1,572 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Conductors: Computational Concepts and Physical Phenomena

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    Mesoscopic conductors are electronic systems of sizes in between nano- and micrometers, and often of reduced dimensionality. In the phase-coherent regime at low temperatures, the conductance of these devices is governed by quantum interference effects, such as the Aharonov-Bohm effect and conductance fluctuations as prominent examples. While first measurements of quantum charge transport date back to the 1980s, spin phenomena in mesoscopic transport have moved only recently into the focus of attention, as one branch of the field of spintronics. The interplay between quantum coherence with confinement-, disorder- or interaction-effects gives rise to a variety of unexpected spin phenomena in mesoscopic conductors and allows moreover to control and engineer the spin of the charge carriers: spin interference is often the basis for spin-valves, -filters, -switches or -pumps. Their underlying mechanisms may gain relevance on the way to possible future semiconductor-based spin devices. A quantitative theoretical understanding of spin-dependent mesoscopic transport calls for developing efficient and flexible numerical algorithms, including matrix-reordering techniques within Green function approaches, which we will explain, review and employ.Comment: To appear in the Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Scienc

    Multipurpose silicon photonics signal processor core

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    [EN] Integrated photonics changes the scaling laws of information and communication systems offering architectural choices that combine photonics with electronics to optimize performance, power, footprint, and cost. Application-specific photonic integrated circuits, where particular circuits/chips are designed to optimally perform particular functionalities, require a considerable number of design and fabrication iterations leading to long development times. A different approach inspired by electronic Field Programmable Gate Arrays is the programmable photonic processor, where a common hardware implemented by a two-dimensional photonic waveguide mesh realizes different functionalities through programming. Here, we report the demonstration of such reconfigurable waveguide mesh in silicon. We demonstrate over 20 different functionalities with a simple seven hexagonal cell structure, which can be applied to different fields including communications, chemical and biomedical sensing, signal processing, multiprocessor networks, and quantum information systems. Our work is an important step toward this paradigm.J.C. acknowledges funding from the ERC Advanced Grant ERC-ADG-2016-741415 UMWP-Chip, I.G. acknowledges the funding through the Spanish MINECO Ramon y Cajal program. D.P. acknowledges financial support from the UPV through the FPI predoctoral funding scheme. D.J.T. acknowledges funding from the Royal Society for his University Research Fellowship.Pérez-López, D.; Gasulla Mestre, I.; Crudgington, L.; Thomson, DJ.; Khokhar, AZ.; Li, K.; Cao, W.... (2017). Multipurpose silicon photonics signal processor core. Nature Communications. 8(1925):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-00714-1S1981925Doerr, C. R. & Okamoto, K. Advances in silica planar lightwave circuits. J. 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Quantum Electron. 19, 6100117 (2013).Sacher, W. et al. Multilayer silicon nitride-on-silicon integrated photonic platforms and devices. J. Lightw. Technol. 33, 901–910 (2015).Asghari, M. Silicon photonics: A low cost integration platform for datacom and telecom applications. In OFC/NFOEC 2008 – 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 1–10 (San Diego, USA, 2008).Melati, D. et al. Integrated all-optical MIMO demultiplexer for mode- and wavelength-division-multiplexed transmission. Opt. Lett. 42, 342–345 (2017).Waterhouse, R. & Novak, D. Realizing 5G: microwave photonics for 5G mobile wireless systems. IEEE Microw. Mag. 16, 84–92 (2015).Marpaung, D. et al. Integrated microwave photonics. Laser Photon. Rev. 7, 506–538 (2013).Iezekiel, S., Burla, M., Klamkin, J., Marpaung, D. & Capmany, J. RF engineering meets optoelectronics: Progress in integrated microwave photonics. IEEE Microw. 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    Toward Programmable Microwave Photonics Processors

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    [EN] We describe the advances that we, and others, have reported during the last years in the area of programmable microwave photonic processors. Following a brief historical sketch, we provide a detailed account of the salient theoretical and experimental results recently reported on waveguide mesh optical core processors. The incorporation of a waveguide mesh optical core into the general microwave photonics programmable processor architecture is then addressed. We illustrate through different examples how this processor can be programmed to enable the most important functionalities required in microwave photonics.This work was supported in part by the European research Council under Grant ERC-ADG-2016-471715 UMWP-CHIP and in part by the Generalitat Valencia under Project PROMETEO-2017-103.Pérez-López, D.; Gasulla Mestre, I.; Capmany Francoy, J. (2018). Toward Programmable Microwave Photonics Processors. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 36(2):519-532. https://doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2017.2778741S51953236

