16 research outputs found

    Uncovering the Semantics of Wikipedia Pagelinks

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    A Wikipedia Literature Review

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    This paper was originally designed as a literature review for a doctoral dissertation focusing on Wikipedia. This exposition gives the structure of Wikipedia and the latest trends in Wikipedia research

    Détection et classification non supervisées de relations sémantiques dans des articles scientifiques

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous abordons une tâche encore peu explorée, consistant à extraire automatiquement l'état de l'art d'un domaine scientifique à partir de l'analyse d'articles de ce domaine. Nous la ramenons à deux sous-tâches élémentaires : l'identification de concepts et la reconnaissance de relations entre ces concepts. Une extraction terminologique permet d'identifier les concepts candidats, qui sont ensuite alignés à des ressources externes. Dans un deuxième temps, nous cherchons à reconnaître et classifier automatiquement les relations sémantiques entre concepts de manière non-supervisée, en nous appuyant sur différentes techniques de clustering et de biclustering. Nous mettons en oeuvre ces deux étapes dans un corpus extrait de l'archive de l'ACL Anthology. Une analyse manuelle nous a permis de proposer une typologie des relations sémantiques, et de classifier un échantillon d'instances de relations. Les premières évaluations suggèrent l'intérêt du biclustering pour détecter de nouveaux types de relations dans le corpus. ABSTRACT Unsupervised Classification of Semantic Relations in Scientific Papers In this article, we tackle the yet unexplored task of automatically building the "state of the art" of a scientific domain from a corpus of research papers. This task is defined as a sequence of two basic steps : finding concepts and recognizing the relations between them. First, candidate concepts are identified using terminology extraction, and subsequently linked to external resources. Second, semantic relations between entities are categorized with different clustring and biclustering algorithms. Experiences were carried out on the ACL Anthology Corpus. Results are evaluated against a hand-crafted typology of semantic relations and manually categorized examples. The first results indicate that biclustering techniques may indeed be useful for detecting new types of relations. MOTS-CLÉS : analyse de la littérature scientifique, extraction de relations, clustering, biclustering

    Distantly Supervised Web Relation Extraction for Knowledge Base Population

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    Extracting information from Web pages for populating large, cross-domain knowledge bases requires methods which are suitable across domains, do not require manual effort to adapt to new domains, are able to deal with noise, and integrate information extracted from different Web pages. Recent approaches have used existing knowledge bases to learn to extract information with promising results, one of those approaches being distant supervision. Distant supervision is an unsupervised method which uses background information from the Linking Open Data cloud to automatically label sentences with relations to create training data for relation classifiers. In this paper we propose the use of distant supervision for relation extraction from the Web. Although the method is promising, existing approaches are still not suitable for Web extraction as they suffer from three main issues: data sparsity, noise and lexical ambiguity. Our approach reduces the impact of data sparsity by making entity recognition tools more robust across domains and extracting relations across sentence boundaries using unsupervised co- reference resolution methods. We reduce the noise caused by lexical ambiguity by employing statistical methods to strategically select training data. To combine information extracted from multiple sources for populating knowledge bases we present and evaluate several information integration strategies and show that those benefit immensely from additional relation mentions extracted using co-reference resolution, increasing precision by 8%. We further show that strategically selecting training data can increase precision by a further 3%

    Big Data Analytics National Educational System Monitoring and Decision Making

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    This paper reviews the applications of big data in supporting monitoring and decision making in the National Educational System. It describes different types of monitoring methodologies and explores the opportunities, challenges and benefits of incorporating big data applications in order to study the National Educational System. This approach allows to analyze schools as entities, which included in a local context with specific social, economic, and cultural development features. In addition, the paper attempts to identify the prerequisites that support the implementation of data analysis in the national educational system. This review reveals that there are several opportunities for using big data (structured and unstructured information) in the educational system, in order to improve strategic multidimensional knowledge for decision making and developing educational policies; however, there are still many issues and challenges that need to be addressed so as to achieve a better use of this technology

