9,690 research outputs found

    Understanding the reliability of localized near future weather data for building performance prediction in the UK

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    Access to reliable site-specific near future weather data is crucial for forecasting temporally-dynamic building energy demand and consumption, and determining the state of on-site renewable energy generation. Often there is a missing link between weather forecast providers and building energy management systems. This short paper discusses the potential to conduct building performance modelling using localized high resolution weather forecast freely available from the United Kingdom Met Office DataPoint service. It creates a great opportunity for building performance simulation professionals and building energy managers to re-use site-specific high resolution weather forecast data to predict near future building performance at both individual building and city scale. In this paper, authors have developed a framework of forecasting near future building performance and a Matlab script to automatically gather observed weather data from 140 weather stations and weather forecasts for nearly 6,000 locations in the UK. To understand the reliability of weather forecast, three-hourly forecasts of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction are compared with observations from weather stations. This provides evidences to use the next 24-hour forecast to predict dynamic building energy demand and consumption, and determine the on-site renewable energy generation output. Because of the high accuracy of forecast, the rolling forecast can be recorded on daily basis to construct weather files for locations that do not have weather stations. This will increase current 14 locations of the CIBSE weather data to nearly 6,000 locations covering population centers, sporting venues and tourist attractions

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Coupled Data Assimilation for Integrated Earth System Analysis and Prediction: Goals, Challenges, and Recommendations

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    The purpose of this report is to identify fundamental issues for coupled data assimilation (CDA), such as gaps in science and limitations in forecasting systems, in order to provide guidance to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on how to facilitate more rapid progress internationally. Coupled Earth system modeling provides the opportunity to extend skillful atmospheric forecasts beyond the traditional two-week barrier by extracting skill from low-frequency state components such as the land, ocean, and sea ice. More generally, coupled models are needed to support seamless prediction systems that span timescales from weather, subseasonal to seasonal (S2S), multiyear, and decadal. Therefore, initialization methods are needed for coupled Earth system models, either applied to each individual component (called Weakly Coupled Data Assimilation - WCDA) or applied the coupled Earth system model as a whole (called Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation - SCDA). Using CDA, in which model forecasts and potentially the state estimation are performed jointly, each model domain benefits from observations in other domains either directly using error covariance information known at the time of the analysis (SCDA), or indirectly through flux interactions at the model boundaries (WCDA). Because the non-atmospheric domains are generally under-observed compared to the atmosphere, CDA provides a significant advantage over single-domain analyses. Next, we provide a synopsis of goals, challenges, and recommendations to advance CDA: Goals: (a) Extend predictive skill beyond the current capability of NWP (e.g. as demonstrated by improving forecast skill scores), (b) produce physically consistent initial conditions for coupled numerical prediction systems and reanalyses (including consistent fluxes at the domain interfaces), (c) make best use of existing observations by allowing observations from each domain to influence and improve the full earth system analysis, (d) develop a robust observation-based identification and understanding of mechanisms that determine the variability of weather and climate, (e) identify critical weaknesses in coupled models and the earth observing system, (f) generate full-field estimates of unobserved or sparsely observed variables, (g) improve the estimation of the external forcings causing changes to climate, (h) transition successes from idealized CDA experiments to real-world applications. Challenges: (a) Modeling at the interfaces between interacting components of coupled Earth system models may be inadequate for estimating uncertainty or error covariances between domains, (b) current data assimilation methods may be insufficient to simultaneously analyze domains containing multiple spatiotemporal scales of interest, (c) there is no standardization of observation data or their delivery systems across domains, (d) the size and complexity of many large-scale coupled Earth system models makes it is difficult to accurately represent uncertainty due to model parameters and coupling parameters, (e) model errors lead to local biases that can transfer between the different Earth system components and lead to coupled model biases and long-term model drift, (e) information propagation across model components with different spatiotemporal scales is extremely complicated, and must be improved in current coupled modeling frameworks, (h) there is insufficient knowledge on how to represent evolving errors in non-atmospheric model components (e.g. as sea ice, land and ocean) on the timescales of NWP

