110 research outputs found

    Varying the direction of propagation in reaction-diffusion equations in periodic media

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    We consider a multidimensional reaction-diffusion equation of either ignition or monostable type, involving periodic heterogeneity, and analyze the dependence of the propagation phenomena on the direction. We prove that the (minimal) speed of the underlying pulsating fronts depends continuously on the direction of propagation, and so does its associated profile provided it is unique up to time shifts. We also prove that the spreading properties \cite{Wein02} are actually uniform with respect to the direction

    Propagation phenomena for time heterogeneous KPP reaction-diffusion equations

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    We investigate in this paper propagation phenomena for the heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equation ∂tu−Δu=f(t,u)\partial_t u -\Delta u = f(t,u), x∈RNx\in R^N, t∈Rt\in\R, where f=f(t,u) is a KPP monostable nonlinearity which depends in a general way on t. A typical f which satisfies our hypotheses is f(t,u)=m(t) u(1-u), with m bounded and having positive infimum. We first prove the existence of generalized transition waves (recently defined by Berestycki and Hamel, Shen) for a given class of speeds. As an application of this result, we obtain the existence of random transition waves when f is a random stationary ergodic function with respect to t. Lastly, we prove some spreading properties for the solution of the Cauchy problem

    Pulsating fronts for nonlocal dispersion and KPP nonlinearity

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    In this paper we are interested in propagation phenomena for nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations of the type: δtu=J×u−u+f(x,u)t∈R+,x∈RN\delta_tu = J \times u - u + f (x, u) t \in R^+, x \in R^N, where J is a probability density and f is a KPP nonlinearity periodic in the x variables. Under suitable assumptions we establish the existence of pulsating fronts describing the invasion of the 0 state by a heterogeneous state. We also give a variational characterization of the minimal speed of such pulsating fronts and exponential bounds on the asymptotic behavior of the solution.Comment: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e Analyse non lin\'eaire (2011
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