    Analysis of category co-occurrence in Wikipedia networks

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    Wikipedia has seen a huge expansion of content since its inception. Pages within this online encyclopedia are organised by assigning them to one or more categories, where Wikipedia maintains a manually constructed taxonomy graph that encodes the semantic relationship between these categories. An alternative, called the category co-occurrence graph, can be produced automatically by linking together categories that have pages in common. Properties of the latter graph and its relationship to the former is the concern of this thesis. The analytic framework, called t-component, is introduced to formalise the graphs and discover category clusters connecting relevant categories together. The m-core, a cohesive subgroup concept as a clustering model, is used to construct a subgraph depending on the number of shared pages between the categories exceeding a given threshold t. The significant of the clustering result of the m-core is validated using a permutation test. This is compared to the k-core, another clustering model. TheWikipedia category co-occurrence graphs are scale-free with a few category hubs and the majority of clusters are size 2. All observed properties for the distribution of the largest clusters of the category graphs obey power-laws with decay exponent averages around 1. As the threshold t of the number of shared pages is increased, eventually a critical threshold is reached when the largest cluster shrinks significantly in size. This phenomena is only exhibited for the m-core but not the k-core. Lastly, the clustering in the category graph is shown to be consistent with the distance between categories in the taxonomy graph

    Web knowledge bases

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    Knowledge is key to natural language understanding. References to specific people, places and things in text are crucial to resolving ambiguity and extracting meaning. Knowledge Bases (KBs) codify this information for automated systems — enabling applications such as entity-based search and question answering. This thesis explores the idea that sites on the web may act as a KB, even if that is not their primary intent. Dedicated kbs like Wikipedia are a rich source of entity information, but are built and maintained at an ongoing cost in human effort. As a result, they are generally limited in terms of the breadth and depth of knowledge they index about entities. Web knowledge bases offer a distributed solution to the problem of aggregating entity knowledge. Social networks aggregate content about people, news sites describe events with tags for organizations and locations, and a diverse assortment of web directories aggregate statistics and summaries for long-tail entities notable within niche movie, musical and sporting domains. We aim to develop the potential of these resources for both web-centric entity Information Extraction (IE) and structured KB population. We first investigate the problem of Named Entity Linking (NEL), where systems must resolve ambiguous mentions of entities in text to their corresponding node in a structured KB. We demonstrate that entity disambiguation models derived from inbound web links to Wikipedia are able to complement and in some cases completely replace the role of resources typically derived from the KB. Building on this work, we observe that any page on the web which reliably disambiguates inbound web links may act as an aggregation point for entity knowledge. To uncover these resources, we formalize the task of Web Knowledge Base Discovery (KBD) and develop a system to automatically infer the existence of KB-like endpoints on the web. While extending our framework to multiple KBs increases the breadth of available entity knowledge, we must still consolidate references to the same entity across different web KBs. We investigate this task of Cross-KB Coreference Resolution (KB-Coref) and develop models for efficiently clustering coreferent endpoints across web-scale document collections. Finally, assessing the gap between unstructured web knowledge resources and those of a typical KB, we develop a neural machine translation approach which transforms entity knowledge between unstructured textual mentions and traditional KB structures. The web has great potential as a source of entity knowledge. In this thesis we aim to first discover, distill and finally transform this knowledge into forms which will ultimately be useful in downstream language understanding tasks

    Analyzing and Predicting Quality Flaws in User-generated Content: The Case of Wikipedia

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    Web applications that are based on user-generated content are often criticized for containing low-quality information; a popular example is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The major points of criticism pertain to the accuracy, neutrality, and reliability of information. The identification of low-quality information is an important task since for a huge number of people around the world it has become a habit to first visit Wikipedia in case of an information need. Existing research on quality assessment in Wikipedia either investigates only small samples of articles, or else deals with the classification of content into high-quality or low-quality. This thesis goes further, it targets the investigation of quality flaws, thus providing specific indications of the respects in which low-quality content needs improvement. The original contributions of this thesis, which relate to the fields of user-generated content analysis, data mining, and machine learning, can be summarized as follows: (1) We propose the investigation of quality flaws in Wikipedia based on user-defined cleanup tags. Cleanup tags are commonly used in the Wikipedia community to tag content that has some shortcomings. Our approach is based on the hypothesis that each cleanup tag defines a particular quality flaw. (2) We provide the first comprehensive breakdown of Wikipedia's quality flaw structure. We present a flaw organization schema, and we conduct an extensive exploratory data analysis which reveals (a) the flaws that actually exist, (b) the distribution of flaws in Wikipedia, and, (c) the extent of flawed content. (3) We present the first breakdown of Wikipedia's quality flaw evolution. We consider the entire history of the English Wikipedia from 2001 to 2012, which comprises more than 508 million page revisions, summing up to 7.9 TB. Our analysis reveals (a) how the incidence and the extent of flaws have evolved, and, (b) how the handling and the perception of flaws have changed over time. (4) We are the first who operationalize an algorithmic prediction of quality flaws in Wikipedia. We cast quality flaw prediction as a one-class classification problem, develop a tailored quality flaw model, and employ a dedicated one-class machine learning approach. A comprehensive evaluation based on human-labeled Wikipedia articles underlines the practical applicability of our approach

