38 research outputs found


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    Introduction Al-Quran is a guide to human life, include a balance between physical and mind, worship and self ability, relationships between people, and so on. Regarding guidance in human relations, the Koran has also given us instructions on how to provide social assistance for others who need it. This can be seen in QS. Ad-Dhuha and Al-Insyirah.Objective This research supports to see how social support is contained in QS. Ad-Dhuha and Al-Insyirah.The results of this research is social support contained in the QS. Ad-Dhuha and Al-Insyirah consist of emotional support, network support, esteem support, instrumental support, and information support. The benefits received by Rasulullah SAW after receiving this support are psychological well being, calm, and the burden becomes lighter. Rasulullah SAW also provides social support to others, especially orphans and beggar, and always give thanks to Allah SWT.Recomendatian So, we always believe in Allah SWT, always be grateful for all the support and gifts that He has given and we also always provide social support for others. Keyword: Social support, QS Ad-Dhuha, QS. AL-Insyirah ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Al-Quran adalah petunjuk hidup manusia yang meliputi keseimbangan antara lahir dan batin, ibadah dan kemampuan diri, hubungan antar manusia, dan sebagainya. Mengenai petunjuk dalam hubungan antar manusia, Al-Quran juga telah memberikan petunjuk bagi kita mengenai bagaimana memberikan dukungan sosial bagi orang lain yang membutuhkannya. Hal ini antara lain terlihat dalam QS. Ad-Dhuha dan Al-Insyirah. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana dukungan sosial yang terkandung dalam QS. Ad-Dhuha dan Al-Insyirah. Hasil Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dukungan sosial yang terkandung dalam QS. Ad-Dhuha dan Al-Insyirah adalah berupa dukungan emosional (emotional support), dukungan jaringan (network support), dukungan penghargaan (esteem support), dukungan instrumental (tangible aid), dan dukungan informasi (informational support). Manfaat yang dirasakan Rasulullah SAW setelah mendapat dukungan tersebut adalah meningkatnya psychological well being, hatinya menjadi tenang dan lapang, serta bebannya menjadi terasa lebih ringan. Rasulullah SAW juga disuruh untuk memberikan dukungan sosial kepada orang lain, khususnya anak yatim dan orang yang meminta minta, serta senantiasa bersyukur pada Allah SWT. Saran Gambaran ini juga menjadi tuntunan bagi kita untuk selalu beriman kepada Allah SWT, senantiasa bersyukur atas segala dukungan dan karunia yang telah diberikan-Nya dan hendaknya kita juga senantiasa memberikan dukungan sosial bagi orang lain. Kata Kunci: Dukungan sosial, QS Ad-Dhuha, QS. AL-Insyira

    Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Psychological Well-Being Pada Remaja di Panti Asuhan Kecamatan Gajahmungkur

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan sosial terhadap psychological well-being pada remaja panti asuhan Kecamatann Gajahmungkur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain ex post facto kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 53 remaja panti asuhan Kecamatann Gajahmungkur yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling. Lalu data dikumpulkan menggunakan skala dukungan sosial dan skala psychological well-being. Skala dukungan sosial berjumlah 27 item memiliki rentang nilai koefisien 0,905 hingga 0,911 dan reliabilitas 0,912. Selanjutnya Skala psychological well-being berjumlah 31 item memiliki rentang nilai koefisien 0,939 hingga 0,944 dan reliabilitas 0,944. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua teknik analisis data yaitu analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Dukungan sosial berada pada kategori sedang (M=79,36; SD=7,72). Psychological well- being berada pada kategori sedang (M=158,40; SD=12,24). Hasil uji regresi linear sederhana dapat diperoleh hasil yaitu ÎČ = 0,966, R2 0,371, p < 0,05 yang menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial mempengaruhi psychological well-being pada remaja panti asuhan Kecamatan Gajahmungkur. Dukungan Sosial memberikan kontribusi sebesar 37,1%, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lainya.   Kata kunci: Dukungan sosial, psychological well-being, remaja panti asuha

    The Health Communication of Childhood Cancer Survivor in Supporting Children with Cancer

