33 research outputs found

    AlloRep: A Repository of Sequence, Structural and Mutagenesis Data for the LacI/GalR Transcription Regulators

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    Protein families evolve functional variation by accumulating point mutations at functionally important amino acid positions. Homologs in the LacI/GalR family of transcription regulators have evolved to bind diverse DNA sequences and allosteric regulatory molecules. In addition to playing key roles in bacterial metabolism, these proteins have been widely used as a model family for benchmarking structural and functional prediction algorithms. We have collected manually curated sequence alignments for >ᅠ3000 sequences, in vivo phenotypic and biochemical data for >ᅠ5750 LacI/GalR mutational variants, and noncovalent residue contact networks for 65 LacI/GalR homolog structures. Using this rich data resource, we compared the noncovalent residue contact networks of the LacI/GalR subfamilies to design and experimentally validate an allosteric mutant of a synthetic LacI/GalR repressor for use in biotechnology. The AlloRep database (freely available at www.AlloRep.org) is a key resource for future evolutionary studies of LacI/GalR homologs and for benchmarking computational predictions of functional change

    Development of an antibody fragment that stabilizes GPCR/G-protein complexes.

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    Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has recently enabled high-resolution structure determination of numerous biological macromolecular complexes. Despite this progress, the application of high-resolution cryo-EM to G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) in complex with heterotrimeric G proteins remains challenging, owning to both the relative small size and the limited stability of these assemblies. Here we describe the development of antibody fragments that bind and stabilize GPCR-G protein complexes for the application of high-resolution cryo-EM. One antibody in particular, mAb16, stabilizes GPCR/G-protein complexes by recognizing an interface between Gα and Gβγ subunits in the heterotrimer, and confers resistance to GTPγS-triggered dissociation. The unique recognition mode of this antibody makes it possible to transfer its binding and stabilizing effect to other G-protein subtypes through minimal protein engineering. This antibody fragment is thus a broadly applicable tool for structural studies of GPCR/G-protein complexes

    Genome editing provides new insights into receptor-controlled signalling pathways

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    Rapid developments in genome editing, based largely on CRISPR/Cas9 technologies, are offering unprecedented opportunities to eliminate the expression of single or multiple gene products in intact organisms and in model cell systems. Elimination of individual G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), both single and multiple G protein subunits, and arrestin adaptor proteins is providing new and sometimes unanticipated insights into molecular details of the regulation of cell signalling pathways and the behaviour of receptor ligands. Genome editing is certain to become a central component of therapeutic target validation, and will provide pharmacologists with new understanding of the complexities of action of novel and previously studied ligands, as well as of the transmission of signals from individual cell-surface receptors to intracellular signalling cascades

    Mechanistic Insights into Specific G Protein Interactions with Adenosine Receptors

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Physical Chemistry B, copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b04867.Coupling between G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and the G proteins is a key step in cellular signaling. Despite extensive experimental and computational studies, the mechanism of specific GPCR–G protein coupling remains poorly understood. This has greatly hindered effective drug design of GPCRs that are primary targets of ∼1/3 of currently marketed drugs. Here, we have employed all-atom simulations using a robust Gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics (GaMD) method to decipher the mechanism of the GPCR–G protein interactions. Adenosine receptors (ARs) were used as model systems based on very recently determined cryo-EM structures of the A1AR and A2AAR coupled with the Gi and Gs proteins, respectively. Changing the Gi protein to the Gs led to increased fluctuations in the A1AR and agonist adenosine (ADO), while agonist 5′-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) binding in the A2AAR could be still stabilized upon changing the Gs protein to the Gi. Free energy calculations identified one stable low-energy conformation for each of the A1AR-Gi and A2AAR-Gs complexes as in the cryo-EM structures, similarly for the A2AAR-Gi complex. In contrast, the ADO agonist and Gs protein sampled multiple conformations in the A1AR-Gs system. GaMD simulations thus indicated that the A1AR preferred to couple with the Gi protein to the Gs, while the A2AAR could couple with both the Gs and Gi proteins, being highly consistent with experimental findings of the ARs. More importantly, detailed analysis of the atomic simulations showed that the specific AR-G protein coupling resulted from remarkably complementary residue interactions at the protein interface, involving mainly the receptor transmembrane 6 helix and the Gα α5 helix and α4-β6 loop. In summary, the GaMD simulations have provided unprecedented insights into the dynamic mechanism of specific GPCR–G protein interactions at an atomistic level

