93 research outputs found

    Task-driven Modular Co-design of Vehicle Control Systems

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    When designing autonomous systems, we need to consider multiple trade-offs at various abstraction levels, and the choices of single (hardware and software) components need to be studied jointly. In this work we consider the problem of designing the control algorithm as well as the platform on which it is executed. In particular, we focus on vehicle control systems, and formalize state-of-the-art control schemes as monotone feasibility relations. We then show how, leveraging a monotone theory of co-design, we can study the embedding of control synthesis problems into the task-driven co-design problem of a robotic platform. The properties of the proposed approach are illustrated by considering urban driving scenarios. We show how, given a particular task, we can efficiently compute Pareto optimal design solutions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 61th Conference on Decision and Contro

    Co-Design of Autonomous Systems: From Hardware Selection to Control Synthesis

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    Designing cyber-physical systems is a complex task which requires insights at multiple abstraction levels. The choices of single components are deeply interconnected and need to be jointly studied. In this work, we consider the problem of co-designing the control algorithm as well as the platform around it. In particular, we leverage a monotone theory of co-design to formalize variations of the LQG control problem as monotone feasibility relations. We then show how this enables the embedding of control co-design problems in the higher level co-design problem of a robotic platform. We illustrate the properties of our formalization by analyzing the co-design of an autonomous drone performing search-and-rescue tasks and show how, given a set of desired robot behaviors, we can compute Pareto efficient design solutions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 20th European Control Conference (ECC21

    Algorithmic Robot Design: Label Maps, Procrustean Graphs, and the Boundary of Non-Destructiveness

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    This dissertation is focused on the problem of algorithmic robot design. The process of designing a robot or a team of robots that can reliably accomplish a task in an environment requires several key elements. How the problem is formulated can play a big role in the design process. The ability of the model to correctly reflect the environment, the events, and different pieces of the problem is crucial. Another key element is the ability of the model to show the relationship between different designs of a single system. These two elements can enable design algorithms to navigate through the space of all possible designs, and find a set of solutions. In this dissertation, we introduce procrustean graphs, a model for encoding the robot-environment interactions. We also provide a model for navigating through the space of all possible designs, called label maps. Using these models, we focus on answering the following questions: What degradations to the set of sensors or actuators of a robotic system can be tolerated? How different degradations affect the cost of doing a given task? What sets of resources — that is, sensors and actuators — are minimal for accomplishing a specific given job? And how to find such a set? To this end, our general approach is to sample, using a variety of sampling methods, over the space of all maps for a given problem, and use different techniques for answering these questions. We use decision tree classifiers to determine the crucial sensors and actuators required for a robotic system to accomplish its job. We present an algorithm based on space bisection to find the boundary between the feasible and infeasible subspaces of possible designs. We present an algorithm to measure the cost of doing a given task, and another algorithm to find the relationship between different degradation of a robotic system and the cost of doing the task. In all these solutions, we use a variety of techniques to scale up each approach to enable it to solve real world problems. Our experiments show the efficiency of the presented approach

    LQG Control and Sensing Co-Design

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    We investigate a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control and sensing co-design problem, where one jointly designs sensing and control policies. We focus on the realistic case where the sensing design is selected among a finite set of available sensors, where each sensor is associated with a different cost (e.g., power consumption). We consider two dual problem instances: sensing-constrained LQG control, where one maximizes control performance subject to a sensor cost budget, and minimum-sensing LQG control, where one minimizes sensor cost subject to performance constraints. We prove no polynomial time algorithm guarantees across all problem instances a constant approximation factor from the optimal. Nonetheless, we present the first polynomial time algorithms with per-instance suboptimality guarantees. To this end, we leverage a separation principle, that partially decouples the design of sensing and control. Then, we frame LQG co-design as the optimization of approximately supermodular set functions; we develop novel algorithms to solve the problems; and we prove original results on the performance of the algorithms, and establish connections between their suboptimality and control-theoretic quantities. We conclude the paper by discussing two applications, namely, sensing-constrained formation control and resource-constrained robot navigation.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TAC. Includes contributions to submodular function optimization literature, and extends conference paper arXiv:1709.0882

    Context-aware Background Application Scheduling in Interactive Mobile Systems

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringEach individual's usage behavior on mobile devices depend on a variety of factors such as time, location, and previous actions. Hence, context-awareness provides great opportunities to make the networking and the computing capabilities of mobile systems to be more personalized and more efficient in managing their resources. To this end, we first reveal new findings from our own Android user experiment: (i) the launching probabilities of applications follow Zipf's law, and (ii) inter-running and running times of applications conform to log-normal distributions. We also find contextual dependencies between application usage patterns, for which we classify contexts autonomously with unsupervised learning methods. Using the knowledge acquired, we develop a context-aware application scheduling framework, CAS that adaptively unloads and preloads background applications for a joint optimization in which the energy saving is maximized and the user discomfort from the scheduling is minimized. Our trace-driven simulations with 96 user traces demonstrate that the context-aware design of CAS enables it to outperform existing process scheduling algorithms. Our implementation of CAS over Android platforms and its end-to-end evaluations verify that its human involved design indeed provides substantial user-experience gains in both energy and application launching latency.ope