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    This research discusses the role of health communication in supporting childhood cancer patients.  The objective of this research is to get a deeper understanding of how childhood cancer survivors deliver health information regarding childhood cancer and also to know more about how they educate childhood cancer patients. Qualitative descriptive is used for this research in order to be able to describe the field conditions in depth. The use of 'Communication for Persuasion Theory' is to find out how much the influence of health communication has in the formation of new health behaviors of a childhood cancer patient. The data collection techniques for this research were using interviews, observation, and documentation. The findings of this research are the existence of role models by a childhood cancer survivor in conducting health communication is very important for the formation of new health behavior

    Formal Modeling and Analysis of Social Support Recipient Preferences

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    This paper presents formal recipient model of support seeking behavior. Support seeking is significantly dynamic and it includes substantial changes as demanding condition happen. From this perspective, the proposed model covers integrating of both coping strategies, support preferences and network ties. The recipient model can be used to recognize social support and human interaction within social networks during stressful events. The model was able to produce realistic behavior that could clarify conditions for handling stress. This was done by employing simulation experiments under various negative events, personality resources and personality attributes. Simulation results show that a person with problemfocused coping, requests either informational or instrumental support. In contrary, a person with emotion-focused coping request instrumental, emotional, and companionship support. Moreover, informational support leads to higher increase requests from weak tie than other types of supports that request from strong tie. These results were similar to those with the model’s mathematical analysis. Finally, a mathematical analysis was used to examine the possible equilibria of the model

    A model to promote the uptake of male circumcision as an HIV-preventive measure in high HIV and low male circumcision prevalence settings

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    Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) remain the leading global burden of disease, especially in Southern Africa. As such, efforts to develop innovative preventive and curative measures continue to be a global priority. Of late, the World Health Organization recognised and recommended mass male circumcision (MC) as an adjunct HIV-preventive measure in 14 selected sub-Sahara African countries. However, despite efforts to promote the uptake of MC in these countries, the uptake remains significantly below set targets. Aim: The purpose of this article is to describe the process that was followed in developing, describing and evaluating a model to promote the uptake of MC as an HIV-preventive measure in high HIV and low MC settings. Setting: The model is designed for all settings of high HIV and low MC prevalence. Method: A theory-generative, qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was used. The process involved four distinct steps, namely concept analysis, description of relationship statements, and description and evaluation of the model using the criteria of clarity, simplicity, generality, accessibility and importance. Results: The central concept was identified as ‘promote the uptake of MC’, and three integral constituents were identified for the process, such as transforming men’s mindsets about MC, facilitating accessibility and utilisation of MC services, and maintaining a supportive social system. These formed the basis for the model. Conclusion: The model provides a framework of reference for healthcare providers in promoting the uptake of MC as an HIV-preventive measure in high HIV and low MC settings

    Dukungan Sosial Melalui Media Sosial (Analisis Isi Kualitatif Pesan Dukungan Sosial Pada Halaman Facebook Rumah Zakat Official)

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    The developme nt of technology creates social networking sites that can connect many people through community groups online, the online community itself is a group of people who have the same goals mediated by computer media. In relation to the facebook page, this study aims to examine the form of social support on the facebook page Rumah Zakat Official . The type of research used in this research is qualitative by using qualitative content analysis approach. Sampling using non - probability sampling method while the technique used is purposive sampling by taking samples of posts and comments on the faceboo k page Rumah Zakat Official for one week there are 75 (seventy five) post messages (update status) with like as much 967,416 (Nine hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred and sixteen), distributed (sh are) of 7004 (seven thousand four ) and 1,445 comments (one thousand four hundred forty five) calculated manually. Technique of data retrieval is done by using documentation study in the form of screenshoot. While the data analysis techniques use data coding by using a deductive approach. The results of the re search on the facebook page of Rmuah Zakat Official are five forms of social support, such as: information support, emotional support, award support, instrumental support, and social network support. Of the five categories are the two most frequently excha nged categories of information support and emotional support. Keywords : Social Support, Rumah Zakat, Facebook, Facebook Page, Content Analysis, Qualitative

    Digital social support for undergraduate students during COVID-19: Pivotal support for the digital transformation

