419 research outputs found

    Understanding the Semantics of Ambiguous Tags in Folksonomies

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    The use of tags to describe Web resources in a collaborative manner has experienced rising popularity among Web users in recent years. The product of such activity is given the name folksonomy, which can be considered as a scheme of organizing information in the users' own way. In this paper, we present a possible way to analyze the tripartite graphs - graphs involving users, tags and resources - of folksonomies and discuss how these elements acquire their meanings through their associations with other elements, a process we call mutual contextualization. In particular, we demonstrate how different meanings of ambiguous tags can be discovered through such analysis of the tripartite graph by studying the tag sf. We also discuss how the result can be used as a basis to better understand the nature of folksonomies

    Tag Meaning Disambiguation through Analysis of Tripartite Structure of Folksonomies

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    Collaborative tagging systems are becoming very popular recently. Web users use freely-chosen tags to describe shared resources, resulting in a folksonomy. One problem of folksonomies is that tags which appear in the same form may carry multiple meanings and represent different concepts. As this kind of tags are ambiguous, the precisions in both description and retrieval of the shared resources are reduced. We attempt to develop effective methods to disambiguate tags by studying the tripartite structure of folksonomies. This paper describes the network analysis techniques that we employ to discover clusters of nodes in networks and the algorithm for tag disambiguation. Experiments show that the method is very effective in performing the task

    Semantics, sensors, and the social web: The live social semantics experiments

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    The Live Social Semantics is an innovative application that encourages and guides social networking between researchers at conferences and similar events. The application integrates data and technologies from the Semantic Web, online social networks, and a face-to-face contact sensing platform. It helps researchers to find like-minded and influential researchers, to identify and meet people in their community of practice, and to capture and later retrace their real-world networking activities at conferences. The application was successfully deployed at two international conferences, attracting more than 300 users in total. This paper describes this application, and discusses and evaluates the results of its two deployment

    Enriching ontological user profiles with tagging history for multi-domain recommendations

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    Many advanced recommendation frameworks employ ontologies of various complexities to model individuals and items, providing a mechanism for the expression of user interests and the representation of item attributes. As a result, complex matching techniques can be applied to support individuals in the discovery of items according to explicit and implicit user preferences. Recently, the rapid adoption of Web2.0, and the proliferation of social networking sites, has resulted in more and more users providing an increasing amount of information about themselves that could be exploited for recommendation purposes. However, the unification of personal information with ontologies using the contemporary knowledge representation methods often associated with Web2.0 applications, such as community tagging, is a non-trivial task. In this paper, we propose a method for the unification of tags with ontologies by grounding tags to a shared representation in the form of Wordnet and Wikipedia. We incorporate individuals' tagging history into their ontological profiles by matching tags with ontology concepts. This approach is preliminary evaluated by extending an existing news recommendation system with user tagging histories harvested from popular social networking sites

    Analyzing Tag Semantics Across Collaborative Tagging Systems

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    The objective of our group was to exploit state-of-the-art Information Retrieval methods for finding associations and dependencies between tags, capturing and representing differences in tagging behavior and vocabulary of various folksonomies, with the overall aim to better understand the semantics of tags and the tagging process. Therefore we analyze the semantic content of tags in the Flickr and Delicious folksonomies. We find that: tag context similarity leads to meaningful results in Flickr, despite its narrow folksonomy character; the comparison of tags across Flickr and Delicious shows little semantic overlap, being tags in Flickr associated more to visual aspects rather than technological as it seems to be in Delicious; there are regions in the tag-tag space, provided with the cosine similarity metric, that are characterized by high density; the order of tags inside a post has a semantic relevance

    Enabling folksonomies for knowledge extraction: A semantic grounding approach

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    Folksonomies emerge as the result of the free tagging activity of a large number of users over a variety of resources. They can be considered as valuable sources from which it is possible to obtain emerging vocabularies that can be leveraged in knowledge extraction tasks. However, when it comes to understanding the meaning of tags in folksonomies, several problems mainly related to the appearance of synonymous and ambiguous tags arise, specifically in the context of multilinguality. The authors aim to turn folksonomies into knowledge structures where tag meanings are identified, and relations between them are asserted. For such purpose, they use DBpedia as a general knowledge base from which they leverage its multilingual capabilities

    Review of the state of the art: discovering and associating semantics to tags in folksonomies

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    This paper describes and compares the most relevant approaches for associating tags with semantics in order to make explicit the meaning of those tags. We identify a common set of steps that are usually considered across all these approaches and frame our descriptions according to them, providing a unified view of how each approach tackles the different problems that appear during the semantic association process. Furthermore, we provide some recommendations on (a) how and when to use each of the approaches according to the characteristics of the data source, and (b) how to improve results by leveraging the strengths of the different approaches

    Word Sense Disambiguation for Ontology Learning

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    Ontology learning aims to automatically extract ontological concepts and relationships from related text repositories and is expected to be more efficient and scalable than manual ontology development. One of the challenging issues associated with ontology learning is word sense disambiguation (WSD). Most WSD research employs resources such as WordNet, text corpora, or a hybrid approach. Motivated by the large volume and richness of user-generated content in social media, this research explores the role of social media in ontology learning. Specifically, our approach exploits social media as a dynamic context rich data source for WSD. This paper presents a method and preliminary evidence for the efficacy of our proposed method for WSD. The research is in progress toward conducting a formal evaluation of the social media based method for WSD, and plans to incorporate the WSD routine into an ontology learning system in the future
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