389,956 research outputs found

    Virtual Geodemographics: Repositioning Area Classification for Online and Offline Spaces

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    Computer mediated communication and the Internet has fundamentally changed how consumers and producers connect and interact across both real space, and has also opened up new opportunities in virtual spaces. This paper describes how technologies capable of locating and sorting networked communities of geographically disparate individuals within virtual communities present a sea change in the conception, representation and analysis of socioeconomic distributions through geodemographic analysis. We argue that through virtual communities, social networks between individuals may subsume the role of neighbourhood areas as the most appropriate units of analysis, and as such, geodemographics needs to be repositioned in order to accommodate social similarities in virtual, as well as geographical, space. We end the paper by proposing a new model for geodemographics which spans both real and virtual geographies

    On Some Features of Text Bonds Functioning in Internet Communication (by Example of Bonds TAKIM OBRAZOM and ITAK)

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of text bonds itak and takim obrazom ‘so; thus’ in Internet communication. The relevance of the study is determined by the rapid development of Internet communication, which led to rapid changes in the functioning of language units. Such concepts as “Internet communication”, “Internet discourse,” “creolized text” and “text bond” are considered. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of the nature of the functioning of the word itak and phrase takim obrazom in the traditional spheres of communication and Internet communication. The texts of the online versions of the news of the First channel and the Internet meme are used as a source of language material. On the basis of the analysis it is concluded that the functional range of the considered units in the Internet discourse is significantly different from that which can be observed in scientific and journalistic texts. In particular, it is shown that in Internet communication the word itak is most often used in signal function, such functioning is noted for the phrase takim obrazom that it is not typical for it in other communication conditions

    Internet memes as internet signs: a semiotic view of digital culture

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    This article argues for a clearer framework of internet-based "memes". The science of memes, dubbed 'memetics', presumes that memes remain "copying units" following the popularisation of the concept in Richard Dawkins' celebrated work, The Selfi sh Gene (1976). Yet Peircean semiotics and biosemiotics can challenge this doctrine of information transmission. While supporting a precise and discursive framework for internet memes, semiotic readings reconfi gure contemporary formulations to the - now-established - conception of memes. Internet memes can and should be conceived, then, as habit-inducing sign systems incorporating processes involving asymmetrical variation. So, drawing on biosemiotics, Tartu-Moscow semiotics, and Peircean semiotic principles, and through a close reading of the celebrated 2011 Internet meme Rebecca Black's Friday, this article proposes a working outline for the defi nition of internet memes and its applicability for the semiotic analysis of texts in new media communication

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Internet Terhadap Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Tentang Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Angkatan 2011-2013)

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of Internet use on students' knowledge on the Academic Information System (portal Siakad) Dehasen University of Bengkulu. Academic Portal is an information system that serves as an integrator of academic information among academic units, including providing academic information services for students. Unfortunately, not all students are able to operate Internet. The presence of portal Siakad assumed encourage students to learn to use the internet. This research is a descriptive quantitative survey. Primary data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 51 respondents who are students of Communication Department year 2011 to 2013 by using stratified random sampling technique. At the stage of analysis, data were tested by inferential statistical with product moment correlation formula, while hypothesis were tested by using F t test. The results showed the effect of Internet use on students' knowledge on Academic Information System at Dehasen University of Bengkulu, so that the working hypothesis (HK) is received. It means that, the more often students use the Internet to access the portal Siakad, the higher the student's knowledge of academic information

    Review on Security of Information Dissemination and Various Protocols in the Internet-of-Vehicles

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    Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is viewed as a developing worldview for associated vehicles to trade their data with different vehicles utilizing vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) correspondences by framing a vehicular ad-hoc systems (VANETs), with roadside units utilizing vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) interchanges. Performance of this smart ITS mainly owes to the design of efficient routing protocols in VANETs. Distinct features of VANETs like unsteady connectivity, high mobility and partitioning of the network have made routing of the information in VANETs difficult and challenging, hence dictating the development of efficient routing protocols. The computation of the best route measures the performance of communication whereas routing protocols takes care of communication & routing of the data. Provision of smart communication, necessitates the analysis of routing protocols in VANET. Accordingly in this paper, reviewed various types of existing routing protocols and security approaches in VANET are discussed

    An effective communication and computation model based on a hybridgraph-deeplearning approach for SIoT.

