268 research outputs found

    Remote sensing of lake ice phenology in Alaska

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    The timing of lake ice breakup and freezeup are important indicators of climate change in Arctic and boreal regions because they respond rapidly and directly to variations in climate conditions. Despite its importance, lake ice phenology remains poorly documented in most lakes of Alaska. To fill this data gap, we constructed a remote sensing-derived lake ice phenology database covering all lakes in Alaska larger than 1 km2 (n = 4241) over the period 2000–2019. This dataset, which includes lake ice on/off dates and lake ice duration, was based on an automatic method using daily moderate resolution imaging spectroradiomenter (MODIS) imagery to measure lake ice fraction. This method extracts lake ice pixels from MODIS images using a dynamic threshold that was calibrated against Landsat Fmask. Different filters that account for clouds, polar night, and other sources of error were applied to increase the accuracy of lake ice phenology estimation. Trend analysis shows earlier breakup (−5.5 d decade−1) for 440 lakes and later breakup (7.5 d decade−1) for four lakes (p < 0.05). A total of 289 lakes had significant trends toward later freezeup (2.9 d decade−1) and 11 lakes towards earlier freezeup (−3.3 d decade−1). Most lakes with significant trends are north of the Brooks Range. This dataset can contribute to increased understanding of interactions between lake processes and climate change, and it supports the study of biogeochemical, limnological and ecological regimes in Alaska and pan-Arctic regions

    Remote Sensing of Land Surface Phenology

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    Land surface phenology (LSP) uses remote sensing to monitor seasonal dynamics in vegetated land surfaces and retrieve phenological metrics (transition dates, rate of change, annual integrals, etc.). LSP has developed rapidly in the last few decades. Both regional and global LSP products have been routinely generated and play prominent roles in modeling crop yield, ecological surveillance, identifying invasive species, modeling the terrestrial biosphere, and assessing impacts on urban and natural ecosystems. Recent advances in field and spaceborne sensor technologies, as well as data fusion techniques, have enabled novel LSP retrieval algorithms that refine retrievals at even higher spatiotemporal resolutions, providing new insights into ecosystem dynamics. Meanwhile, rigorous assessment of the uncertainties in LSP retrievals is ongoing, and efforts to reduce these uncertainties represent an active research area. Open source software and hardware are in development, and have greatly facilitated the use of LSP metrics by scientists outside the remote sensing community. This reprint covers the latest developments in sensor technologies, LSP retrieval algorithms and validation strategies, and the use of LSP products in a variety of fields. It aims to summarize the ongoing diverse LSP developments and boost discussions on future research prospects

    Variations of Lake Ice Phenology on the Tibetan Plateau From 2001 to 2017 Based on MODIS Data

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    Lake ice is a robust indicator of climate change. The availability of information contained in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer daily snow products from 2000 to 2017 could be greatly improved after cloud removal by gap filling. Thresholds based on open water pixel numbers are used to extract the freezeup start and breakup end dates for 58 lakes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP); 18 lakes are also selected to extract the freezeup end and breakup start dates. The lake ice durations are further calculated based on freezeup and breakup dates. Lakes on the TP begin to freezeup in late October and all the lakes start the ice cover period in mid‐January of the following year. In late March, some lakes begin to break up, and all the lakes end the ice cover period in early July. Generally, the lakes in the northern Inner‐TP have earlier freezeup dates and later breakup dates (i.e., longer ice cover durations) than those in the southern Inner‐TP. Over 17 years, the mean ice cover duration of 58 lakes is 157.78 days, 18 (31%) lakes have a mean extending rate of 1.11 day/year, and 40 (69%) lakes have a mean shortening rate of 0.80 day/year. Geographical location and climate conditions determine the spatial heterogeneity of the lake ice phenology, especially the ones of breakup dates, while the physico‐chemical characteristics mainly affect the freezeup dates of the lake ice in this study. Ice cover duration is affected by both climatic and lake specific physico‐chemical factors, which can reflect the climatic and environmental change for lakes on the TP

    Energy and Water Cycles in the Third Pole

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    As the most prominent and complicated terrain on the globe, the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is often called the “Roof of the World”, “Third Pole” or “Asian Water Tower”. The energy and water cycles in the Third Pole have great impacts on the atmospheric circulation, Asian monsoon system and global climate change. On the other hand, the TP and the surrounding higher elevation area are also experiencing evident and rapid environmental changes under the background of global warming. As the headwater area of major rivers in Asia, the TP’s environmental changes—such as glacial retreat, snow melting, lake expanding and permafrost degradation—pose potential long-term threats to water resources of the local and surrounding regions. To promote quantitative understanding of energy and water cycles of the TP, several field campaigns, including GAME/Tibet, CAMP/Tibet and TORP, have been carried out. A large amount of data have been collected to gain a better understanding of the atmospheric boundary layer structure, turbulent heat fluxes and their coupling with atmospheric circulation and hydrological processes. The focus of this reprint is to present recent advances in quantifying land–atmosphere interactions, the water cycle and its components, energy balance components, climate change and hydrological feedbacks by in situ measurements, remote sensing or numerical modelling approaches in the “Third Pole” region

