5 research outputs found

    Modeling transactional memory workload performance

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    ESTIMA: Extrapolating ScalabiliTy of In-Memory Applications

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    This paper presents ESTIMA, an easy-to-use tool for extrapolating the scalability of in-memory applications. ESTIMA is designed to perform a simple, yet important task: given the performance of an application on a small machine with a handful of cores, ESTIMA extrapolates its scalability to a larger machine with more cores, while requiring minimum input from the user. The key idea underlying ESTIMA is the use of stalled cycles (e.g. cycles that the processor spends waiting for various events, such as cache misses or waiting on a lock). ESTIMA measures stalled cycles on a few cores and extrapolates them to more cores, estimating the amount of waiting in the system. ESTIMA can be effectively used to predict the scalability of in-memory applications. For instance, using measurements of memcached and SQLite on a desktop machine, we obtain accurate predictions of their scalability on a server. Our extensive evaluation on a large number of in-memory benchmarks shows that ESTIMA has generally low prediction errors

    Studying and Analysing Transactional Memory Using Interval Temporal Logic and AnaTempura

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    Transactional memory (TM) is a promising lock-free synchronisation technique which offers a high-level abstract parallel programming model for future chip multiprocessor (CMP) systems. Moreover, it adapts the well-established popular paradigm of transactions and thus provides a general and flexible way to allow programs to read and modify disparate memory locations atomically as a single operation. In this thesis, we propose a general framework for validating a TM design, starting from a formal specification into a hardware implementation, with its underpinning theory and refinement. A methodology in this work starts with a high-level and executable specification model for an abstract TM with verification for various correctness conditions of concurrent transactions. This model is constructed within a flexible transition framework that allows verifying correctness of a TM system with animation. Then, we present a formal executable specification for a chip-dual single-cycle MIPS processor with a cache coherence protocol and integrate the provable TM system. Finally, we transform the dual processors with the TM from a high-level description into a Hardware Description Language (VHDL), using some proposed refinement and restriction rules. Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) and its programming language subset AnaTempura are used to build, execute and test the model, since they together provide a powerful framework supporting logical reasoning about time intervals as well as programming and simulation

    Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

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    This thesis presents tools for Transactional Memory (TM) applications that cover multiple TM systems (Software, Hardware, and hybrid TM) and use information of all different layers of the TM software stack. Therefore, this thesis addresses a number of challenges to extract static information, information about the run time behavior, and expert-level knowledge to develop these new methods and strategies for the optimization of TM applications