633 research outputs found

    A Study of a Wireless Smart Sensor Platform for Practical Training

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    [[abstract]]In order to overcome the obstacles in traditional experimenting and practical training courses, as well as in enhancing the functions of the present e-learning system, the study took sensor network technology as the foundation in developing a web services system. The system will be able to make presentations of the students ‘operations and results on an immediate basis, allowing the students to be guided adequately as they face problems during experiment and practical training.[[booktype]]紙

    Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has pervaded practically all aspects of our lives. In this exploratory study, we survey its applications in the field of education. It is evident that technology in general, and, in particular IoT, has been increasingly altering the educational landscape. The goal of this paper is to review the academic literature on IoT applications in education to provide an understanding of the transformation that is underway. Using topic modeling and keyword co-occurrence analysis techniques, we identified five dominant clusters of research. Our findings demonstrate that IoT research in education has mainly focused on the technical aspects; however, the social aspects remain largely unexplored. In addition to providing an overview of IoT research on education, this paper offers suggestions for future research

    Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of iCampuses

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    Meeting the educational needs of students currently requires moving towardcollaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that parallel the vision ofWeb 2.0. However, factors such as data freedom, brokerage, interconnectivityand the Internet of Things add to a vision for Web 3.0 that will require con-sideration in the development of future campus-based, distance and vocationalstudy. So, education can, in future, be expected to require deeper technologicalconnections between students and learning environments, based on significantuse of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization.Therefore, we discuss challenges associated with such a futuristic campus con-text, including how learning materials and environments may be enriched byit. As an additional novel element the potential for much of that enrichmentto be realized through development by students, within the curriculum, is alsoconsidered. We will conclude that much of the technology required to embracethe vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research inkey areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential

    E-health-IoT Universe: A Review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) devices are able to collect and share data directly with other devices through the cloud environment, providing a huge amount of information to be gathered, stored and analyzed for data-analytics processes. The scenarios in which the IoT devices may be useful are amazing varying, from automotive, to industrial automation or remote monitoring of domestic environment. Furthermore, has been proved that healthcare applications represent an important field of interest for IoT devices, due to the capability of improving the access to care, reducing the cost of healthcare and most importantly increasing the quality of life of the patients. In this paper, we analyze the state-of-art of IoT in medical environment, illustrating an extended range of IoT-driven healthcare applications that, however, still need innovative and high technology-based solutions to be considered ready to market. In particular, problems regarding characteristics of response-time and precision will be examined.  Furthermore, wearable and energy saving properties will be investigated in this paper and also the IT architectures able to ensure security and privacy during the all data-transmission process. Finally, considerations about data mining applications, such as risks prediction, classification and clustering will be provided, that are considered fundamental issues to ensure the accuracy of the care processes

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    Proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje ubicuo mediante la combinación de Internet de las Cosas y los estándares de e-Learning

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    [ES]Actualmente, el aprendizaje está teniendo lugar con mayor frecuencia en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. Esto implica que los ambientes del aprendizaje electrónico se expandan desde los entornos de aprendizaje solo virtuales a entornos que implican espacios físicos. Gracias a la evolución de Internet, las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación) y a la Internet de las Cosas, se pueden experimentar nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes, ya sea individualmente o en colaboración. Estos escenarios de aprendizaje ubicuos, permiten compaginar tanto ambientes virtuales como ambientes físicos. Por tanto, estas experiencias se caracterizan por las interacciones posibles del estudiante con el entorno físico, la detección de los datos contextuales, y también la adaptación de las estrategias pedagógicas y de los servicios según el contexto. Este artículo pretende aprovechar esta tendencia y sustentarla en las normas existentes de aprendizaje electrónico como IMS LD y LOM. La solución propuesta es extender los modelos de normas de aprendizaje electrónico como IMS LD y LOM para soportar Internet de las Cosas y para aportar un enfoque de adaptación de las actividades de aprendizaje según el contexto del estudiante y su huella digital utilizando la API eXperience. En este contexto y con el fin de permitir las capacidades de razonamiento y la interoperabilidad entre los modelos propuestos se proponen representaciones ontológicas y una implementación de la solución. Además, se plantea una arquitectura técnica que resalta los componentes de software necesarios y sus interacciones. Y, por último, se implementa y se evalúa un escenario de aprendizaje ubicuo

    Combining heterogeneous inputs for the development of adaptive and multimodal interaction systems

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    In this paper we present a novel framework for the integration of visual sensor networks and speech-based interfaces. Our proposal follows the standard reference architecture in fusion systems (JDL), and combines different techniques related to Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and User Modeling to provide an enhanced interaction with their users. Firstly, the framework integrates a Cooperative Surveillance Multi-Agent System (CS-MAS), which includes several types of autonomous agents working in a coalition to track and make inferences on the positions of the targets. Secondly, enhanced conversational agents facilitate human-computer interaction by means of speech interaction. Thirdly, a statistical methodology allows modeling the user conversational behavior, which is learned from an initial corpus and improved with the knowledge acquired from the successive interactions. A technique is proposed to facilitate the multimodal fusion of these information sources and consider the result for the decision of the next system action.This work was supported in part by Projects MEyC TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485Publicad

    Emerging technologies for learning report (volume 3)

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    How important it is to use e-learning management systems in building smart university in Kuwait

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    The study aimed to investigate the importance of using e-learning management systems in the construction of smart universities in Kuwait, The results showed the importance of using e-learning management systems in building aa smart university in Kuwait to an average degree, and the averages ranged from (2.46to4.37) Between (The mathematical average of the instrument as a whole Associate Professor, Associate Professor aNot و  a (3.33). On the other hand, the differences came in favor of both associate professors and assistant professor, and the results showed statistically significant differences (= 0.05) between less than five years and more than15 years a and the differences came Between in favor of less than five (= 0.05) years