    Bayesian Approaches for Modelling Flood Damage Processes

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    Hochwasserschadensprozesse werden von den drei Komponenten des Hochwasserrisikos bestimmt – der Gefahr, der Exposition und der Vulnerabilität. Dabei bleiben wichtige Einflussgrößen auf die Vulnerabilität, wie die private Hochwasservorsorge aufgrund fehlender quantitativer Informationen unberücksichtigt. Diese Arbeit entwickelt daher eine robuste statistische Methode zur Quantifizierung des Einflusses von privater Hochwasservorsorge auf die Reduzierung der Vulnerabilität von Haushalten bei Hochwasser. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in Deutschland private Hochwasservorsorgemaßnahmen den durchschnittlichen Hochwasserschaden pro Wohngebäude um 11.000 bis 15.000 Euro reduzieren. Hochwasserschadensmodelle mit Expertenwissen und datengestützten Methoden sind dabei am besten in der Lage Unterschiede in der Vulnerabilität durch private Hochwasservorsorge zu erkennen. Die über Hochwasserschadenprozesse erhobenen Daten und Modellannahmen sind von Unsicherheit geprägt und so sind auch Schätzungen mit. Die Bayesschen Modelle, die in dieser Arbeit entwickelt und angewandt werden, nutzen Annahmen über Schadensprozesse als Prior und empirische Daten zur Aktualisierung der Wahrscheinlischkeitsverteilungen. Die Modelle bieten Hochwasserschadensschätzungen als Verteilung, welche die Bandbreite der Variabilität der Schadensprozesse und die Unsicherheit der Modellannahmen abbilden. Hochwasserschadensmodelle, hinsichtlich der Prognoseerstellung und Anwendbarkeit. Ins Besondere verbessert die Verwendung einer Beta–Verteilung die Zuverlässigkeit der Modellergebnisse im Vergleich zu den häufig genutzten Gaußschen oder nicht parametrischen Verteilungen. Der hierarchische Bayessche Ansatz schafft eine verbesserte Parametrisierung von Wasserstand-Schadens-Funktionen und ersetzt so die Notwendigkeit empirischer Daten durch regional- und Ereignis-spezifisches Expertenwissen. Auf diese Weise kann die Vorhersage bei einer zeitlich und räumlichen Übertragung des Models verbessert werden.Flood damage processes are influenced by the three components of flood risk - hazard, exposure and vulnerability. In comparison to hazard and exposure, the vulnerability component, though equally important is often generalized in many flood risk assessments by a simple depth-damage curve. Hence, this thesis developed a robust statistical method to quantify the role of private precaution in reducing flood vulnerability of households. In Germany, the role of private precaution was found to be very significant in reducing flood damage (11 - 15 thousand euros, per household). Also, flood loss models with structure, parameterization and choice of explanatory variables based on expert knowledge and data-driven methods were successful in capturing changes in vulnerability, which makes them suitable for future risk assessments. Due to significant uncertainty in the underlying data and model assumptions, flood loss models always carry uncertainty around their predictions. This thesis develops Bayesian approaches for flood loss modelling using assumptions regarding damage processes as priors and available empirical data as evidence for updating. Thus, these models provide flood loss predictions as a distribution, that potentially accounts for variability in damage processes and uncertainty in model assumptions. The models presented in this thesis are an improvement over the state-of-the-art flood loss models in terms of prediction capability and model applicability. In particular, the choice of the response (Beta) distribution improved the reliability of loss predictions compared to the popular Gaussian or non-parametric distributions; the Hierarchical Bayesian approach resulted in an improved parameterization of the common stage damage functions that replaces empirical data requirements with region and event-specific expert knowledge, thereby, enhancing its predictive capabilities during spatiotemporal transfer

    A survey on power grid faults and their origins: A contribution to improving power grid resilience

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    UID/EEA/00066/2019One of the most critical infrastructures in the world is electrical power grids (EPGs). New threats affecting EPGs, and their different consequences, are analyzed in this survey along with different approaches that can be taken to prevent or minimize those consequences, thus improving EPG resilience. The necessity for electrical power systems to become resilient to such events is becoming compelling; indeed, it is important to understand the origins and consequences of faults. This survey provides an analysis of different types of faults and their respective causes, showing which ones are more reported in the literature. As a result of the analysis performed, it was possible to identify four clusters concerning mitigation approaches, as well as to correlate them with the four different states of the electrical power system resilience curve.publishe

    Translate Data Into Meaning: integration of meteorology and geomatics to generate meaningful information for decision makers

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    A variety of actors at all scales and acting in different domains such as emergency management, agriculture, sports and leisure and commercial activities, are becoming more aware of the challenges and opportunities that meteorological data analysis poses for their operational goals. The increasing availability of meteorological data coupled with a rapid improvement in technology led to the widespread dissemination of the weather information to a variety of users on a regular basis. Particularly through the internet and mobile application all users, despite their varied background, can access to big amount of data with a high potential to gather essential input that can significantly help their decisions. At the same time, simply creating and disseminating information without context does not necessarily offer an added value to sèecific users. One of the main issues is related to the scientific approach of weather analysis and to the representation of results, which are hardly understandable for non-technical users and therefore not easily usable to make decisions. As a result, there are several researches aiming at finding new ways of supporting decision making by supplying easy to use information. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to provide guidance on how to identify and characterize the needs for meaningful and usable information among various users of meteorology, including members of the public, emergency managers, other government decision makers, and private-sector entities, both direct users and intermediaries. In particular a methodology for the integration of meteorological data and GIS capabilities is investigated and applied to three different end users having similarities and differences. Scientific analysis, results and cartographic products are adapted to specific requirements, experience and perceptions of the three different users

    Resilience viewed through the lens of climate change and water management

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    Resilience is not a new idea but there has been an upsurge in efforts to operationalize the concept within water management. This review begins with a synopsis of related themes around persistent and emerging pressures on freshwaters; environmental thresholds (or tipping points); ‘safe’ operating conditions; multiple stable states; regime shifts. A case is made for viewing and managing the resilience of water systems at nested scales. Indicators are needed to track evolving climate risks as well as to measure socio-ecological responses. Catchment properties can identify those river systems that are more or less likely to return to a pre-disturbance state; resilience further depends on institutional and social landscapes. Ideally, allied notions of resistance and reliability are applied alongside resilience to broaden the portfolio of adaptation measures. Water managers would also benefit from more consistent use of resilience terminology; incentives to build back better after catastrophes; strategic monitoring of incipient threats and tipping points; availability of long-term adaptation indicators; coordinated efforts to reduce non-climatic pressures on freshwaters (especially in headwaters); evidence-based, practical guidance on adaptation measures that build resilience

    CLIVAR Exchanges No. 54

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