165,665 research outputs found

    Energy storage in the UK electrical network : estimation of the scale and review of technology options

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    This paper aims to clarify the difference between stores of energy in the form of non-rechargeable stores of energy such as fossil-fuels, and the storage of electricity by devices that are rechargeable. The existing scale of these two distinct types of storage is considered in the UK context, followed by a review of rechargeable technology options. The storage is found to be overwhelmingly contained within the fossil-fuel stores of conventional generators, but their scale is thought to be determined by the risks associated with long supply chains and price variability. The paper also aims to add to the debate regarding the need to have more flexible supply and demand available within the UK electrical network in order to balance the expected increase of wind derived generation. We conclude that the decarbonisation challenge facing the UK electricity sector should be seen not only as a supply and demand challenge but also as a storage challenge. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Requirements to Testing of Power System Services Provided by DER Units

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    The present report forms the Project Deliverable ‘D 2.2’ of the DERlab NoE project, supported by the EC under Contract No. SES6-CT-518299 NoE DERlab. The present document discuss the power system services that may be provided from DER units and the related methods to test the services actually provided, both at component level and at system level

    Hydro/Battery Hybrid Systems for frequency regulation

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    An innovative Hydro/Battery Hybrid System (HBHS), composed of a hydropower plant (HPP) and a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is proposed to provide frequency regulation services in the Nordic Power System (NPS). The HBHS is envisioned to have a faster and more efficient response compared to HPPs currently providing these services, whilst retaining their high energy capacity and endurance, thus alleviating stand-alone BESS operation constraints. This Thesis aims to explore the operation and optimization of such a hybrid system in order to make it efficient and economically viable. A power plant perspective is employed, evaluating the impact different control algorithms and parameters have on the HBHS performance. Providing Frequency Containment Reserves for Normal Operation (FCR-N), to the national TSO in Sweden, is defined from technology and market analyses as the use case for the HBHS. The characteristics of HPPs suitable for HBHS implementation are found theoretically, by evaluating HPP operational constraints and regulation mechanisms. With the aim of evaluating the dynamic performance of the proposed HBHS, a frequency regulation model of the NPS is built in MATLAB and Simulink. Two different HBHS architectures are introduced, the Hydro Recharge, in which the BESS is regulating the frequency and the HPP is controlling its state of charge (SoC), and the Frequency Split, in which both elements are regulating the frequency with the HPP additionally compensating for the SoC. The dynamic performance of the units is qualitatively evaluated through existing and proposed FCR-N prequalification tests, prescribed by the TSO and ENTSO-E. Quantitative performance comparison to a benchmark HPP is performed with regards to the estimated HPP regulation wear and tear and BESS degradation during 30-day operation with historical frequency data. The two proposed HBHS architectures demonstrate significant reductions of estimated HPP wear and tear compared to the benchmark unit. Simulations consistently report a 90 % reduction in the number of movements HPP regulation mechanism performs and a more than 50 % decrease in the distance it travels. The BESS lifetime is evaluated at acceptable levels and compared for different architectures. Two different applications are identified, the first being installing the HBHS to enable the HPP to pass FCR-N prequalification tests. The second application is increasing the FCR-N capacity of the HPP by installing the HBHS. The Frequency Split HBHS shows more efficient performance when installed in the first application, as opposed to the Hydro Recharge HBHS, which shows better performance in the second application. Finally, it is concluded that a large-scale implementation of HBHSs would improve the frequency quality in the NPS, linearly decreasing the amount of time outside the normal frequency band with increasing the total installed HBHS power capacity

    Water and energy-based optimisation of a “MiniCity”: A system dynamics approach

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    A Taxonomy of Data Grids for Distributed Data Sharing, Management and Processing

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    Data Grids have been adopted as the platform for scientific communities that need to share, access, transport, process and manage large data collections distributed worldwide. They combine high-end computing technologies with high-performance networking and wide-area storage management techniques. In this paper, we discuss the key concepts behind Data Grids and compare them with other data sharing and distribution paradigms such as content delivery networks, peer-to-peer networks and distributed databases. We then provide comprehensive taxonomies that cover various aspects of architecture, data transportation, data replication and resource allocation and scheduling. Finally, we map the proposed taxonomy to various Data Grid systems not only to validate the taxonomy but also to identify areas for future exploration. Through this taxonomy, we aim to categorise existing systems to better understand their goals and their methodology. This would help evaluate their applicability for solving similar problems. This taxonomy also provides a "gap analysis" of this area through which researchers can potentially identify new issues for investigation. Finally, we hope that the proposed taxonomy and mapping also helps to provide an easy way for new practitioners to understand this complex area of research.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures, Technical Repor

    Charging ahead on the transition to electric vehicles with standard 120 v wall outlets

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    Electrification of transportation is needed soon and at significant scale to meet climate goals, but electric vehicle adoption has been slow and there has been little systematic analysis to show that today's electric vehicles meet the needs of drivers. We apply detailed physics-based models of electric vehicles with data on how drivers use their cars on a daily basis. We show that the energy storage limits of today's electric vehicles are outweighed by their high efficiency and the fact that driving in the United States seldom exceeds 100 km of daily travel. When accounting for these factors, we show that the normal daily travel of 85-89% of drivers in the United States can be satisfied with electric vehicles charging with standard 120 V wall outlets at home only. Further, we show that 77-79% of drivers on their normal daily driving will have over 60 km of buffer range for unexpected trips. We quantify the sensitivities to terrain, high ancillary power draw, and battery degradation and show that an extreme case with all trips on a 3% uphill grade still shows the daily travel of 70% of drivers being satisfied with electric vehicles. These findings show that today's electric vehicles can satisfy the daily driving needs of a significant majority of drivers using only 120 V wall outlets that are already the standard across the United States

    The Locus Algorithm III: A Grid Computing system to generate catalogues of optimised pointings for Differential Photometry

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    This paper discusses the hardware and software components of the Grid Computing system used to implement the Locus Algorithm to identify optimum pointings for differential photometry of 61,662,376 stars and 23,799 quasars. The scale of the data, together with initial operational assessments demanded a High Performance Computing (HPC) system to complete the data analysis. Grid computing was chosen as the HPC solution as the optimum choice available within this project. The physical and logical structure of the National Grid computing Infrastructure informed the approach that was taken. That approach was one of layered separation of the different project components to enable maximum flexibility and extensibility

    Developing Resource Usage Service in WLCG

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    According to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the World-wide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project, participating sites are required to provide resource usage or accounting data to the Grid Operational Centre (GOC) to enrich the understanding of how shared resources are used, and to provide information for improving the effectiveness of resource allocation. As a multi-grid environment, the accounting process of WLCG is currently enabled by four accounting systems, each of which was developed independently by constituent grid projects. These accounting systems were designed and implemented based on project-specific local understanding of requirements, and therefore lack interoperability. In order to automate the accounting process in WLCG, three transportation methods are being introduced for streaming accounting data metered by heterogeneous accounting systems into GOC at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK, where accounting data are aggregated and accumulated throughout the year. These transportation methods, however, were introduced on a per accounting-system basis, i.e. targeting at a particular accounting system, making them hard to reuse and customize to new requirements. This paper presents the design of WLCG-RUS system, a standards-compatible solution providing a consistent process for streaming resource usage data across various accounting systems, while ensuring interoperability, portability, and customization
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