    Analysis of category co-occurrence in Wikipedia networks

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    Wikipedia has seen a huge expansion of content since its inception. Pages within this online encyclopedia are organised by assigning them to one or more categories, where Wikipedia maintains a manually constructed taxonomy graph that encodes the semantic relationship between these categories. An alternative, called the category co-occurrence graph, can be produced automatically by linking together categories that have pages in common. Properties of the latter graph and its relationship to the former is the concern of this thesis. The analytic framework, called t-component, is introduced to formalise the graphs and discover category clusters connecting relevant categories together. The m-core, a cohesive subgroup concept as a clustering model, is used to construct a subgraph depending on the number of shared pages between the categories exceeding a given threshold t. The significant of the clustering result of the m-core is validated using a permutation test. This is compared to the k-core, another clustering model. TheWikipedia category co-occurrence graphs are scale-free with a few category hubs and the majority of clusters are size 2. All observed properties for the distribution of the largest clusters of the category graphs obey power-laws with decay exponent averages around 1. As the threshold t of the number of shared pages is increased, eventually a critical threshold is reached when the largest cluster shrinks significantly in size. This phenomena is only exhibited for the m-core but not the k-core. Lastly, the clustering in the category graph is shown to be consistent with the distance between categories in the taxonomy graph

    Augmenting cross-domain knowledge bases using web tables

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    Cross-domain knowledge bases are increasingly used for a large variety of applications. As the usefulness of a knowledge base for many of these applications increases with its completeness, augmenting knowledge bases with new knowledge is an important task. A source for this new knowledge could be in the form of web tables, which are relational HTML tables extracted from the Web. This thesis researches data integration methods for cross-domain knowledge base augmentation from web tables. Existing methods have focused on the task of slot filling static data. We research methods that additionally enable augmentation in the form of slot filling time-dependent data and entity expansion. When augmenting knowledge bases using time-dependent web table data, we require time-aware fusion methods. They identify from a set of conflicting web table values the one that is valid given a certain temporal scope. A primary concern of time-aware fusion is therefore the estimation of temporal scope annotations, which web table data lacks. We introduce two time-aware fusion approaches. In the first, we extract timestamps from the table and its context to exploit as temporal scopes, additionally introducing approaches to reduce the sparsity and noisiness of these timestamps. We introduce a second time-aware fusion method that exploits a temporal knowledge base to propagate temporal scopes to web table data, reducing the dependence on noisy and sparse timestamps. Entity expansion enriches a knowledge base with previously unknown long-tail entities. It is a task that to our knowledge has not been researched before. We introduce the Long-Tail Entity Extraction Pipeline, the first system that can perform entity expansion from web table data. The pipeline works by employing identity resolution twice, once to disambiguate between entity occurrences within web tables, and once between entities created from web tables and existing entities in the knowledge base. In addition to identifying new long-tail entities, the pipeline also creates their descriptions according to the knowledge base schema. By running the pipeline on a large-scale web table corpus, we profile the potential of web tables for the task of entity expansion. We find, that given certain classes, we can enrich a knowledge base with tens and even hundreds of thousands new entities and corresponding facts. Finally, we introduce a weak supervision approach for long-tail entity extraction, where supervision in the form of a large number of manually labeled matching and non-matching pairs is substituted with a small set of bold matching rules build using the knowledge base schema. Using this, we can reduce the supervision effort required to train our pipeline to enable cross-domain entity expansion at web-scale. In the context of this research, we created and published two datasets. The Time-Dependent Ground Truth contains time-dependent knowledge with more than one million temporal facts and corresponding temporal scope annotations. It could potentially be employed for a large variety of tasks that consider the temporal aspect of data. We also built the Web Tables for Long-Tail Entity Extraction gold standard, the first benchmark for the task of entity expansion from web tables