975 research outputs found

    Contemporary Robotics

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    This book book is a collection of 18 chapters written by internationally recognized experts and well-known professionals of the field. Chapters contribute to diverse facets of contemporary robotics and autonomous systems. The volume is organized in four thematic parts according to the main subjects, regarding the recent advances in the contemporary robotics. The first thematic topics of the book are devoted to the theoretical issues. This includes development of algorithms for automatic trajectory generation using redudancy resolution scheme, intelligent algorithms for robotic grasping, modelling approach for reactive mode handling of flexible manufacturing and design of an advanced controller for robot manipulators. The second part of the book deals with different aspects of robot calibration and sensing. This includes a geometric and treshold calibration of a multiple robotic line-vision system, robot-based inline 2D/3D quality monitoring using picture-giving and laser triangulation, and a study on prospective polymer composite materials for flexible tactile sensors. The third part addresses issues of mobile robots and multi-agent systems, including SLAM of mobile robots based on fusion of odometry and visual data, configuration of a localization system by a team of mobile robots, development of generic real-time motion controller for differential mobile robots, control of fuel cells of mobile robots, modelling of omni-directional wheeled-based robots, building of hunter- hybrid tracking environment, as well as design of a cooperative control in distributed population-based multi-agent approach. The fourth part presents recent approaches and results in humanoid and bioinspirative robotics. It deals with design of adaptive control of anthropomorphic biped gait, building of dynamic-based simulation for humanoid robot walking, building controller for perceptual motor control dynamics of humans and biomimetic approach to control mechatronic structure using smart materials

    Robotic Work-Space Sensing and Control

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    Industrial robots are traditionally programmed using only the internal joint position sensors, in a sense leaving the robot blind and numb. Using external sensors, such as cameras and force sensors, allows the robot to detect the existence and position of objects in an unstructured environment, and to handle contact situations not possible using only position control. This thesis presents work on how external sensors can be used in robot control. A vision-based robotic ball-catcher was implemented, showing how high-speed computer vision can be used for robot control with hard time constraints. Special attention is payed to tracking of a flying ball with an arbitrary number of cameras, how to initialize the tracker when no information about the initial state is available, and how to dynamically update the robot trajectory when the end point of the trajectory is modified due to new measurements. In another application example, force control was used to perform robotic assembly. It is shown how force sensing can be used to handle uncertain position

    Design and Control of Robotic Systems for Lower Limb Stroke Rehabilitation

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    Lower extremity stroke rehabilitation exhausts considerable health care resources, is labor intensive, and provides mostly qualitative metrics of patient recovery. To overcome these issues, robots can assist patients in physically manipulating their affected limb and measure the output motion. The robots that have been currently designed, however, provide assistance over a limited set of training motions, are not portable for in-home and in-clinic use, have high cost and may not provide sufficient safety or performance. This thesis proposes the idea of incorporating a mobile drive base into lower extremity rehabilitation robots to create a portable, inherently safe system that provides assistance over a wide range of training motions. A set of rehabilitative motion tasks were established and a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) motion and force-sensing system was designed to meet high-power, large workspace, and affordability requirements. An admittance controller was implemented, and the feasibility of using this portable, low-cost system for movement assistance was shown through tests on a healthy individual. An improved version of the robot was then developed that added torque sensing and known joint elasticity for use in future clinical testing with a flexible-joint impedance controller

    Combining Sensors and Multibody Models for Applications in Vehicles, Machines, Robots and Humans

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    The combination of physical sensors and computational models to provide additional information about system states, inputs and/or parameters, in what is known as virtual sensing, is becoming increasingly popular in many sectors, such as the automotive, aeronautics, aerospatial, railway, machinery, robotics and human biomechanics sectors. While, in many cases, control-oriented models, which are generally simple, are the best choice, multibody models, which can be much more detailed, may be better suited to some applications, such as during the design stage of a new product

    Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

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    Amongst the robotic systems, robot manipulators have proven themselves to be of increasing importance and are widely adopted to substitute for human in repetitive and/or hazardous tasks. Modern manipulators are designed complicatedly and need to do more precise, crucial and critical tasks. So, the simple traditional control methods cannot be efficient, and advanced control strategies with considering special constraints are needed to establish. In spite of the fact that groundbreaking researches have been carried out in this realm until now, there are still many novel aspects which have to be explored

    Machine Learning and System Identification for Estimation in Physical Systems

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    In this thesis, we draw inspiration from both classical system identification and modern machine learning in order to solve estimation problems for real-world, physical systems. The main approach to estimation and learning adopted is optimization based. Concepts such as regularization will be utilized for encoding of prior knowledge and basis-function expansions will be used to add nonlinear modeling power while keeping data requirements practical.The thesis covers a wide range of applications, many inspired by applications within robotics, but also extending outside this already wide field.Usage of the proposed methods and algorithms are in many cases illustrated in the real-world applications that motivated the research.Topics covered include dynamics modeling and estimation, model-based reinforcement learning, spectral estimation, friction modeling and state estimation and calibration in robotic machining.In the work on modeling and identification of dynamics, we develop regularization strategies that allow us to incorporate prior domain knowledge into flexible, overparameterized models. We make use of classical control theory to gain insight into training and regularization while using tools from modern deep learning. A particular focus of the work is to allow use of modern methods in scenarios where gathering data is associated with a high cost.In the robotics-inspired parts of the thesis, we develop methods that are practically motivated and make sure that they are implementable also outside the research setting. We demonstrate this by performing experiments in realistic settings and providing open-source implementations of all proposed methods and algorithms

    On Robotic Work-Space Sensing and Control

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    Industrial robots are fast and accurate when working with known objects at precise locations in well-structured manufacturing environments, as done in the classical automation setting. In one sense, limited use of sensors leaves robots blind and numb, unaware of what is happening in their surroundings. Whereas equipping a system with sensors has the potential to add new functionality and increase the set of uncertainties a robot can handle, it is not as simple as that. Often it is difficult to interpret the measurements and use them to draw necessary conclusions about the state of the work space. For effective sensor-based control, it is necessary to both understand the sensor data and to know how to act on it, giving the robot perception-action capabilities. This thesis presents research on how sensors and estimation techniques can be used in robot control. The suggested methods are theoretically analyzed and evaluated with a large focus on experimental verification in real-time settings. One application class treated is the ability to react fast and accurately to events detected by vision, which is demonstrated by the realization of a ball-catching robot. A new approach is proposed for performing high-speed color-based image analysis that is robust to varying illumination conditions and motion blur. Furthermore, a method for object tracking is presented along with a novel way of Kalman-filter initialization that can handle initial-state estimates with infinite variance. A second application class treated is robotic assembly using force control. A study of two assembly scenarios is presented, investigating the possibility of using force-controlled assembly in industrial robotics. Two new approaches for robotic contact-force estimation without any force sensor are presented and validated in assembly operations. The treated topics represent some of the challenges in sensor-based robot control, and it is demonstrated how they can be used to extend the functionality of industrial robots

