17 research outputs found

    Unavoidable minors of large 3-connected matroids

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    This paper proves that, for every integernexceeding two, there is a numberN(n) such that every 3-connected matroid with at leastN(n) elements has a minor that is isomorphic to one of the following matroids: an (n+2)-point line or its dual, the cycle or cocycle matroid ofK3,n, the cycle matroid of a wheel withnspokes, a whirl of rankn, or ann-spike. A matroid is of the last type if it has ranknand consists ofnthree-point lines through a common point such that, for allkin {1,2,...,n-1}, the union of every set ofkof these lines has rankk+1. © 1997 Academic Press

    On the unique representability of spikes over prime fields

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    For an integer n>2n>2, a rank-nn matroid is called an nn-spike if it consists of nn three-point lines through a common point such that, for all k{1,2,...,n1}k\in\{1, 2, ..., n - 1\}, the union of every set of kk of these lines has rank k+1k+1. Spikes are very special and important in matroid theory. In 2003 Wu found the exact numbers of nn-spikes over fields with 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 elements, and the asymptotic values for larger finite fields. In this paper, we prove that, for each prime number pp, a GF(pGF(p) representable nn-spike MM is only representable on fields with characteristic pp provided that n2p1n \ge 2p-1. Moreover, MM is uniquely representable over GF(p)GF(p).Comment: 8 page

    Capturing two elements in unavoidable minors of 3-connected binary matroids

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    Let M be a 3-connected binary matroid and let n be an integer exceeding 2. Ding, Oporowski, Oxley, and Vertigan proved that there is an integer f(n) so that if |E(M)|\u3ef(n), then M has a minor isomorphic to one of the rank-n wheel, the rank-n tipless binary spike, or the cycle or bond matroid of K3 n. This result was recently extended by Chun, Oxley, and Whittle to show that there is an integer g(n) so that if |E(M)|\u3eg(n) and xεE(M), then x is an element of a minor of M isomorphic to one of the rank-n wheel, the rank-n binary spike with a tip and a cotip, or the cycle or bond matroid of K11,1,n. In this paper, we prove that, for each i in {2,3}, there is an integer hi(n) so that if |E(M)|\u3ehi(n) and Z is an i-element rank-2 subset of M, then M has a minor from the last list whose ground set contains Z. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    Unavoidable parallel minors of regular matroids

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    This is the post-print version of the Article - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierWe prove that, for each positive integer k, every sufficiently large 3-connected regular matroid has a parallel minor isomorphic to M (K_{3,k}), M(W_k), M(K_k), the cycle matroid of the graph obtained from K_{2,k} by adding paths through the vertices of each vertex class, or the cycle matroid of the graph obtained from K_{3,k} by adding a complete graph on the vertex class with three vertices.This study is partially supported by a grant from the National Security Agency

    Unavoidable doubly connected large graphs

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    A connected graph is doubly connected if its complement is also connected. The following Ramsey-type theorem is proved in this paper. There exists a function h(n), defined on the set of integers exceeding three, such that every doubly connected graph on at least h(n) vertices must contain, as an induced subgraph, a doubly connected graph, which is either one of the following graphs or the complement of one of the following graphs: (1) Pn, a path on n vertices; (2) K1,ns, the graph obtained from K 1,n by subdividing an edge once; (3) K2,n\e, the graph obtained from K2,n by deleting an edge;(4) K2,n+, the graph obtained from K2,n by adding an edge between the two degree-n vertices x1 and x2, and a pendent edge at each xi. Two applications of this result are also discussed in the paper. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Capturing matroid elements in unavoidable 3-connected minors

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    A result of Ding, Oporowski, Oxley, and Vertigan reveals that a large 3-connected matroid M has unavoidable structure. For every n\u3e2, there is an integer f(n) so that if {pipe}E(M){pipe}\u3ef(n), then M has a minor isomorphic to the rank-n wheel or whirl, a rank-n spike, the cycle or bond matroid of K 3,n, or U 2,n or U n-2,n. In this paper, we build on this result to determine what can be said about a large structure using a specified element e of M. In particular, we prove that, for every integer n exceeding two, there is an integer g(n) so that if {pipe}E(M){pipe}\u3eg(n), then e is an element of a minor of M isomorphic to the rank-n wheel or whirl, a rank-n spike, the cycle or bond matroid of K 1,1,1,n, a specific single-element extension of M(K 3,n) or the dual of this extension, or U 2,n or U n-2,n. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    Ramsey Theory Using Matroid Minors

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    This thesis considers a Ramsey Theory question for graphs and regular matroids. Specifically, how many elements N are required in a 3-connected graphic or regular matroid to force the existence of certain specified minors in that matroid? This question cannot be answered for an arbitrary collection of specified minors. However, there are results from the literature for which the number N exists for certain collections of minors. We first encode totally unimodular matrix representations of certain matroids. We use the computer program MACEK to investigate this question for certain classes of specified minors

    What is a 4-connected matroid?

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    The breadth of a tangle T\mathcal{T} in a matroid is the size of the largest spanning uniform submatroid of the tangle matroid of T\mathcal{T}. The matroid MM is weakly 4-connected if it is 3-connected and whenever (X,Y)(X,Y) is a partition of E(M)E(M) with X,Y>4|X|,|Y|>4, then λ(X)3\lambda(X)\geq 3. We prove that if T\mathcal{T} is a tangle of order k4k\geq 4 and breadth ll in a matroid MM, then MM has a weakly 4-connected minor NN with a tangle TN\mathcal{T}_N of order kk, breadth ll and has the property that T\mathcal{T} is the tangle in MM induced by TN\mathcal{T}_N. A set ZZ of elements of a matroid MM is 4-connected if λ(A)min{AZ,ZA,3}\lambda(A)\geq\min\{|A\cap Z|,|Z-A|,3\} for all AE(M)A\subseteq E(M). As a corollary of our theorems on tangles we prove that if MM contains an nn-element 4-connected set where n7n\geq 7, then MM has a weakly 44-connected minor that contains an nn-element 44-connected set.Comment: 34 page