    Coevolution underlies GPCR-G protein selectivity and functionality

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulate diverse physiological events, which makes them as the major targets for many approved drugs. G proteins are downstream molecules that receive signals from GPCRs and trigger cell responses. The GPCR-G protein selectivity mechanism on how they properly and timely interact is still unclear. Here, we analyzed model GPCRs (i.e. HTR, DAR) and Gα proteins with a coevolutionary tool, statistical coupling analysis. The results suggested that 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors and dopamine receptors have common conserved and coevolved residues. The Gα protein also have conserved and coevolved residues. These coevolved residues were implicated in the molecular functions of the analyzed proteins. We also found specific coevolving pairs related to the selectivity between GPCR and G protein were identified. We propose that these results would contribute to better understandings of not only the functional residues of GPCRs and Gα proteins but also GPCR-G protein selectivity mechanisms. © 2021, The Author(s).1

    Role of C121A in mGluR2 homodimeric expression and function

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    The group II metabotropic glutamate receptors are known for their involvement in various psychiatric disorders. The mGluR2 in particular is linked with etiology of schizophrenia especially in the context of crosstalk with 5-HT2A. Thus, the mGluR2 has attracted attentions for its potential therapeutic applications. Despite numerous physiological evidences on the actions of mGluR2, its mechanism is still unclear to this day. It is partially due to the lack of understanding in characteristics of mGluR2 homodimer which is its functionally active form. Therefore, the characterization of dimeric interaction serves as a foundation to advanced understanding of the role of mGluR2. On that note, the role of the conserved cysteine residue (C121) in the ligand binding domain of mGluR2 has been evaluated in this study as they are known to play a critical part in homodimer formation. Collectively, C121 has been shown to affect the dimerization, subcellular localization, and pharmacokinetics of mGluR2. Lastly, the effect of mGluR2 on mouse behavior was examined in a partial effort to elucidate its role in crosstalk with 5-HT2A

    Vibrational resonance, allostery, and activation in rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors

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    G protein-coupled receptors are a large family of membrane proteins activated by a variety of structurally diverse ligands making them highly adaptable signaling molecules. Despite recent advances in the structural biology of this protein family, the mechanism by which ligands induce allosteric changes in protein structure and dynamics for its signaling function remains a mystery. Here, we propose the use of terahertz spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics simulation and protein evolutionary network modeling to address the mechanism of activation by directly probing the concerted fluctuations of retinal ligand and transmembrane helices in rhodopsin. This approach allows us to examine the role of conformational heterogeneity in the selection and stabilization of specific signaling pathways in the photo-activation of the receptor. We demonstrate that ligand-induced shifts in the conformational equilibrium prompt vibrational resonances in the protein structure that link the dynamics of conserved interactions with fluctuations of the active-state ligand. The connection of vibrational modes creates an allosteric association of coupled fluctuations that forms a coherent signaling pathway from the receptor ligand-binding pocket to the G-protein activation region. Our evolutionary analysis of rhodopsin-like GPCRs suggest that specific allosteric sites play a pivotal role in activating structural fluctuations that allosterically modulate functional signals

    Erinevate G-valk seotud retseptorite signaaliradade koondamine cAMP väljundiks, kasutades kimäärseid G-valke ja BacMam tehnoloogiat

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    Käesolevas töös uuriti GPCR vahendatud signaaliradu kasutades selleks kimäärseid G-valke. GsX konstruktid põhjustavad aktiveerudes rakus cAMP-i taseme tõusu, mille reaal-ajalisi muutusi on võimalik jälgida rakendades FRET-il põhinevat cAMP biosensorit. Kimäärsete G-valkude ja biosensori ekspressiooniks imetajarakkudes genereeriti rekombinantsed bakuloviirused. Süsteemi valideerimiseks teostati katsed valitud retseptoritega, mis näitab, et antud süsteemiga on õnnestunud signaaliradu koondada