175 research outputs found

    The Convergent Generalized Central Paths for Linearly Constrained Convex Programming

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    The convergence of central paths has been a focal point of research on interior point methods. Quite detailed analyses have been made for the linear case. However, when it comes to the convex case, even if the constraints remain linear, the problem is unsettled. In [Math. Program., 103 (2005), pp. 63–94], Gilbert, Gonzaga, and Karas presented some examples in convex optimization, where the central path fails to converge. In this paper, we aim at finding some continuous trajectories which can converge for all linearly constrained convex optimization problems under some mild assumptions. We design and analyze a class of continuous trajectories, which are the solutions of certain ordinary differential equation (ODE) systems for solving linearly constrained smooth convex programming. The solutions of these ODE systems are named generalized central paths. By only assuming the existence of a finite optimal solution, we are able to show that, starting from any interior feasible point, (i) all of the generalized central paths are convergent, and (ii) the limit point(s) are indeed the optimal solution(s) of the original optimization problem. Furthermore, we illustrate that for the key example of Gilbert, Gonzaga, and Karas, our generalized central paths converge to the optimal solutions

    Asymptotic behavior of underlying NT paths in interior point methods for monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problems

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    2010-2011 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Asymptotic Behavior of HKM Paths in Interior Point Method for Monotone Semidefinite Linear Complementarity Problem: General Theory

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    Abstract An interior point method (IPM) defines a search direction at an interior point of the feasible region. These search directions form a direction field which in turn defines a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Thus, it is natural to define the underlying paths of the IPM as the solutions of the systems of ODEs. In Then we show that if the given SDLCP has a unique solution, the first derivative of its off-central path, as a function of √ µ, is bounded. We work under the assumption that the given SDLCP satisfies strict complementarity condition

    Averaging Schemes for Solving Fived Point and Variational Inequality Problems

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    We develop and study averaging schemes for solving fixed point and variational inequality problems. Typically, researchers have established convergence results for solution methods for these problems by establishing contractive estimates for their algorithmic maps. In this paper, we establish global convergence results using nonexpansive estimates. After first establishing convergence for a general iterative scheme for computing fixed points, we consider applications to projection and relaxation algorithms for solving variational inequality problems and to a generalized steepest descent method for solving systems of equations. As part of our development, we also establish a new interpretation of a norm condition typically used for establishing convergence of linearization schemes, by associating it with a strong-f-monotonicity condition. We conclude by applying our results to transportation networks

    On the Convergence of Classical Variational Inequality Algorithms

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    In this paper, we establish global convergence results for projection and relaxation algorithms for solving variational inequality problems, and for the Frank-Wolfe algorithm for solving convex optimization problems defined over general convex sets. The analysis rests upon the condition of f-monotonicity,which we introduced in a previous paper, and which is weaker than the traditional strong monotonicity condition. As part of our development, we provide a new interpretation of a norm condition typically used for establishing convergence of linearization schemes. Applications of our results arize in uncongested as well as congested transportation networks

    Convergence Conditions for Variational Inequality Algorithms

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    Within the extensive variational inequality literature, researchers have developed many algorithms. Depending upon the problem setting, these algorithms ensure the convergence of (i) the entire sequence of iterates, (ii) a subsequence of the iterates, or (iii) averages of the iterates. To establish these convergence results, the literature repeatedly invokes several basic convergence theorems. In this paper, we review these theorems and a few convergence results they imply, and introduce a new result, called the orthogonality theorem, for establishing the convergence of several algorithms for solving a certain class of variational inequalities. Several of the convergence results impose a condition of strong-f-monotonicity on the problem function. We also provide a general overview of the properties of strong-f-monotonicity, including some new results (for example, the relationship between strong-f-monotonicity and convexity)