    Addendum no. 1 to final development report

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    Pseudo-linearity concept impact on linear filters designed to ease pulse crowding effects at high bit densitie

    Integrated Optical Filters for Microwave Photonic Applications

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    [EN] Microwave photonics (MWP) is a well-established research field that investigates the use of photonic technologies to generate, distribute, process and analyze RF waveforms in the optical domain. Despite its great potential to solve long-standing problems faced by both the microwave and electronics industries, MWP systems are bulky, expensive and consume a lot of power. Integrated microwave photonics (IMWP) is an emerging area of research that promises to alleviate most of these drawbacks through the use of photonic integrated circuits (PIC). In this work, we have aimed at further closing the gap between the worlds of MWP and integrated optics. In particular, we have focused on the design and experimental characterization of PICs with reconfigurable, ring-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer filters (RAMZI), and demonstrated its potential use in different IMWP applications. These filters consist of a symmetric MZI loaded with ring resonators, which are coupled to the MZI branches by different optical couplers. The contributions of this thesis can be split into two sections. In the first one, we demonstrate integrated optical couplers and reflectors with variable power splitting and reflections ratios. These exploit the well-known properties of tapered multimode interference couplers (MMI), and their inherent robustness makes them highly suitable for the implementation of both RAMZI and reflective filters. Besides, we study in detail the impact of manufacturing deviations in the performance of a 4x4 MMI-based 90º hybrid, which is a fundamental building block in coherent optical communication systems. In the second section, we demonstrate the use of integrated RAMZI filters for three different IMWP applications, including instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM), direct detection of frequency-modulated signals in a MWP link, as well as in tunable, coherent MWP filters. A theoretical analysis of the limits and trade-offs that exist in photonics-based IFM systems is also provided. Even though these are early proof-of-concept experiments, we hope that further technological developments in the field will finally turn MWP into a commercial reality.[ES] La fotónica de microondas (MWP) es un campo de investigación que estudia el uso de tecnologías ópticas para generar, distribuir, procesar y analizar señales de RF. A pesar de su gran potencial para resolver algunos de los problemas a los que se enfrentan las industrias electrónica y de microondas, estos sistemas son voluminosos, caros y consumen mucha potencia. La fotónica de microondas integrada (IMWP) es un área emergente que promete solucionar todos estos inconvenientes a través de la utilización de circuitos ópticos integrados (PIC). En esta tesis, hemos pretendido avanzar un poco más en el acercamiento entre estas dos disciplinas. En concreto, nos hemos centrado en el diseño y caracterización experimental de PICs con filtros reconfigurables basados en interferómetros Mach-Zehnder cargados con anillos (RAMZI), y demostrado su potencial uso en diferentes aplicaciones de IMWP. Los filtros RAMZI están hecho básicamente de un MZI simétrico cargado con anillos, los cuales a su vez se acoplan a las ramas del interferómetro a través de distintos acopladores ópticos. Las contribuciones de este trabajo se pueden dividir en dos partes. En la primera, hemos demostrado acopladores y reflectores ópticos integrados con coeficientes de acoplo y reflexión variables. Éstos explotan las propiedades de los acopladores por interferencia multimodal (MMI), y su robustez les hace muy atractivos para la implementación de filtros RAMZI y de tipo reflectivo. Además, hemos analizado el impacto que las tolerancias de fabricación tienen en el rendimiento de un híbrido óptico de 90º basado en un MMI 4x4, el cual es un elemento fundamental en los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas coherentes. En la segunda parte, hemos demostrado el uso de filtros RAMZI en tres aplicaciones distintas de IMWP. En concreto, hemos utilizado dichos filtros para implementar sistemas de medida de frecuencia instantánea (IFM), detección directa de señales moduladas en frecuencia para enlaces fotónicos, así como en filtros coherentes y sintonizables de MWP. También hemos desarrollado un análisis teórico de las limitaciones y problemas que existen en los sistemas IFM. A pesar de que todos los experimentos realizados han consistido en prototipos para una prueba de concepto, esperamos que futuros avances tecnológicos permitan que la fotónica de microondas se convierta algún día en una realidad comercial.[CA] La fotònica de microones (MWP) és un camp d'investigació que estudia l'ús de tecnologies òptiques per a generar, distribuir, processar y analitzar senyals de radiofreqüència. A pesar del seu gran potencial per a resoldre alguns dels problemes als que s'enfronten les indústries electrònica i de microones, estos sistemes son voluminosos, cars i consumixen molta potència. La fotònica de microones integrada (IMWP) és un àrea emergent que promet solucionar tots estos inconvenients a través de la utilització de circuits òptics integrats (PIC). En esta tesi, hem pretés avançar un poc més en l'acostament entre estes dos disciplines. En concret, ens hem centrat en el disseny i caracterització experimental de PICs amb filtres reconfigurables basats en interferòmetres Mach-Zehnder carregats amb anells (RAMZI), i demostrat el seu potencial en diferents aplicacions d' IMWP. Els filtres RAMZI estan fets bàsicament d'un MZI simètric carregat amb anells, els quals, al seu torn, s'acoblen a les branques del interferòmetre a través de distints acobladors òptics. Les contribucions d'este treball es poden dividir en dos parts. En la primera, hem demostrat acobladors i reflectors òptics integrats amb coeficients de transmissió i reflexió variables. Estos exploten les propietats dels acobladors per interferència multimodal (MMI), i la seua robustesa els fa molt atractius per a la implementació de filtres RAMZI i de tipo reflectiu. A més a més, hem analitzat l'impacte que les toleràncies de fabricació tenen en el rendiment d'un híbrid òptic de 90 graus basat en un MMI 4x4, el qual és un element fonamental en els sistemes de comunicacions òptiques coherents. En la segona part, hem demostrat l'ús de filtres RAMZI en tres aplicacions diferents de IMWP. En concret, hem utilitzat estos filtres per a implementar sistemes de mesura de freqüència instantània (IFM), detecció directa de senyals modulades en freqüència per a enllaços fotònics, així com en filtres coherents i sintonitzables de MWP. També hem desenvolupat una anàlisi teòrica de les limitacions i problemes que existixen en els sistemes IFM. A pesar de que tots els experiments realitzats han consistit en prototips per a una prova de concepte, esperem que futurs avanços tecnològics permeten que la fotònica de microones es convertisca algun dia en una realitat comercial.Sánchez Fandiño, JA. (2016). Integrated Optical Filters for Microwave Photonic Applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/67690TESI

