19 research outputs found

    Adapting Tolkien (2021), edited by Will Sherwood

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    Book review by Douglas C. Kane of Adapting Tolkien (2021), edited by Will Sherwoo

    Critical geographical queer semiotics

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    This Themed Section assembles sexuality/queer, geographical and socio-linguistic scholarship to pursue – what we, a collaborating geographer and semiotician, frame as – critical geographical queer semiotics. We regard this as an on-going episteme-techne research frontier at the crossroads of language-focused geographical inquiry (see, e.g., Brown, 2002; Leap and Boellstorff, 2004; Valentine et al., 2008; Browne and Nash, 2010; Murray, 2016) and the unfolding sociolinguistic subdiscipline of linguistic landscaping (see, e.g., Shohamy and Gorter, 2009; Blommaert, 2013; Stroud and Jegels, 2014; Blackwood et al., 2016)

    Digital Science: Electronic Association and Groupware in Facilitating Third Sector Research

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    In thinking about the application of computers and the internet technology to problems of association, collaboration and civil society we need to get beyond the current state of mimicking existing social processes and discover new ways to extend and enhance those social processes

    El lenguaje inconcluso de la arquitectura marginal peruana. Una visión contrastada entre la globalización y el habitar

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    Every language, including the architectural one, is created so that a linguistic group is able to share a narrative that structures a type of reality. Taking into consideration the contemporary peripheral-neighborhood architecture in Peru, this paper aims to go deeper into the current space-time coordinates in which creations will be valid, and determine the current scales of values in which dwellers of these neighborhoods prioritize their requirements and turn them into esthetic products. On that basis, more than one attempt to build forms of communication that imbue with the support elements of buildings or that expand in the spaces segregated by these emerging dwellers can be recognized. In the middle of these confrontations, we discover the characteristics of this unfinished architectural language managed from dwelling.Todo lenguaje, incluido el arquitectónico, se crea para que un grupo lingüístico sea capaz de compartir una narrativa que estructure algún tipo de realidad. Deteniéndonos en el caso de la arquitectura popular contemporánea en el Perú, el presente texto propone ahondar en las coordenadas espaciotemporales actuales, en las cuales las creaciones tendrán validez, y determinar las escalas de valores vigentes en cuyos podios estos habitantes priorizan sus requerimientos y los convierten en productos estéticos. A partir de ello, se puede reconocer más de un intento por construir formas de comunicación que se impregnan en los elementos de sostén de los edificios o que se expanden en los espacios que estos pobladores emergentes segregan. En medio de estas confrontaciones, descubrimos las características de este lenguaje arquitectónico inconcluso gestionado desde el habitar

    Synergetic Approach to the Formation of the Normalized Tempo-Rhythmical Organization of Speech in the Russian Language as a Foreign Language of Bilingual Children

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    Theoretical and applied aspects of bilingualism at present, more and more attract the attention of not only linguists, and researchers in the field of speech-language pathology. This interest is due to the relevance of the problem of bilingualism (multilingualism) in the world. Currently in places of compact residence of the Tatar population, in particular in the Tyumen region, is created an environment, conducive to the development of early bilingualism. Tatars are the second largest by population in the Tyumen region. Also there is a marked growth in the number of representatives of the Turkic ethnic groups (Azeris, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks), due to migration processes. This raises the problem of learning Russian as a second language by children bilinguals who arrive with their parents. The new realities of the post-Soviet world has led to an increase of the distance in school programs, the reduction of the role and place of Russian language in the newly independent states, which creates additional difficulties in the adaptation of migrant children. It is important to realize that the choice of strategy of formation of the linguistic features of children with speech dysfunctions and bilingualism is not possible without recourse to physiological and neuropsychological mechanisms of speech, psycholinguistic aspects of language analysis. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s4p13

    The second uprising of Boka Kotorska (1882) and Italy According to the documents of Austrian espionage in the Zadar archives

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    Austrija je na Berlinskom kongresu dobila mandat da okupira Bosnu i Hercegovinu nakon što su njezini agenti izazvali ustanak i s njime neposredno upravljali, primjerice Andrássyjev agent Gustav von Thoemmel, koji je u doba ustanka djelovao u stožeru knjaza Nikole. Austro-Ugarska je okupirala Bosnu i Hercegovinu, sklopila tajni sporazum sa Srbijom, a potom je privukla u svoju orbitu Rumunjsku i Italiju u Trojnom savezu. Europska masonerija, koja se desecima godina predvođena Mazzinijem i Garibaldijem suprostavljala austrijskoj špijunaži poduzela je gotovo očajnički pokušaj da podigne Balkan protiv Austro-Ugarske i Turske i inspirirala Drugi bokeljski ustanak. Ustanak je pobudila masonska loža Egeria u Rimu kojoj je venerabilis bio Giuseppe Garibaldi. S njim i s njegovim sinom Menottijem bili su u vezi Léon Gambetta i Gladstone. No ustanak je bio loše organiziran pa je propao.At the Berlin Congress, Austria was given a mandate to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina, after its agents had incited an uprising and directly controlled it as, for instance, Andrassy‚s agent Gustav von Thoemmel, who, at the time of the uprising, was active at the headquarters of prince Nikola. Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina, made a secret pact with Serbia and drew Romania and Italy into its orbit, thus making a Tripartite Alliance. The European Freemasonry led by Mazzini and Garibaldi, that for a decade had resisted the Austrian espionage, made an almost desperate attempt to raise the Balkans against Austria-Hungary and Turkey and inspired the second uprising of Boka Kotorska. The masonic lodge Egeria in Rome, the venerabilis of which was Giuseppe Garibaldi, incited the uprising. Leon Gambetta and Gladstone kept contacts with him and his son Menotti. However, the uprising was badly organised and it failed