    The response of mountain lakes to environmental change

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    Lakes act as sentinels of environmental change by incorporating forcing across scales: climate scales, catchment scales, and within-lake scales. To fully understand the changes that lake ecosystems undergo, we must explore past changes and present trends, both on a fine scale – in individual lake systems – and on a macroscale –across broad geographic regions. Mountain lakes are useful as study systems because they are often remote and generally free of direct human influence. However, external impacts still affect mountain lake ecosystems, both through input of exogenous material and air temperature warming that influences the formation and breakup of lake ice. In this work, we use a combination of sediment records, intensive sampling, and remote sensing to understand the effects of climate change on mountain lake ecosystems. We refine our understanding of winter mountain lake hydrology through three studies that address: 1. Whether aeolian dust records in mountain lake cores capture deposition rate changes of exogenous dust input 2. Whether North American mountain lake ice cover period is changing 3. How mountain lake ecohydrology responds to shifts in ice cover timing (i.e., ice phenology) We found heterogeneity in mountain lake responses across scales in each of our studies. In the case of exogenous dust deposition to lakes, sediment cores revealed that dust can be an important source of nutrients to lakes; however, sediment records do not reveal changing rates of deposition between the distant and recent past. Apparent changes are rather an artifact of timescale dependence. When taking a continental-scale view of ice phenology, using a remote sensing dataset of 1,629 lakes, we find that ice phenology patterns do not readily cohere with ice phenology patterns from single lakes or lakes within a similar geographic region. Instead, lake ice phenology shows heterogeneous responses in different geographic regions (e.g., between the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains), hinting at potential resiliency to climate forcing in different regions of North America. Lastly, using high-frequency time series of dissolved oxygen concentration across morphologically distinct lakes, I found that lakes experiencing similar winter conditions showed heterogeneous oxygen dynamics along a depth gradient. Shallow lakes respond to winter ice cover conditions by depleting oxygen more quickly than deep lakes. I additionally explore the effects of sediment organic matter and winter meteorological dynamics. I anticipate that these results will be useful for understanding linkages between broader climate forcing. As air temperatures increase, heterogeneous landscape factors may confound the anticipated physical, chemical, and ecological lake responses, leading to questions about how lakes may show variations in timing or resiliency in response to climate change in the future

    Winter Daytime Warming and Shift in Summer Monsoon Increase Plant Cover and Net CO2 Uptake in a Central Tibetan Alpine Steppe Ecosystem

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    Over the past decades, human-induced climate change has led to a widespread wetting and warming of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), affecting both ecosystems and the carbon cycling therein. Whether the previously observed climate changes stimulate carbon uptake via enhanced photosynthesis or carbon loss via enhanced soil respiration remains unclear. Here we present 14 years of observations of carbon fluxes, meteorological variables and remotely sensed plant cover estimations from a central Tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem at Nam Co, the third largest lake on the TP. Using modified Mann-Kendall trend tests, we found a significant increasing daily net carbon uptake of 0.5 g C m−2 decade−1, which can be explained by a widespread greening at the southern shore of lake Nam Co. The Plateau-wide changes in temperature and precipitation are locally expressed as an increasing diurnal temperature range during winter, higher water availability during spring, higher cloud cover during early summer and less water availability during late summer. While these changes differ over the course of the year, they tend to stimulate plant growth more than microbial respiration, leading to an increased carbon uptake during all seasons. This study indicates that during the 14 years study period, a higher amplitude in winter temperatures and an earlier summer monsoon promote carbon uptake in a central Tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem

    How are Interannual Variations of Land Surface Phenology in the Highland Pastures of Kyrgyzstan Modulated by Terrain, Snow Cover Seasonality, and Climate Oscillations? An Investigation Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data

