46 research outputs found

    Enabling Hyperscale Web Services

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    Modern web services such as social media, online messaging, web search, video streaming, and online banking often support billions of users, requiring data centers that scale to hundreds of thousands of servers, i.e., hyperscale. In fact, the world continues to expect hyperscale computing to drive more futuristic applications such as virtual reality, self-driving cars, conversational AI, and the Internet of Things. This dissertation presents technologies that will enable tomorrow’s web services to meet the world’s expectations. The key challenge in enabling hyperscale web services arises from two important trends. First, over the past few years, there has been a radical shift in hyperscale computing due to an unprecedented growth in data, users, and web service software functionality. Second, modern hardware can no longer support this growth in hyperscale trends due to a decline in hardware performance scaling. To enable this new hyperscale era, hardware architects must become more aware of hyperscale software needs and software researchers can no longer expect unlimited hardware performance scaling. In short, systems researchers can no longer follow the traditional approach of building each layer of the systems stack separately. Instead, they must rethink the synergy between the software and hardware worlds from the ground up. This dissertation establishes such a synergy to enable futuristic hyperscale web services. This dissertation bridges the software and hardware worlds, demonstrating the importance of that bridge in realizing efficient hyperscale web services via solutions that span the systems stack. The specific goal is to design software that is aware of new hardware constraints and architect hardware that efficiently supports new hyperscale software requirements. This dissertation spans two broad thrusts: (1) a software and (2) a hardware thrust to analyze the complex hyperscale design space and use insights from these analyses to design efficient cross-stack solutions for hyperscale computation. In the software thrust, this dissertation contributes uSuite, the first open-source benchmark suite of web services built with a new hyperscale software paradigm, that is used in academia and industry to study hyperscale behaviors. Next, this dissertation uses uSuite to study software threading implications in light of today’s hardware reality, identifying new insights in the age-old research area of software threading. Driven by these insights, this dissertation demonstrates how threading models must be redesigned at hyperscale by presenting an automated approach and tool, uTune, that makes intelligent run-time threading decisions. In the hardware thrust, this dissertation architects both commodity and custom hardware to efficiently support hyperscale software requirements. First, this dissertation characterizes commodity hardware’s shortcomings, revealing insights that influenced commercial CPU designs. Based on these insights, this dissertation presents an approach and tool, SoftSKU, that enables cheap commodity hardware to efficiently support new hyperscale software paradigms, improving the efficiency of real-world web services that serve billions of users, saving millions of dollars, and meaningfully reducing the global carbon footprint. This dissertation also presents a hardware-software co-design, uNotify, that redesigns commodity hardware with minimal modifications by using existing hardware mechanisms more intelligently to overcome new hyperscale overheads. Next, this dissertation characterizes how custom hardware must be designed at hyperscale, resulting in industry-academia benchmarking efforts, commercial hardware changes, and improved software development. Based on this characterization’s insights, this dissertation presents Accelerometer, an analytical model that estimates gains from hardware customization. Multiple hyperscale enterprises and hardware vendors use Accelerometer to make well-informed hardware decisions.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169802/1/akshitha_1.pd

    Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud

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    application; blueprints; self-management; self-organisation; resource management; supply chain; big data; PaaS; Saas; HPCaa

    Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud

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    application; blueprints; self-management; self-organisation; resource management; supply chain; big data; PaaS; Saas; HPCaa

    Green cloud software engineering for big data processing

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with big data analytics is emerging as the core of smart and sustainable systems which bolsters economic, environmental and social sustainability. Cloud-based data centers provide high performance computing power to analyze voluminous IoT data to provide invaluable insights to support decision making. However, multifarious servers in data centers appear to be the black hole of superfluous energy consumption that contributes to 23% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) industry. IoT-related energy research focuses on low-power sensors and enhanced machine-to-machine communication performance. To date, cloud-based data centers still face energy-related challenges which are detrimental to the environment. Virtual machine (VM) consolidation is a well-known approach to affect energy-efficient cloud infrastructures. Although several research works demonstrate positive results for VM consolidation in simulated environments, there is a gap for investigations on real, physical cloud infrastructure for big data workloads. This research work addresses the gap of conducting real physical cloud infrastructure-based experiments. The primary goal of setting up a real physical cloud infrastructure is for the evaluation of dynamic VM consolidation approaches which include integrated algorithms from existing relevant research. An open source VM consolidation framework, Openstack NEAT is adopted and experiments are conducted on a Multi-node Openstack Cloud with Apache Spark as the big data platform. Open sourced Openstack has been deployed because it enables rapid innovation, and boosts scalability as well as resource utilization. Additionally, this research work investigates the performance based on service level agreement (SLA) metrics and energy usage of compute hosts. Relevant results concerning the best performing combination of algorithms are presented and discussed

