76 research outputs found

    Unique perfect matchings and proof nets

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    Complexity of correctness for pomset logic proof nets

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    We show that it is coNP-complete to decide whether a given proof structure of pomset logic is a correct proof net, using the graph-theoretic used in a previous paper of ours (arXiv:1901.10247).Comment: Fully subsumed by arXiv:2209.07825 (which contains a lot more material and has an additional coauthor

    A System of Interaction and Structure III: The Complexity of BV and Pomset Logic

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    Pomset logic and BV are both logics that extend multiplicative linear logic (with Mix) with a third connective that is self-dual and non-commutative. Whereas pomset logic originates from the study of coherence spaces and proof nets, BV originates from the study of series-parallel orders, cographs, and proof systems. Both logics enjoy a cut-admissibility result, but for neither logic can this be done in the sequent calculus. Provability in pomset logic can be checked via a proof net correctness criterion and in BV via a deep inference proof system. It has long been conjectured that these two logics are the same. In this paper we show that this conjecture is false. We also investigate the complexity of the two logics, exhibiting a huge gap between the two. Whereas provability in BV is NP-complete, provability in pomset logic is Σ2p\Sigma_2^p-complete. We also make some observations with respect to possible sequent systems for the two logics

    From Proof Nets to Combinatorial Proofs - A New Approach to Hilbert's 24th Problem

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    École thématiqueThese are the slides and lecture notes for a 5x90min course given online via Zoom at ESSLLI 2021

    The Logic of Categorial Grammars: Lecture Notes

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    These lecture notes present categorial grammars as deductive systems, and include detailed proofs of their main properties. The first chapter deals with Ajdukiewicz and Bar-Hillel categorial grammars (AB grammars), their relation to context-free grammars and their learning algorithms. The second chapter is devoted to the Lambek calculus as a deductive system; the weak equivalence with context free grammars is proved; we also define the mapping from a syntactic analysis to a higher-order logical formula, which describes the semantics of the parsed sentence. The third and last chapter is about proof-nets as parse structures for Lambek grammars; we show the linguistic relevance of these graphs in particular through the study of a performance question. Although definitions, theorems and proofs have been reformulated for pedagogical reasons, these notes contain no personnal result but in the proofnet chapter

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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