5,652 research outputs found

    Uncertain Flow Visualization using LIC

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    In this paper we look at the Line Integral Convolution method for flow visualization and ways in which this can be applied to the visualization of two dimensional, steady flow fields in the presence of uncertainty. To achieve this, we start by studying the method and reviewing the history of modifications other authors have made to it in order to improve its efficiency or capabilities, and using these as a base for the visualization of uncertain flow fields. Finally, we apply our methodology to a case study from the field of oceanography

    The Research Space: using the career paths of scholars to predict the evolution of the research output of individuals, institutions, and nations

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    In recent years scholars have built maps of science by connecting the academic fields that cite each other, are cited together, or that cite a similar literature. But since scholars cannot always publish in the fields they cite, or that cite them, these science maps are only rough proxies for the potential of a scholar, organization, or country, to enter a new academic field. Here we use a large dataset of scholarly publications disambiguated at the individual level to create a map of science-or research space-where links connect pairs of fields based on the probability that an individual has published in both of them. We find that the research space is a significantly more accurate predictor of the fields that individuals and organizations will enter in the future than citation based science maps. At the country level, however, the research space and citations based science maps are equally accurate. These findings show that data on career trajectories-the set of fields that individuals have previously published in-provide more accurate predictors of future research output for more focalized units-such as individuals or organizations-than citation based science maps

    Topological Segmentation of 2D Vector Fields

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    Vector field topology has a long tradition as a visualization tool. The separatrices segment the domain visually into canonical regions in which all streamlines behave qualitatively the same. But application scientists often need more than just a nice image for their data analysis, and, to best of our knowledge, so far no workflow has been proposed to extract the critical points, the associated separatrices, and then provide the induced segmentation on the data level. We present a workflow that computes the segmentation of the domain of a 2D vector field based on its separatrices. We show how it can be used for the extraction of quantitative information about each segment in two applications: groundwater flow and heat exchange

    Applications of Texture-Based Flow Visualization

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    Spectral, Combinatorial, and Probabilistic Methods in Analyzing and Visualizing Vector Fields and Their Associated Flows

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    In this thesis, we introduce several tools, each coming from a different branch of mathematics, for analyzing real vector fields and their associated flows. Beginning with a discussion about generalized vector field decompositions, that mainly have been derived from the classical Helmholtz-Hodge-decomposition, we decompose a field into a kernel and a rest respectively to an arbitrary vector-valued linear differential operator that allows us to construct decompositions of either toroidal flows or flows obeying differential equations of second (or even fractional) order and a rest. The algorithm is based on the fast Fourier transform and guarantees a rapid processing and an implementation that can be directly derived from the spectral simplifications concerning differentiation used in mathematics. Moreover, we present two combinatorial methods to process 3D steady vector fields, which both use graph algorithms to extract features from the underlying vector field. Combinatorial approaches are known to be less sensitive to noise than extracting individual trajectories. Both of the methods are extensions of an existing 2D technique to 3D fields. We observed that the first technique can generate overly coarse results and therefore we present a second method that works using the same concepts but produces more detailed results. Finally, we discuss several possibilities for categorizing the invariant sets with respect to the flow. Existing methods for analyzing separation of streamlines are often restricted to a finite time or a local area. In the frame of this work, we introduce a new method that complements them by allowing an infinite-time-evaluation of steady planar vector fields. Our algorithm unifies combinatorial and probabilistic methods and introduces the concept of separation in time-discrete Markov chains. We compute particle distributions instead of the streamlines of single particles. We encode the flow into a map and then into a transition matrix for each time direction. Finally, we compare the results of our grid-independent algorithm to the popular Finite-Time-Lyapunov-Exponents and discuss the discrepancies. Gauss\'' theorem, which relates the flow through a surface to the vector field inside the surface, is an important tool in flow visualization. We are exploiting the fact that the theorem can be further refined on polygonal cells and construct a process that encodes the particle movement through the boundary facets of these cells using transition matrices. By pure power iteration of transition matrices, various topological features, such as separation and invariant sets, can be extracted without having to rely on the classical techniques, e.g., interpolation, differentiation and numerical streamline integration

    Parallel Hierarchies: Interactive Visualization of Multidimensional Hierarchical Aggregates