    Learning Algorithm Design for Human-Robot Skill Transfer

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    In this research, we develop an intelligent learning scheme for performing human-robot skills transfer. Techniques adopted in the scheme include the Dynamic Movement Prim- itive (DMP) method with Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Gaussian Mixture Model (G- MM) with Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR) and the Radical Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs). A series of experiments are conducted on a Baxter robot, a NAO robot and a KUKA iiwa robot to verify the effectiveness of the proposed design.During the design of the intelligent learning scheme, an online tracking system is de- veloped to control the arm and head movement of the NAO robot using a Kinect sensor. The NAO robot is a humanoid robot with 5 degrees of freedom (DOF) for each arm. The joint motions of the operator’s head and arm are captured by a Kinect V2 sensor, and this information is then transferred into the workspace via the forward and inverse kinematics. In addition, to improve the tracking performance, a Kalman filter is further employed to fuse motion signals from the operator sensed by the Kinect V2 sensor and a pair of MYO armbands, so as to teleoperate the Baxter robot. In this regard, a new strategy is developed using the vector approach to accomplish a specific motion capture task. For instance, the arm motion of the operator is captured by a Kinect sensor and programmed through a processing software. Two MYO armbands with embedded inertial measurement units are worn by the operator to aid the robots in detecting and replicating the operator’s arm movements. For this purpose, the armbands help to recognize and calculate the precise velocity of motion of the operator’s arm. Additionally, a neural network based adaptive controller is designed and implemented on the Baxter robot to illustrate the validation forthe teleoperation of the Baxter robot.Subsequently, an enhanced teaching interface has been developed for the robot using DMP and GMR. Motion signals are collected from a human demonstrator via the Kinect v2 sensor, and the data is sent to a remote PC for teleoperating the Baxter robot. At this stage, the DMP is utilized to model and generalize the movements. In order to learn from multiple demonstrations, DTW is used for the preprocessing of the data recorded on the robot platform, and GMM is employed for the evaluation of DMP to generate multiple patterns after the completion of the teaching process. Next, we apply the GMR algorithm to generate a synthesized trajectory to minimize position errors in the three dimensional (3D) space. This approach has been tested by performing tasks on a KUKA iiwa and a Baxter robot, respectively.Finally, an optimized DMP is added to the teaching interface. A character recombination technology based on DMP segmentation that uses verbal command has also been developed and incorporated in a Baxter robot platform. To imitate the recorded motion signals produced by the demonstrator, the operator trains the Baxter robot by physically guiding it to complete the given task. This is repeated five times, and the generated training data set is utilized via the playback system. Subsequently, the DTW is employed to preprocess the experimental data. For modelling and overall movement control, DMP is chosen. The GMM is used to generate multiple patterns after implementing the teaching process. Next, we employ the GMR algorithm to reduce position errors in the 3D space after a synthesized trajectory has been generated. The Baxter robot, remotely controlled by the user datagram protocol (UDP) in a PC, records and reproduces every trajectory. Additionally, Dragon Natural Speaking software is adopted to transcribe the voice data. This proposed approach has been verified by enabling the Baxter robot to perform a writing task of drawing robot has been taught to write only one character

    Feedforward model with cascading proportional derivative active force control for an articulated arm mobile manipulator

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    This thesis presents an approach for controlling a mobile manipulator (MM) using a two degree of freedom (DOF) controller which essentially comprises a cascading proportional-derivative (CPD) control and feedforward active force control (FAFC). MM possesses both features of mobile platform and industrial arm manipulator. This has greatly improved the performance of MM with increased workspace capacity and better operation dexterity. The added mobility advantage to a MM, however, has increased the complexity of the MM dynamic system. A robust controller that can deal with the added complexity of the MM dynamic system was therefore needed. The AFC which can be considered as one of the novelties in the research creates a torque feedback within the dynamic system to allow for the compensation of sudden disturbances in the dynamic system. AFC also allows faster computational performance by using a fixed value of the estimated inertia matrix (IN) of the system. A feedforward of the dynamic system was also implemented to complement the IN for a better trajectory tracking performance. A localisation technique using Kalman filter (KF) was also incorporated into the CPD-FAFC scheme to solve some MM navigation problems. A simulation and experimental studies were performed to validate the effectiveness of the MM controller. Simulation was performed using a co-simulation technique which combined the simultaneous execution of the MSC Adams and MATLAB/Simulink software. The experimental study was carried out using a custom built MM experimental rig (MMer) which was developed based on the mechatronic approach. A comparative studies between the proposed CPD-FAFC with other type of controllers was also performed to further strengthen the outcome of the system. The experimental results affirmed the effectiveness of the proposed AFC-based controller and were in good agreement with the simulation counterpart, thereby verifying and validating the proposed research concepts and models