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    In the semiarid, continental climates of montane Central Asia, with its constant moisture deficit and low relative humidity, agropastoralism constitutes the foundation of the rural economy. In Kyrgyzstan, an impoverished, landlocked republic in Central Asia, herders of the highlands practice vertical transhumance—the annual movement of livestock to higher elevation pastures to take advantage of seasonally available forage resources. Dependency on pasture resource availability during the short mountain growing season makes herds and herders susceptible to changing weather and climate patterns. This dissertation focuses on using remote sensing observations over the highland pastures in Kyrgyzstan to address five interrelated topics: (i) changes in snow cover and its seasonality from 2002 through 2016; (ii) pasture phenology from the perspective of land surface phenology using multi-scale data from 2001 through 2017; (iii) relationships between snow cover seasonality and subsequent land surface phenology; (iv) terrain effects on the snow-phenology interrelations; and (v) the influence of atmospheric teleconnections on modulating the relationships between snow cover seasonality, growing season duration, and pasture phenology. Results indicate that more territory has been experiencing earlier snow onset than earlier snowmelt, and around equivalent areas with longer and shorter duration of snow seasons. Significant shifts toward earlier snow onset (snowmelt) occurred in western and central (eastern) Kyrgyzstan, and significant duration of the snow season shortening (extension) across western and eastern (northern and southwestern) Kyrgyzstan. Below 3400 m, there was a general trend of significantly earlier snowmelt, and this area of earlier snowmelt was 15 times greater in eastern than western rayons. In terms of land surface phenology, there was a predominant and significant trend of increasing peak greenness, and a significant positive relationship between snow covered dates and modeled peak greenness. While there were more negative correlations between snow cover onset and peak greenness, there were more positive correlations between snowmelt timing and peak greenness, meaning that a longer snow cover season increased the amplitude of peak greenness. The amount of thermal time (measured in accumulated growing degree-days) to reach peak greenness was significantly negatively correlated both with the number of snow covered dates and the snowmelt date. Thus, more snow covered dates translated into fewer growing degree-days accumulated to reach peak greenness in the subsequent growing season. Terrain features influenced the timing of snowmelt more strongly than the number of snow covered dates. Slope was more important than aspect, but the strongest effect appeared from the interaction of aspect and the steepest slopes. The influence of atmospheric teleconnection arising from climate oscillation modes was marginal at the spatial resolutions of this study. Thermal time accumulation could be largely explained with Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression models by elevation and snow cover metrics. However, explanation of peak greenness was less susceptible to terrain and snow cover variables. This research study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the spatial variation of interannual phenology in the highland pastures that serve as the foundation of rural Kyrgyz economy. Finally, it contributes to a better understanding of recent environmental changes in remote highland Central Asia

    Triennial Report: 2012-2014

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    Triennial Report Purpose [Page] 3 Geographical Information Science Center of Excellence [Page] 5 SDSU Faculty [Page] 6 EROS Faculty [Page] 13 Research Professors [Page] 19 Postdoctoral Fellows [Page] 24 GSE Ph.D Program [Page] 36 Ph.D. Fellowships [Page] 37 Ph.D. Students [Page] 38 Recent Ph.D. Graduates [Page] 46 Masters Students [Page] 56 Previous Ph.D. Students [Page] 58 Center Scholars Program [Page] 59 Research Staff [Page] 60 Administrative and Information Technology Staff [Page] 62 Computer Resources [Page] 66 Research Funding [Page] 67 Glancing Back, Looking Forward [Page] 68 Appendix I Alumni Faculty and Staff Appendix II Cool Faculty Research and Locations Appendix III Non-Academic Fun Things To Do Appendix IV Publications 2012-2014 Appendix V Directory Appendix VI GIScCE Birthplace Map Appendix VII How To Get To The GIScC

    Spatial and temporal patterns in Arctic river ice breakup revealed by automated ice detection from MODIS imagery

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    The annual spring breakup of river ice has important consequences for northern ecosystems and significant economic implications for Arctic industry and transportation. River ice breakup research is restricted by the sparse distribution of hydrological stations in the Arctic, where limited available data suggests a trend towards earlier ice breakup. The specific climatic mechanisms driving this trend, however, are complex and can vary both regionally and within river systems. Consequently, understanding the response of river ice processes to a warming Arctic requires simultaneous examination of spatial and temporal patterns in breakup timing. In this paper, we describe an automated algorithm for river ice breakup detection using MODIS satellite imagery that enables identification of spatial and temporal breakup patterns at large scales. We examine breakup timing on the Mackenzie, Lena, Ob' and Yenisey rivers for the period 2000-2014. By dividing the rivers into 10 km segments and classifying each river pixel in each segment as snow/ice, mixed ice/water or open water based on MODIS reflectance, we determine breakup dates with a mean uncertainty of ±. 1.3 days. All statistically significant temporal trends are negative, indicating an overall shift towards earlier breakup. Considerable variability in the statistical significance and magnitude of trends along each river suggests that different climatic and physiographic drivers are impacting spatial patterns in breakup. Trends detected on the lower Mackenzie corroborate recent studies indicating weakening ice resistance and earlier breakup timing near the Mackenzie Delta. In Siberia, the increased magnitude of trends upstream and strong correlation between breakup initiation and whole-river breakup patterns suggest that earlier onset of upstream discharge may play the dominant role in determining breakup timing. Exploratory analysis demonstrates that MODIS imagery may also be used to differentiate thermal and mechanical breakup events
