3,206 research outputs found

    On the Power of Insertion P Systems of Small Size

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    In this article we investigate insertion systems of small size in the framework of P systems. We consider P systems with insertion rules having one symbol context and we show that they have the computational power of matrix grammars. If contexts of length two are permitted, then any recursively enumerable language can be generated. In both cases an inverse morphism and a weak coding were applied to the output of the corresponding P systems

    Substructure Discovery Using Minimum Description Length and Background Knowledge

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    The ability to identify interesting and repetitive substructures is an essential component to discovering knowledge in structural data. We describe a new version of our SUBDUE substructure discovery system based on the minimum description length principle. The SUBDUE system discovers substructures that compress the original data and represent structural concepts in the data. By replacing previously-discovered substructures in the data, multiple passes of SUBDUE produce a hierarchical description of the structural regularities in the data. SUBDUE uses a computationally-bounded inexact graph match that identifies similar, but not identical, instances of a substructure and finds an approximate measure of closeness of two substructures when under computational constraints. In addition to the minimum description length principle, other background knowledge can be used by SUBDUE to guide the search towards more appropriate substructures. Experiments in a variety of domains demonstrate SUBDUE's ability to find substructures capable of compressing the original data and to discover structural concepts important to the domain. Description of Online Appendix: This is a compressed tar file containing the SUBDUE discovery system, written in C. The program accepts as input databases represented in graph form, and will output discovered substructures with their corresponding value.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for an online appendix and other files accompanying this articl

    Complexity and modeling power of insertion-deletion systems

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    SISTEMAS DE INSERCIÓN Y BORRADO: COMPLEJIDAD Y CAPACIDAD DE MODELADO El objetivo central de la tesis es el estudio de los sistemas de inserción y borrado y su capacidad computacional. Más concretamente, estudiamos algunos modelos de generación de lenguaje que usan operaciones de reescritura de dos cadenas. También consideramos una variante distribuida de los sistemas de inserción y borrado en el sentido de que las reglas se separan entre un número finito de nodos de un grafo. Estos sistemas se denominan sistemas controlados mediante grafo, y aparecen en muchas áreas de la Informática, jugando un papel muy importante en los lenguajes formales, la lingüística y la bio-informática. Estudiamos la decidibilidad/ universalidad de nuestros modelos mediante la variación de los parámetros de tamaño del vector. Concretamente, damos respuesta a la cuestión más importante concerniente a la expresividad de la capacidad computacional: si nuestro modelo es equivalente a una máquina de Turing o no. Abordamos sistemáticamente las cuestiones sobre los tamaños mínimos de los sistemas con y sin control de grafo.COMPLEXITY AND MODELING POWER OF INSERTION-DELETION SYSTEMS The central object of the thesis are insertion-deletion systems and their computational power. More specifically, we study language generating models that use two string rewriting operations: contextual insertion and contextual deletion, and their extensions. We also consider a distributed variant of insertion-deletion systems in the sense that rules are separated among a finite number of nodes of a graph. Such systems are refereed as graph-controlled systems. These systems appear in many areas of Computer Science and they play an important role in formal languages, linguistics, and bio-informatics. We vary the parameters of the vector of size of insertion-deletion systems and we study decidability/universality of obtained models. More precisely, we answer the most important questions regarding the expressiveness of the computational model: whether our model is Turing equivalent or not. We systematically approach the questions about the minimal sizes of the insertiondeletion systems with and without the graph-control

    Deepr: A Convolutional Net for Medical Records

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    Feature engineering remains a major bottleneck when creating predictive systems from electronic medical records. At present, an important missing element is detecting predictive regular clinical motifs from irregular episodic records. We present Deepr (short for Deep record), a new end-to-end deep learning system that learns to extract features from medical records and predicts future risk automatically. Deepr transforms a record into a sequence of discrete elements separated by coded time gaps and hospital transfers. On top of the sequence is a convolutional neural net that detects and combines predictive local clinical motifs to stratify the risk. Deepr permits transparent inspection and visualization of its inner working. We validate Deepr on hospital data to predict unplanned readmission after discharge. Deepr achieves superior accuracy compared to traditional techniques, detects meaningful clinical motifs, and uncovers the underlying structure of the disease and intervention space

    On the Computational Complexity and Formal Hierarchy of Second Order Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) with recurrence and self-attention have been shown to be Turing-complete (TC). However, existing work has shown that these ANNs require multiple turns or unbounded computation time, even with unbounded precision in weights, in order to recognize TC grammars. However, under constraints such as fixed or bounded precision neurons and time, ANNs without memory are shown to struggle to recognize even context-free languages. In this work, we extend the theoretical foundation for the 2nd2^{nd}-order recurrent network (2nd2^{nd} RNN) and prove there exists a class of a 2nd2^{nd} RNN that is Turing-complete with bounded time. This model is capable of directly encoding a transition table into its recurrent weights, enabling bounded time computation and is interpretable by design. We also demonstrate that 22nd order RNNs, without memory, under bounded weights and time constraints, outperform modern-day models such as vanilla RNNs and gated recurrent units in recognizing regular grammars. We provide an upper bound and a stability analysis on the maximum number of neurons required by 22nd order RNNs to recognize any class of regular grammar. Extensive experiments on the Tomita grammars support our findings, demonstrating the importance of tensor connections in crafting computationally efficient RNNs. Finally, we show 2nd2^{nd} order RNNs are also interpretable by extraction and can extract state machines with higher success rates as compared to first-order RNNs. Our results extend the theoretical foundations of RNNs and offer promising avenues for future explainable AI research.Comment: 12 pages, 5 tables, 1 figur