    Network flow optimization for distributed clouds

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    Internet applications, which rely on large-scale networked environments such as data centers for their back-end support, are often geo-distributed and typically have stringent performance constraints. The interconnecting networks, within and across data centers, are critical in determining these applications' performance. Data centers can be viewed as composed of three layers: physical infrastructure consisting of servers, switches, and links, control platforms that manage the underlying resources, and applications that run on the infrastructure. This dissertation shows that network flow optimization can improve performance of distributed applications in the cloud by designing high-throughput schemes spanning all three layers. At the physical infrastructure layer, we devise a framework for measuring and understanding throughput of network topologies. We develop a heuristic for estimating the worst-case performance of any topology and propose a systematic methodology for comparing performance of networks built with different equipment. At the control layer, we put forward a source-routed data center fabric which can achieve near-optimal throughput performance by leveraging a large number of available paths while using limited memory in switches. At the application layer, we show that current Application Network Interfaces (ANIs), abstractions that translate an application's performance goals to actionable network objectives, fail to capture the requirements of many emerging applications. We put forward a novel ANI that can capture application intent more effectively and quantify performance gains achievable with it. We also tackle resource optimization in the inter-data center context of cellular providers. In this emerging environment, a large amount of resources are geographically fragmented across thousands of micro data centers, each with a limited share of resources, necessitating cross-application optimization to satisfy diverse performance requirements and improve network and server utilization. Our solution, Patronus, employs hierarchical optimization for handling multiple performance requirements and temporally partitioned scheduling for scalability

    Heterogeneity, high performance computing, self-organization and the Cloud

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    This open access book addresses the most recent developments in cloud computing such as HPC in the Cloud, heterogeneous cloud, self-organising and self-management, and discusses the business implications of cloud computing adoption. Establishing the need for a new architecture for cloud computing, it discusses a novel cloud management and delivery architecture based on the principles of self-organisation and self-management. This focus shifts the deployment and optimisation effort from the consumer to the software stack running on the cloud infrastructure. It also outlines validation challenges and introduces a novel generalised extensible simulation framework to illustrate the effectiveness, performance and scalability of self-organising and self-managing delivery models on hyperscale cloud infrastructures. It concludes with a number of potential use cases for self-organising, self-managing clouds and the impact on those businesses

    WattScope: Non-intrusive Application-level Power Disaggregation in Datacenters

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    Datacenter capacity is growing exponentially to satisfy the increasing demand for emerging computationally-intensive applications, such as deep learning. This trend has led to concerns over datacenters' increasing energy consumption and carbon footprint. The basic prerequisite for optimizing a datacenter's energy- and carbon-efficiency is accurately monitoring and attributing energy consumption to specific users and applications. Since datacenter servers tend to be multi-tenant, i.e., they host many applications, server- and rack-level power monitoring alone does not provide insight into their resident applications' energy usage and carbon emissions. At the same time, current application-level energy monitoring and attribution techniques are intrusive: they require privileged access to servers and require coordinated support in hardware and software, which is not always possible in cloud. To address the problem, we design WattScope, a system for non-intrusively estimating the power consumption of individual applications using external measurements of a server's aggregate power usage without requiring direct access to the server's operating system or applications. Our key insight is that, based on an analysis of production traces, the power characteristics of datacenter workloads, e.g., low variability, low magnitude, and high periodicity, are highly amenable to disaggregation of a server's total power consumption into application-specific values. WattScope adapts and extends a machine learning-based technique for disaggregating building power and applies it to server- and rack-level power meter measurements in data centers. We evaluate WattScope's accuracy on a production workload and show that it yields high accuracy, e.g., often <10% normalized mean absolute error, and is thus a potentially useful tool for datacenters in externally monitoring application-level power usage.Comment: Accepted to Performance'2

    A Quantitative Approach for Adopting Disaggregated Memory in HPC Systems

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    Memory disaggregation has recently been adopted in data centers to improve resource utilization, motivated by cost and sustainability. Recent studies on large-scale HPC facilities have also highlighted memory underutilization. A promising and non-disruptive option for memory disaggregation is rack-scale memory pooling, where shared memory pools supplement node-local memory. This work outlines the prospects and requirements for adoption and clarifies several misconceptions. We propose a quantitative method for dissecting application requirements on the memory system from the top down in three levels, moving from general, to multi-tier memory systems, and then to memory pooling. We provide a multi-level profiling tool and LBench to facilitate the quantitative approach. We evaluate a set of representative HPC workloads on an emulated platform. Our results show that prefetching activities can significantly influence memory traffic profiles. Interference in memory pooling has varied impacts on applications, depending on their access ratios to memory tiers and arithmetic intensities. Finally, in two case studies, we show the benefits of our findings at the application and system levels, achieving 50% reduction in remote access and 13% speedup in BFS, and reducing performance variation of co-located workloads in interference-aware job scheduling.Comment: Accepted to SC23 (The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis 2023