221,519 research outputs found

    Understanding visual scenes

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    What Can I Do Around Here? Deep Functional Scene Understanding for Cognitive Robots

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    For robots that have the capability to interact with the physical environment through their end effectors, understanding the surrounding scenes is not merely a task of image classification or object recognition. To perform actual tasks, it is critical for the robot to have a functional understanding of the visual scene. Here, we address the problem of localizing and recognition of functional areas from an arbitrary indoor scene, formulated as a two-stage deep learning based detection pipeline. A new scene functionality testing-bed, which is complied from two publicly available indoor scene datasets, is used for evaluation. Our method is evaluated quantitatively on the new dataset, demonstrating the ability to perform efficient recognition of functional areas from arbitrary indoor scenes. We also demonstrate that our detection model can be generalized onto novel indoor scenes by cross validating it with the images from two different datasets

    Behavioral biases when viewing multiplexed scenes:scene structure and frames of reference for inspection

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    Where people look when viewing a scene has been a much explored avenue of vision research (e.g., see Tatler, 2009). Current understanding of eye guidance suggests that a combination of high and low-level factors influence fixation selection (e.g., Torralba et al., 2006), but that there are also strong biases toward the center of an image (Tatler, 2007). However, situations where we view multiplexed scenes are becoming increasingly common, and it is unclear how visual inspection might be arranged when content lacks normal semantic or spatial structure. Here we use the central bias to examine how gaze behavior is organized in scenes that are presented in their normal format, or disrupted by scrambling the quadrants and separating them by space. In Experiment 1, scrambling scenes had the strongest influence on gaze allocation. Observers were highly biased by the quadrant center, although physical space did not enhance this bias. However, the center of the display still contributed to fixation selection above chance, and was most influential early in scene viewing. When the top left quadrant was held constant across all conditions in Experiment 2, fixation behavior was significantly influenced by the overall arrangement of the display, with fixations being biased toward the quadrant center when the other three quadrants were scrambled (despite the visual information in this quadrant being identical in all conditions). When scenes are scrambled into four quadrants and semantic contiguity is disrupted, observers no longer appear to view the content as a single scene (despite it consisting of the same visual information overall), but rather anchor visual inspection around the four separate “sub-scenes.” Moreover, the frame of reference that observers use when viewing the multiplex seems to change across viewing time: from an early bias toward the display center to a later bias toward quadrant centers

    Ventral-stream-like shape representation : from pixel intensity values to trainable object-selective COSFIRE models

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    Keywords: hierarchical representation, object recognition, shape, ventral stream, vision and scene understanding, robotics, handwriting analysisThe remarkable abilities of the primate visual system have inspired the construction of computational models of some visual neurons. We propose a trainable hierarchical object recognition model, which we call S-COSFIRE (S stands for Shape and COSFIRE stands for Combination Of Shifted FIlter REsponses) and use it to localize and recognize objects of interests embedded in complex scenes. It is inspired by the visual processing in the ventral stream (V1/V2 → V4 → TEO). Recognition and localization of objects embedded in complex scenes is important for many computer vision applications. Most existing methods require prior segmentation of the objects from the background which on its turn requires recognition. An S-COSFIRE filter is automatically configured to be selective for an arrangement of contour-based features that belong to a prototype shape specified by an example. The configuration comprises selecting relevant vertex detectors and determining certain blur and shift parameters. The response is computed as the weighted geometric mean of the blurred and shifted responses of the selected vertex detectors. S-COSFIRE filters share similar properties with some neurons in inferotemporal cortex, which provided inspiration for this work. We demonstrate the effectiveness of S-COSFIRE filters in two applications: letter and keyword spotting in handwritten manuscripts and object spotting in complex scenes for the computer vision system of a domestic robot. S-COSFIRE filters are effective to recognize and localize (deformable) objects in images of complex scenes without requiring prior segmentation. They are versatile trainable shape detectors, conceptually simple and easy to implement. The presented hierarchical shape representation contributes to a better understanding of the brain and to more robust computer vision algorithms.peer-reviewe

    Towards Task Understanding in Visual Settings

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    We consider the problem of understanding real world tasks depicted in visual images. While most existing image captioning methods excel in producing natural language descriptions of visual scenes involving human tasks, there is often the need for an understanding of the exact task being undertaken rather than a literal description of the scene. We leverage insights from real world task understanding systems, and propose a framework composed of convolutional neural networks, and an external hierarchical task ontology to produce task descriptions from input images. Detailed experiments highlight the efficacy of the extracted descriptions, which could potentially find their way in many applications, including image alt text generation.Comment: Accepted as Student Abstract at 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 201

    Scene Graph Generation via Conditional Random Fields

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    Despite the great success object detection and segmentation models have achieved in recognizing individual objects in images, performance on cognitive tasks such as image caption, semantic image retrieval, and visual QA is far from satisfactory. To achieve better performance on these cognitive tasks, merely recognizing individual object instances is insufficient. Instead, the interactions between object instances need to be captured in order to facilitate reasoning and understanding of the visual scenes in an image. Scene graph, a graph representation of images that captures object instances and their relationships, offers a comprehensive understanding of an image. However, existing techniques on scene graph generation fail to distinguish subjects and objects in the visual scenes of images and thus do not perform well with real-world datasets where exist ambiguous object instances. In this work, we propose a novel scene graph generation model for predicting object instances and its corresponding relationships in an image. Our model, SG-CRF, learns the sequential order of subject and object in a relationship triplet, and the semantic compatibility of object instance nodes and relationship nodes in a scene graph efficiently. Experiments empirically show that SG-CRF outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, on three different datasets, i.e., CLEVR, VRD, and Visual Genome, raising the Recall@100 from 24.99% to 49.95%, from 41.92% to 50.47%, and from 54.69% to 54.77%, respectively

    Emergence of Visual Saliency from Natural Scenes via Context-Mediated Probability Distributions Coding

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    Visual saliency is the perceptual quality that makes some items in visual scenes stand out from their immediate contexts. Visual saliency plays important roles in natural vision in that saliency can direct eye movements, deploy attention, and facilitate tasks like object detection and scene understanding. A central unsolved issue is: What features should be encoded in the early visual cortex for detecting salient features in natural scenes? To explore this important issue, we propose a hypothesis that visual saliency is based on efficient encoding of the probability distributions (PDs) of visual variables in specific contexts in natural scenes, referred to as context-mediated PDs in natural scenes. In this concept, computational units in the model of the early visual system do not act as feature detectors but rather as estimators of the context-mediated PDs of a full range of visual variables in natural scenes, which directly give rise to a measure of visual saliency of any input stimulus. To test this hypothesis, we developed a model of the context-mediated PDs in natural scenes using a modified algorithm for independent component analysis (ICA) and derived a measure of visual saliency based on these PDs estimated from a set of natural scenes. We demonstrated that visual saliency based on the context-mediated PDs in natural scenes effectively predicts human gaze in free-viewing of both static and dynamic natural scenes. This study suggests that the computation based on the context-mediated PDs of visual variables in natural scenes may underlie the neural mechanism in the early visual cortex for detecting salient features in natural scenes