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    Exploring multi-dimensional hierarchical data is a long-standing problem present in a wide range of fields such as bioinformatics, software systems, social sciences and business intelligence. While each hierarchical dimension within these data structures can be explored in isolation, critical information lies in the relationships between dimensions. Existing approaches can either simultaneously visualize multiple non-hierarchical dimensions, or only one or two hierarchical dimensions. Yet, the challenge of visualizing multi-dimensional hierarchical data remains open. To address this problem, we developed a novel data visualization approach -- Parallel Hierarchies -- that we demonstrate on a real-life SAP SE product called SAP Product Lifecycle Costing. The starting point of the research is a thorough customer-driven requirement engineering phase including an iterative design process. To avoid restricting ourselves to a domain-specific solution, we abstract the data and tasks gathered from users, and demonstrate the approach generality by applying Parallel Hierarchies to datasets from bioinformatics and social sciences. Moreover, we report on a qualitative user study conducted in an industrial scenario with 15 experts from 9 different companies. As a result of this co-innovation experience, several SAP customers requested a product feature out of our solution. Moreover, Parallel Hierarchies integration as a standard diagram type into SAP Analytics Cloud platform is in progress. This thesis further introduces different uncertainty representation methods applicable to Parallel Hierarchies and in general to flow diagrams. We also present a visual comparison taxonomy for time-series of hierarchically structured data with one or multiple dimensions. Moreover, we propose several visual solutions for comparing hierarchies employing flow diagrams. Finally, after presenting two application examples of Parallel Hierarchies on industrial datasets, we detail two validation methods to examine the effectiveness of the visualization solution. Particularly, we introduce a novel design validation table to assess the perceptual aspects of eight different visualization solutions including Parallel Hierarchies.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1.2 Research Goals 1.3 Outline and Contributions 2 Foundations of Visualization 2.1 Information Visualization 2.1.1 Terms and Definition 2.1.2 What: Data Structures 2.1.3 Why: Visualization Tasks 2.1.4 How: Visualization Techniques 2.1.5 How: Interaction Techniques 2.2 Visual Perception 2.2.1 Visual Variables 2.2.2 Attributes of Preattentive and Attentive Processing 2.2.3 Gestalt Principles 2.3 Flow Diagrams 2.3.1 Classifications of Flow Diagrams 2.3.2 Main Visual Features 2.4 Summary 3 Related Work 3.1 Cross-tabulating Hierarchical Categories 3.1.1 Visualizing Categorical Aggregates of Item Sets 3.1.2 Hierarchical Visualization of Categorical Aggregates 3.1.3 Visualizing Item Sets and Their Hierarchical Properties 3.1.4 Hierarchical Visualization of Categorical Set Aggregates 3.2 Uncertainty Visualization 3.2.1 Uncertainty Taxonomies 3.2.2 Uncertainty in Flow Diagrams 3.3 Time-Series Data Visualization 3.3.1 Time & Data 3.3.2 User Tasks 3.3.3 Visual Representation 3.4 Summary ii Contents 4 Requirement Engineering Phase 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Environment 4.2.1 The Product 4.2.2 The Customers and Development Methodology 4.2.3 Lessons Learned 4.3 Visualization Requirements for Product Costing 4.3.1 Current Visualization Practice 4.3.2 Visualization Tasks 4.3.3 Data Structure and Size 4.3.4 Early Visualization Prototypes 4.3.5 Challenges and Lessons Learned 4.4 Data and Task Abstraction 4.4.1 Data Abstraction 4.4.2 Task Abstraction 4.5 Summary and Outlook 5 Parallel Hierarchies 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Parallel Hierarchies Technique 5.2.1 The Individual Axis: Showing Hierarchical Categories 5.2.2 Two Interlinked Axes: Showing Pairwise Frequencies 5.2.3 Multiple Linked Axes: Propagating Frequencies 5.2.4 Fine-tuning Parallel Hierarchies through Reordering 5.3 Design Choices 5.4 Applying Parallel Hierarchies 5.4.1 US Census Data 5.4.2 Yeast Gene Ontology Annotations 5.5 Evaluation 5.5.1 Setup of the Evaluation 5.5.2 Procedure of the Evaluation 5.5.3 Results from the Evaluation 5.5.4 Validity of the Evaluation 5.6 Summary and Outlook 6 Visualizing Uncertainty in Flow Diagrams 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Uncertainty in Product Costing 6.2.1 Background 6.2.2 Main Causes of Bad Quality in Costing Data 6.3 Visualization Concepts 6.4 Uncertainty Visualization using Ribbons 6.4.1 Selected Visualization Techniques 6.4.2 Study Design and Procedure 6.4.3 Results 6.4.4 Discussion 6.5 Revised Visualization Approach using Ribbons 6.5.1 Application to Sankey Diagram 6.5.2 Application to Parallel Sets 6.5.3 Application to Parallel Hierarchies 6.6 Uncertainty Visualization using Nodes 6.6.1 Visual Design of Nodes 6.6.2 Expert Evaluation 6.7 Summary and Outlook 7 Visual Comparison Task 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Comparing Two One-dimensional Time Steps 7.2.1 Problem Statement 7.2.2 Visualization Design 7.3 Comparing Two N-dimensional Time Steps 7.4 Comparing Several One-dimensional Time Steps 7.5 Summary and Outlook 8 Parallel Hierarchies in Practice 8.1 Application to Plausibility Check Task 8.1.1 Plausibility Check Process 8.1.2 Visual Exploration of Machine Learning Results 8.2 Integration into SAP Analytics Cloud 8.2.1 SAP Analytics Cloud 8.2.2 Ocean to Table Project 8.3 Summary and Outlook 9 Validation 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Nested Model Validation Approach 9.3 Perceptual Validation of Visualization Techniques 9.3.1 Design Validation Table 9.3.2 Discussion 9.4 Summary and Outlook 10 Conclusion and Outlook 10.1 Summary of Findings 10.2 Discussion 10.3 Outlook A Questionnaires of the Evaluation B Survey of the Quality of Product Costing Data C Questionnaire of Current Practice Bibliograph
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