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    Social Edge Service (SES) is an emerging mechanism in the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) orchestration for effective user-centric reliable communication and computation. The services are affected by active and/or passive attacks such as replay attacks, message tampering because of sharing the same spectrum, as well as inadequate trust measurement methods among intelligent devices (roadside units, mobile edge devices, servers) during computing and content-sharing. These issues lead to computation and communication overhead of servers and computation nodes. To address this issue, we propose the HybridgrAph-Deep-learning (HAD) approach in two stages for secure communication and computation. First, the Adaptive Trust Weight (ATW) model with relation-based feedback fusion analysis to estimate the fitness-priority of every node based on directed graph theory to detect malicious nodes and reduce computation and communication overhead. Second, a Quotient User-centric Coeval-Learning (QUCL) mechanism to formulate secure channel selection, and Nash equilibrium method for optimizing the communication to share data over edge devices. The simulation results confirm that our proposed approach has achieved effective communication and computation performance, and enhanced Social Edge Services (SES) reliability than state-of-the-art approaches

    The New Frontier: An Analysis of Effective New Media Political Communications and Campaigning

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    Objectives: In the age of new media communication, politics has taken a swift turn as the Internet lends itself to quicker and less expensive contact. Politicians in all realms have adopted its communicative aspects in many forms as a means of promoting themselves and staying in contact with their constituents. What causes politicians to be more connected than others? And secondly, does that connectivity lead to successful elections? In this analysis, we will discuss what contributes to a United States Senator\u27s connectivity, and if his or her heightened connectivity led to a higher probability of winning elections. Units of analysis: The senators from the 111 th United States Senate. Data/Methods: For this analysis, binary regression will be used. Our units of analysis will be dissected using logistic regression to determine what variables are statistically significant. For the second half of this analysis, the dependent variable will be a binary measure of successfully won elections. In this second part, our original connectivity measure will assume the spot of an independent variable. Hypothesis: State poverty rating and Leadership rating will be the two most important variables in determining a senator\u27s connectivity score, and subsequently, the more connected the senator is, the higher probability he or she has of winning an election

    Hybrid Mobile Communication Networks for Planetary Exploration

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    A paper discusses the continuing work of the Mobile Exploration System Project, which has been performing studies toward the design of hybrid communication networks for future exploratory missions to remote planets. A typical network could include stationary radio transceivers on a remote planet, mobile radio transceivers carried by humans and robots on the planet, terrestrial units connected via the Internet to an interplanetary communication system, and radio relay transceivers aboard spacecraft in orbit about the planet. Prior studies have included tests on prototypes of these networks deployed in Arctic and desert regions chosen to approximate environmental conditions on Mars. Starting from the findings of the prior studies, the paper discusses methods of analysis, design, and testing of the hybrid communication networks. It identifies key radio-frequency (RF) and network engineering issues. Notable among these issues is the study of wireless LAN throughput loss due to repeater use, RF signal strength, and network latency variations. Another major issue is that of using RF-link analysis to ensure adequate link margin in the face of statistical variations in signal strengths

    Mobile networks and internet of things: contributions to smart human mobility

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    Nowadays, our society can be considered as a “connected society” thanks to a heterogeneous network and the growth of mobile technologies. This growth has meant new devices are now supporting Internet of Things (IoT) architecture. Consequently, a new look at the current design of wireless communication systems is needed. Smart mobility concerns the massive movement of people and requires a complex infra-structure that produces a lot of data, creating new interesting challenges in terms of network management and data processing. In this paper, we address classic generations of mobile technology until the latest 5G implementation and its alternatives. This analysis is contextualized for the problem of smart mobility services and people-centric services for the internet of things that have a wide range of application scenarios within smart cities.This work has been supported by FCT – Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. It has also been sup ported by national funds through FCT – Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia through project UIDB/04728/2020
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