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    Background: In a time of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, digital social support can prove helpful in buffering the stress and anxiety especially for students whose lives were being affected both socially and academically. The present study aims to explore the emotional and informational social support available to students during the online transformation of their education. It further investigates factors affecting anxiety and stress among students. Design and Methods: An online survey was administered among 479 undergraduate students at a private university in Saudi Arabia from 2nd March till 17th June 2020. Descriptive analysis was used to report the findings of students’ self-reported data. Results: The results revealed that more than 70% of the students reported that they were satisfied with the informational and emotional support available to them via digital platforms. However, they felt less connected with the teachers and academic administration. Feeling sick (46%), being locked down at homes and isolation (43%) were major causes of stress and anxiety. 71% of the students reported their ability to keep themselves busy, however, only 55% of students mentioned that they did not feel lonely while confined to their homes. In these circumstances, the continuation of studies via online platforms helped students reduce stress and anxiety (52%). Conclusions: Although this online transformation was not planned, the university was able to provide adequate informational support to the students. However, students were dependent upon friends, family and relatives for emotional support. The results of the study point towards the need of training for teachers and academic administrative staff in order to better address students’ needs for social support during the crisis.  The results also contribute to the body of data reporting the various effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students in a way to reach a sustainable framework for supporting students

    “A Cog in a Wheel that Gets it Done”: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Faculty Seeking Administrator Support

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    This qualitative study sought to determine the stressors that motivate faculty to seek administrator support and examined faculty experiences of administrator support. Participants were 27 full- and part-time faculty members who completed a seven-item online questionnaire. Findings show that many participants felt unsupported by their administrator while navigating the stressful situations for which they sought help. This lack of support led to negative departmental cultures and faculty feeling insecure, undervalued, and isolated. This study highlights the need for policies and practices designed to build relationships between faculty and administrators. Efforts to improve the faculty-–administrator relationship can lead to increased understanding, promote communication, and create psychologically safe spaces for faculty in distress

    A influĂȘncia do suporte social total e integrado em indicadores de bem-estar em crianças do 2Âș e 3Âș ciclo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a relação do suporte social disponibilizado por trĂȘs figuras (a figura familiar mais prĂłxima, o/a diretor/a de turma e o/a melhor amigo/a), bem como do suporte social total e do suporte social integrado com indicadores de bem-estar positivos e negativos de estudantes do segundo e do terceiro ciclos do ensino bĂĄsico. O estudo abrangeu 93 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 18 anos (M = 12.84; DP = 1.41; 53.80% do sexo feminino), que frequentavam o 2Âș e 3Âș ciclo do ensino bĂĄsico. Uma anĂĄlise de clusters k-means revelou dois grupos de suporte social integrado: o grupo em que o suporte social de todas as fontes era alto e o grupo em que o suporte integrado do melhor amigo(a) era inconsistente/baixo, em comparação com o suporte disponibilizado pelas restantes figuras. As regressĂ”es ordinais demonstraram que o suporte social total e integrado tiveram influĂȘncia na qualidade de vida dos estudantes, mas apenas o suporte social integrado estĂĄ associado ao decrĂ©scimo dos Ă­ndices de depressĂŁo. Conclui-se que a coordenação de apoio social em prĂ©-adolescentes parece ter benefĂ­cios ao nĂ­vel de alguns indicadores de bem estar, nomeadamente na redução de indicadores de depressĂŁo.The objective of this study was to compare the social support provided by three figures (the closest family figure, the class director and the best friend), as well as total social support and attuned social support with positive and negative well-being indicators of students in the second and third cycles of basic education. The study included 93 participants, aged 10 to 18 years (M = 12.84; SD = 1.41; 53.80% female), who attended the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic education. A k-means cluster analysis revealed two attuned social support groups: the group where social support from all sources was high and the group where attuned support from the best friend was inconsistent/low compared to the support provided by the other figures. Ordinal regressions showed that total and attuned social support had an influence on students' quality of life, but only attuned support is associated with a decrease in depression rates. It is concluded that the coordination of social support in pre-adolescents seems to have benefits in terms of some indicators of well-being, namely in the reduction of indicators of depression

    Seeking and Providing Social Support in Online Forums for Individuals Experiencing Depression

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    This thesis project investigates how individuals suffering from depression seek support, provide support, and describe experiences of stigma in an online support platform. A phronetic-iterative and constant comparative approach guided an in-depth analysis of 37 posts on a discussion board designed for individuals with depression. The findings demonstrated that individuals use online discussion forums to request support both implicitly and explicitly. In response to sought support, individuals provided informational, emotional, and network support. Finally, discussion board participants discussed social and self stigma. Despite the limitations of the study, the findings indicate the utility of online social support platforms for individuals suffering from depression and emphasize their importance in facilitating supportive communicative interactions. Keywords: depression, online discussion boards, social support, stigma