4 research outputs found

    Understanding the effects of wrong-path memory references on processor performance

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    • Processors spend a significant portion of execution time on the wrong path – 47 % of all cycles are spent fetching instructions on the wrong path for SPEC INT 2000 benchmarks • Many memory references are made on the wrong path – 6 % of all data references are wrong-path references – 50 % of all instruction references are wrong-path references • We would like to understand the effects of wrong-path memory references on processor performance – The goal is to build hardware/software mechanisms that take advantage of this understanding 2 Questions We Seek to Answer 1. How important is it to correctly model wrong-path memory references? • How does memory latency and window size affect this? 2. What is the relative significance of negative and positive effects of wrong-path memory references on performance? • Negative: Cache pollution and bandwidth/resource contention • Positive: Prefetching 3. What kind of code structures lead to the positive effects of wrong-path memory references? 3 Experimental Methodology • Execution-driven simulator, accurate wrong-path model • Cycle-accurate, aggressive memory model • Baseline processor – Models the Alpha ISA – 8-wide fetch, decode, issue, retire – 128-entry instruction window – Hybrid conditional branch predictor • 64K-entry PAs, 64K-entry gshare, 64K-entry selector – Aggressive indirect branch predictor (64K-entry target cache) – 20-cycle branch misprediction latency – 64 KB, 4-way, 2-cycle L1 data and instruction caches • Maximum 128 outstanding L1 misse


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    Contrary to existing work that demonstrate significant improvements in performance with larger reorder buffers, the work presented in this dissertation shows that larger instruction windows do not necessarily provide the significant improvements in performance. By using detailed models of the DRAM system and the memory subsystem, we show that increasing out-of-order aggressiveness by increasing reorder buffer sizes beyond 128 entries no longer buys any improvement in processor performance. In fact we observe that it can actually degrade processor performance. Additionally, this dissertation demonstrates a non-intuitive problem associated with the out-of-order execution of memory instructions: the reordering of memory instructions can cause a degradation in the performance of the memory subsystem. Specifically, we show that increasing out-of-order aggressiveness in terms of reorder buffer sizes increases the frequency of replay traps and data cache misses. The presentation of this problem in itself is of utmost significance: the very mechanisms commonly used to improve performance are sources of performance degradation in the memory subsystem. We observe that while the negative effects of out-of-order execution existed for only a small fraction of the time with small reorder buffers, eliminating other sources of stalls by increasing out-of-order capability introduces these unexpected side effects in the memory subsystem to represent significant overhead. This reveals that one can not overlook rarely occurring events in the memory subsystem. To gain insight on the source of the problem, we attempt to measure the degree to which memory system performance relies on out-of-order execution. Using the network communication concept of windowing, we decided to change the load/store scheduling window independently of the ALU scheduling window. Our study revealed that memory instructions issued out-of-order are the primary reason for the increase in the frequency of replay traps. On the other hand, the out-of-order issue of memory instructions is responsible for the constructive and destructive references to the data cache. Incorporating detailed memory subsystem models and a realistic DRAM model into existing simulators and filtering out the destructive references from the total cache references can allow for aggressive out-of-order cores to reap the true benefits of out-of-order execution

    Raising the level of abstraction : simulation of large chip multiprocessors running multithreaded applications

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    The number of transistors on an integrated circuit keeps doubling every two years. This increasing number of transistors is used to integrate more processing cores on the same chip. However, due to power density and ILP diminishing returns, the single-thread performance of such processing cores does not double every two years, but doubles every three years and a half. Computer architecture research is mainly driven by simulation. In computer architecture simulators, the complexity of the simulated machine increases with the number of available transistors. The more transistors, the more cores, the more complex is the model. However, the performance of computer architecture simulators depends on the single-thread performance of the host machine and, as we mentioned before, this is not doubling every two years but every three years and a half. This increasing difference between the complexity of the simulated machine and simulation speed is what we call the simulation speed gap. Because of the simulation speed gap, computer architecture simulators are increasingly slow. The simulation of a reference benchmark may take several weeks or even months. Researchers are concious of this problem and have been proposing techniques to reduce simulation time. These techniques include the use of reduced application input sets, sampled simulation and parallelization. Another technique to reduce simulation time is raising the level of abstraction of the simulated model. In this thesis we advocate for this approach. First, we decide to use trace-driven simulation because it does not require to provide functional simulation, and thus, allows to raise the level of abstraction beyond the instruction-stream representation. However, trace-driven simulation has several limitations, the most important being the inability to reproduce the dynamic behavior of multithreaded applications. In this thesis we propose a simulation methodology that employs a trace-driven simulator together with a runtime sytem that allows the proper simulation of multithreaded applications by reproducing the timing-dependent dynamic behavior at simulation time. Having this methodology, we evaluate the use of multiple levels of abstraction to reduce simulation time, from a high-speed application-level simulation mode to a detailed instruction-level mode. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of the impact in accuracy and simulation speed of these abstraction levels and also show their applicability and usefulness depending on the target evaluations. We also compare these levels of abstraction with the existing ones in popular computer architecture simulators. Also, we validate the highest abstraction level against a real machine. One of the interesting levels of abstraction for the simulation of multi-cores is the memory mode. This simulation mode is able to model the performanceof a superscalar out-of-order core using memory-access traces. At this level of abstraction, previous works have used filtered traces that do not include L1 hits, and allow to simulate only L2 misses for single-core simulations. However, simulating multithreaded applications using filtered traces as in previous works has inherent inaccuracies. We propose a technique to reduce such inaccuracies and evaluate the speed-up, applicability, and usefulness of memory-level simulation. All in all, this thesis contributes to knowledge with techniques for the simulation of chip multiprocessors with hundreds of cores using traces. It states and evaluates the trade-offs of using varying degress of abstraction in terms of accuracy and simulation speed