22 research outputs found

    Unique Sink Orientations of Grids

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    We introduce unique sink orientations of grids as digraph models for many well-studied problems, including linear programming over products of simplices, generalized linear complementarity problems over P-matrices (PGLCP), and simple stochastic games. We investigate the combinatorial structure of such orientations and develop randomized algorithms for finding the sink. We show that the orientations arising from PGLCP satisfy the Holt-Klee condition known to hold for polytope digraphs, and we give the first expected linear-time algorithms for solving PGLCP with a fixed number of block

    Violator Spaces: Structure and Algorithms

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    Sharir and Welzl introduced an abstract framework for optimization problems, called LP-type problems or also generalized linear programming problems, which proved useful in algorithm design. We define a new, and as we believe, simpler and more natural framework: violator spaces, which constitute a proper generalization of LP-type problems. We show that Clarkson's randomized algorithms for low-dimensional linear programming work in the context of violator spaces. For example, in this way we obtain the fastest known algorithm for the P-matrix generalized linear complementarity problem with a constant number of blocks. We also give two new characterizations of LP-type problems: they are equivalent to acyclic violator spaces, as well as to concrete LP-type problems (informally, the constraints in a concrete LP-type problem are subsets of a linearly ordered ground set, and the value of a set of constraints is the minimum of its intersection).Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, extended abstract was presented at ESA 2006; author spelling fixe

    Counting Unique-Sink Orientations

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    Unique-sink orientations (USOs) are an abstract class of orientations of the n-cube graph. We consider some classes of USOs that are of interest in connection with the linear complementarity problem. We summarise old and show new lower and upper bounds on the sizes of some such classes. Furthermore, we provide a characterisation of K-matrices in terms of their corresponding USOs.Comment: 13 pages; v2: proof of main theorem expanded, plus various other corrections. Now 16 pages; v3: minor correction

    Enumeration of PLCP-orientations of the 4-cube

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    The linear complementarity problem (LCP) provides a unified approach to many problems such as linear programs, convex quadratic programs, and bimatrix games. The general LCP is known to be NP-hard, but there are some promising results that suggest the possibility that the LCP with a P-matrix (PLCP) may be polynomial-time solvable. However, no polynomial-time algorithm for the PLCP has been found yet and the computational complexity of the PLCP remains open. Simple principal pivoting (SPP) algorithms, also known as Bard-type algorithms, are candidates for polynomial-time algorithms for the PLCP. In 1978, Stickney and Watson interpreted SPP algorithms as a family of algorithms that seek the sink of unique-sink orientations of nn-cubes. They performed the enumeration of the arising orientations of the 33-cube, hereafter called PLCP-orientations. In this paper, we present the enumeration of PLCP-orientations of the 44-cube.The enumeration is done via construction of oriented matroids generalizing P-matrices and realizability classification of oriented matroids.Some insights obtained in the computational experiments are presented as well

    The Niceness of Unique Sink Orientations

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    Random Edge is the most natural randomized pivot rule for the simplex algorithm. Considerable progress has been made recently towards fully understanding its behavior. Back in 2001, Welzl introduced the concepts of \emph{reachmaps} and \emph{niceness} of Unique Sink Orientations (USO), in an effort to better understand the behavior of Random Edge. In this paper, we initiate the systematic study of these concepts. We settle the questions that were asked by Welzl about the niceness of (acyclic) USO. Niceness implies natural upper bounds for Random Edge and we provide evidence that these are tight or almost tight in many interesting cases. Moreover, we show that Random Edge is polynomial on at least nΩ(2n)n^{\Omega(2^n)} many (possibly cyclic) USO. As a bonus, we describe a derandomization of Random Edge which achieves the same asymptotic upper bounds with respect to niceness and discuss some algorithmic properties of the reachmap.Comment: An extended abstract appears in the proceedings of Approx/Random 201