be easily proven in a natural framework of optimal machines (considered in algorithmic information theory) using the notion of Kolmogorov complexity. We also consider some related questions about this framework and about asymptotic properties of the halting problem. In particular, we show that the fraction of terminating programs cannot have a limit, and all limit points are Martin-L\"of random reals. We then consider mass problems of finding an approximate solution of halting problem and probabilistic algorithms for them, proving both positive and negative results. We consider the fraction of terminating programs that require a long time for termination, and describe this fraction using the busy beaver function. We also consider approximate versions of separation problems, and revisit Schnorr's results about optimal numberings showing how they can be generalized.Comment: a preliminary version was presented at the ICALP 2015 conferenc

    On Time-Bounded Incompressibility of Compressible Strings and Sequences

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    For every total recursive time bound tt, a constant fraction of all compressible (low Kolmogorov complexity) strings is tt-bounded incompressible (high time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity); there are uncountably many infinite sequences of which every initial segment of length nn is compressible to logn\log n yet tt-bounded incompressible below 1/4nlogn{1/4}n - \log n; and there are countable infinitely many recursive infinite sequence of which every initial segment is similarly tt-bounded incompressible. These results are related to, but different from, Barzdins's lemma.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures, submitted to Information Processing Letters. Changed and added a Barzdins-like lemma for infinite sequences with different quantification oreder, a fixed constant, and uncountably many sequence

    On Measuring Non-Recursive Trade-Offs

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    We investigate the phenomenon of non-recursive trade-offs between descriptional systems in an abstract fashion. We aim at categorizing non-recursive trade-offs by bounds on their growth rate, and show how to deduce such bounds in general. We also identify criteria which, in the spirit of abstract language theory, allow us to deduce non-recursive tradeoffs from effective closure properties of language families on the one hand, and differences in the decidability status of basic decision problems on the other. We develop a qualitative classification of non-recursive trade-offs in order to obtain a better understanding of this very fundamental behaviour of descriptional systems