828 research outputs found

    Ubiquitousness of link-density and link-pattern communities in real-world networks

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    Community structure appears to be an intrinsic property of many complex real-world networks. However, recent work shows that real-world networks reveal even more sophisticated modules than classical cohesive (link-density) communities. In particular, networks can also be naturally partitioned according to similar patterns of connectedness among the nodes, revealing link-pattern communities. We here propose a propagation based algorithm that can extract both link-density and link-pattern communities, without any prior knowledge of the true structure. The algorithm was first validated on different classes of synthetic benchmark networks with community structure, and also on random networks. We have further applied the algorithm to different social, information, technological and biological networks, where it indeed reveals meaningful (composites of) link-density and link-pattern communities. The results thus seem to imply that, similarly as link-density counterparts, link-pattern communities appear ubiquitous in nature and design

    Community structure of complex software systems: Analysis and applications

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    Due to notable discoveries in the fast evolving field of complex networks, recent research in software engineering has also focused on representing software systems with networks. Previous work has observed that these networks follow scale-free degree distributions and reveal small-world phenomena, while we here explore another property commonly found in different complex networks, i.e. community structure. We adopt class dependency networks, where nodes represent software classes and edges represent dependencies among them, and show that these networks reveal a significant community structure, characterized by similar properties as observed in other complex networks. However, although intuitive and anticipated by different phenomena, identified communities do not exactly correspond to software packages. We empirically confirm our observations on several networks constructed from Java and various third party libraries, and propose different applications of community detection to software engineering

    On the Analysis of a Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection

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    This paper initiates formal analysis of a simple, distributed algorithm for community detection on networks. We analyze an algorithm that we call \textsc{Max-LPA}, both in terms of its convergence time and in terms of the "quality" of the communities detected. \textsc{Max-LPA} is an instance of a class of community detection algorithms called \textit{label propagation} algorithms. As far as we know, most analysis of label propagation algorithms thus far has been empirical in nature and in this paper we seek a theoretical understanding of label propagation algorithms. In our main result, we define a clustered version of \er random graphs with clusters V1,V2,...,VkV_1, V_2,..., V_k where the probability pp, of an edge connecting nodes within a cluster ViV_i is higher than pp', the probability of an edge connecting nodes in distinct clusters. We show that even with fairly general restrictions on pp and pp' (p=Ω(1n1/4ϵ)p = \Omega(\frac{1}{n^{1/4-\epsilon}}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, p=O(p2)p' = O(p^2), where nn is the number of nodes), \textsc{Max-LPA} detects the clusters V1,V2,...,VnV_1, V_2,..., V_n in just two rounds. Based on this and on empirical results, we conjecture that \textsc{Max-LPA} can correctly and quickly identify communities on clustered \er graphs even when the clusters are much sparser, i.e., with p=clognnp = \frac{c\log n}{n} for some c>1c > 1.Comment: 17 pages. Submitted to ICDCN 201

    Software systems through complex networks science: Review, analysis and applications

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    Complex software systems are among most sophisticated human-made systems, yet only little is known about the actual structure of 'good' software. We here study different software systems developed in Java from the perspective of network science. The study reveals that network theory can provide a prominent set of techniques for the exploratory analysis of large complex software system. We further identify several applications in software engineering, and propose different network-based quality indicators that address software design, efficiency, reusability, vulnerability, controllability and other. We also highlight various interesting findings, e.g., software systems are highly vulnerable to processes like bug propagation, however, they are not easily controllable

    Robust network community detection using balanced propagation

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    Label propagation has proven to be an extremely fast method for detecting communities in large complex networks. Furthermore, due to its simplicity, it is also currently one of the most commonly adopted algorithms in the literature. Despite various subsequent advances, an important issue of the algorithm has not yet been properly addressed. Random (node) update orders within the algorithm severely hamper its robustness, and consequently also the stability of the identified community structure. We note that an update order can be seen as increasing propagation preferences from certain nodes, and propose a balanced propagation that counteracts for the introduced randomness by utilizing node balancers. We have evaluated the proposed approach on synthetic networks with planted partition, and on several real-world networks with community structure. The results confirm that balanced propagation is significantly more robust than label propagation, when the performance of community detection is even improved. Thus, balanced propagation retains high scalability and algorithmic simplicity of label propagation, but improves on its stability and performance