    An Adaptive Digital Control Technique for Improved Performance of Grid Connected Inverters

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    Grid connected voltage source inverters may be controlled in the stationary reference frame by means of the infinite impulse response (IIR) P+Resonat regulator. This regulator is able to correctly track fixed frequency sinusoidal references, but does not perform well if the frequency of the electric grid voltage is varied. In order to avoid the lack of precision to track variable frequency sinusoidal references, an adaptive IIR filter structure is proposed which offers good tracking properties even if the frequency of the grid voltage varies. This filter adapts its coefficients in real time and is inherently stable no matter the adaptation process, thus overcoming one of the most important drawbacks of the IIR filter structure. Furthermore, this structure is perfectly suited to be programmed in fixed point digital signal processors (DSPs) because of some important numeric properties, i.e., it has a high mapping precision and a low round-off accumulation, and it avoids quantization limit cycle oscillations. The proposed adaptive controller has been tested by means of the TI TMS320F2812 DSP. The obtained experimental results show up that this controller allows the correct tracking of a sinusoidal reference, even if this reference is time variant.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant ENE2012-37667-C02-01. Paper no. TII-11-622.González Espín, FJ.; Patrao Herrero, I.; Figueres Amorós, E.; Gabriel Garcerá (2013). An Adaptive Digital Control Technique for Improved Performance of Grid Connected Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 9(2):708-718. https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2012.2225437S7087189

    FACTS device modelling in the harmonic domain

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    This thesis describes a novel harmonic domain approach for assessing the steady state performance of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices. Existing harmonic analysis techniques are reviewed and used as the basis for a novel iterative harmonic domain model for PWM FACTS devices. The unified Newton formulation adopted uses a combination of positive frequency real valued harmonic and three-phase fundamental frequency power-flow mismatches to characterise a PWM converter system. A dc side mismatch formulation is employed in order to reduce the solution size, something only possible because of the hard switched nature of PWM converters. This computationally efficient formulation permits the study of generalised systems containing multiple FACTS devices. This modular PWM converter block is applied to series, shunt and multi-converter FACTS topologies, with a variety of basic control schemes. Using a three-phase power-flow initialisation and a fixed harmonic Jacobian provides robust convergence to a solution consistent with time domain simulation. By including the power-flow variables in the full harmonic solution the model avoids unnecessary assumptions regarding a fixed (or linearised) operating point, fully modelling system imbalance and the associated non-characteristic harmonics. The capability of the proposed technique is illustrated by considering a range of harmonic interaction mechanisms, both within and between FACTS devices. In particular, the impact of transmission network modelling and operating point variation is investigated with reference to ac and dc side harmonic interaction. The minor role harmonic distortion and over-modulation play in the PWM switching process is finally considered with reference to the associated reduction in system linearity