    Resilient Submodular Maximization For Control And Sensing

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    Fundamental applications in control, sensing, and robotics, motivate the design of systems by selecting system elements, such as actuators or sensors, subject to constraints that require the elements not only to be a few in number, but also, to satisfy heterogeneity or interdependency constraints (called matroid constraints). For example, consider the scenarios: - (Control) Actuator placement: In a power grid, how should we place a few generators both to guarantee its stabilization with minimal control effort, and to satisfy interdependency constraints where the power grid must be controllable from the generators? - (Sensing) Sensor placement: In medical brain-wearable devices, how should we place a few sensors to ensure smoothing estimation capabilities? - (Robotics) Sensor scheduling: At a team of mobile robots, which few on-board sensors should we activate at each robot ---subject to heterogeneity constraints on the number of sensors that each robot can activate at each time--- so both to maximize the robots\u27 battery life, and to ensure the robots\u27 capability to complete a formation control task? In the first part of this thesis we motivate the above design problems, and propose the first algorithms to address them. In particular, although traditional approaches to matroid-constrained maximization have met great success in machine learning and facility location, they are unable to meet the aforementioned problem of actuator placement. In addition, although traditional approaches to sensor selection enable Kalman filtering capabilities, they do not enable smoothing or formation control capabilities, as required in the above problems of sensor placement and scheduling. Therefore, in the first part of the thesis we provide the first algorithms, and prove they achieve the following characteristics: provable approximation performance: the algorithms guarantee a solution close to the optimal; minimal running time: the algorithms terminate with the same running time as state-of-the-art algorithms for matroid-constrained maximization; adaptiveness: where applicable, at each time step the algorithms select system elements based on both the history of selections. We achieve the above ends by taking advantage of a submodular structure of in all aforementioned problems ---submodularity is a diminishing property for set functions, parallel to convexity for continuous functions. But in failure-prone and adversarial environments, sensors and actuators can fail; sensors and actuators can get attacked. Thence, the traditional design paradigms over matroid-constraints become insufficient, and in contrast, resilient designs against attacks or failures become important. However, no approximation algorithms are known for their solution; relevantly, the problem of resilient maximization over matroid constraints is NP-hard. In the second part of this thesis we motivate the general problem of resilient maximization over matroid constraints, and propose the first algorithms to address it, to protect that way any design over matroid constraints, not only within the boundaries of control, sensing, and robotics, but also within machine learning, facility location, and matroid-constrained optimization in general. In particular, in the second part of this thesis we provide the first algorithms, and prove they achieve the following characteristics: resiliency: the algorithms are valid for any number of attacks or failures; adaptiveness: where applicable, at each time step the algorithms select system elements based on both the history of selections, and on the history of attacks or failures; provable approximation guarantees: the algorithms guarantee for any submodular or merely monotone function a solution close to the optimal; minimal running time: the algorithms terminate with the same running time as state-of-the-art algorithms for matroid-constrained maximization. We bound the performance of our algorithms by using notions of curvature for monotone (not necessarily submodular) set functions, which are established in the literature of submodular maximization. In the third and final part of this thesis we apply our tools for resilient maximization in robotics, and in particular, to the problem of active information gathering with mobile robots. This problem calls for the motion-design of a team of mobile robots so to enable the effective information gathering about a process of interest, to support, e.g., critical missions such as hazardous environmental monitoring, and search and rescue. Therefore, in the third part of this thesis we aim to protect such multi-robot information gathering tasks against attacks or failures that can result to the withdrawal of robots from the task. We conduct both numerical and hardware experiments in multi-robot multi-target tracking scenarios, and exemplify the benefits, as well as, the performance of our approach

    Exploring art therapy techniques within service design as a means to greater home life happiness

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    This thesis presents new theories and creative techniques for exploring ‘designing for home happiness’. Set in the context of a primarily unsustainable and unhappy world, home is understood as a facilitator of current lifestyle practices that could also support long-term happiness activities, shown to promote more sustainable behaviour. It has yet to be examined extensively from a happiness perspective and many homes lack opportunities for meaningful endeavours. Service Design, an approach that supports positive interactions, shows potential in facilitating ‘designing for home happiness’ but its tools are generally employed for visualising new systems/services or issues within existing ones instead of exploring related subjectivity. Art therapy techniques, historically used for expressing felt experiences, present applicable methods for investigating such subjective moments and shaping design opportunities for home happiness but have yet to be trialled in a design research context. This thesis therefore explores how Art Therapy and Service Design can be used successfully for ‘designing for home happiness’. A first study proposes photo elicitation as a creative method to explore, with participants from UK family households, several significant home happiness needs. Subsequently, art therapy techniques are proposed in Study 2 through two bespoke Happy-Home Workshops. This gives way to the Home Happiness Theory and Designing for Home Happiness Theory, which enable designers to design for home happiness. The Designing for Home Happiness Framework emerges from these studies proposing a new design creative method delivered through a workshop with specialised design tools and accompanying process for creating home happiness designs (i.e. services, product-service-systems). Through two Main Studies the framework is tested and validated with design experts in two different contexts, Loughborough (UK) and Limerick (Ireland), confirming its suitability and transferability in ‘designing for home happiness’. Resulting concepts support collective home happiness and social innovations by facilitating appropriate social contexts for their development. Overall, this research is the first to combine art therapy techniques with service design methods, offering original theories and approaches for ‘designing for home happiness’ within Service Design and for social innovation. Collectively, this research delivers new creative methods for service designers, social innovators and designers more generally to investigate and support happier experiences within and outside the home for a more sustainable future
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