86 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The growing field of information technology enhanced the capabilities of the wireless communication. The large usage of WSN in the various fields of the real world is scaling with the wide variety of roles for wireless sensor network performance is challenging tasks. The issues of performance in the wireless sensor networks in many literatures, yet more studies are being done on the performance because the user and application needs are keep increasing,to encounter the challenges of the performance issues are studied here by digging out the routing protocols performance in WSN. To conduct the study and analysis on performance of WSN protocols the there are various performance metrics used for the evaluation of performance in WSN. This study will be carried out to come up with the simulation experiments over the directed diffusion (DD) and LEACH routing protocols in terms of energy consumption, congestion and reliability in the wireless sensor networks (WSN) environment with the low power consumptions. The simulation experiments in this study are based on the reliability, delay and other constraints to compare the speed, reliability and electricity saving data communication in the wireless sensor networks (WSN). The discussion of the conducted simulation experiments describes the steps which are pertaining to the protocols and tradeoffs and complexity of the data traffic for the efficiency. The NS2 simulation is used for the simulation based experiments for performance of wireless sensor network (WSN) communications which is demonstrating the comparative effectiveness of the routing protocols in the recent concepts. The results of the simulation are lightening the ways for the minimization of the delay and enhancement in the reliability issues in wireless sensor networks (WSN)

    Energy Efficient In-network RFID Data Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    RFID (Radio frequency identification) and wireless sensor networks are backbone technologies for pervasive environments. In integration of RFID and WSN, RFID data uses WSN protocols for multi-hop communications. Energy is a critical issue in WSNs; however, RFID data contains a lot of duplication. These duplications can be eliminated at the base station, but unnecessary transmissions of duplicate data within the network still occurs, which consumes nodes’ energy and affects network lifetime. In this paper, we propose an in-network RFID data filtering scheme that efficiently eliminates the duplicate data. For this we use a clustering mechanism where cluster heads eliminate duplicate data and forward filtered data towards the base station. Simulation results prove that our approach saves considerable amounts of energy in terms of communication and computational cost, compared to existing filtering schemes

    IJA: An Efficient Algorithm for Query Processing in Sensor Networks

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    One of main features in sensor networks is the function that processes real time state information after gathering needed data from many domains. The component technologies consisting of each node called a sensor node that are including physical sensors, processors, actuators and power have advanced significantly over the last decade. Thanks to the advanced technology, over time sensor networks have been adopted in an all-round industry sensing physical phenomenon. However, sensor nodes in sensor networks are considerably constrained because with their energy and memory resources they have a very limited ability to process any information compared to conventional computer systems. Thus query processing over the nodes should be constrained because of their limitations. Due to the problems, the join operations in sensor networks are typically processed in a distributed manner over a set of nodes and have been studied. By way of example while simple queries, such as select and aggregate queries, in sensor networks have been addressed in the literature, the processing of join queries in sensor networks remains to be investigated. Therefore, in this paper, we propose and describe an Incremental Join Algorithm (IJA) in Sensor Networks to reduce the overhead caused by moving a join pair to the final join node or to minimize the communication cost that is the main consumer of the battery when processing the distributed queries in sensor networks environments. At the same time, the simulation result shows that the proposed IJA algorithm significantly reduces the number of bytes to be moved to join nodes compared to the popular synopsis join algorithm

    On the design of smart parking networks in the smart cities: an optimal sensor placement model

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    Smart parking is a typical IoT application that can benefit from advances in sensor, actuator and RFID technologies to provide many services to its users and parking owners of a smart city. This paper considers a smart parking infrastructure where sensors are laid down on the parking spots to detect car presence and RFID readers are embedded into parking gates to identify cars and help in the billing of the smart parking. Both types of devices are endowed with wired and wireless communication capabilities for reporting to a gateway where the situation recognition is performed. The sensor devices are tasked to play one of the three roles: (1) slave sensor nodes located on the parking spot to detect car presence/absence; (2) master nodes located at one of the edges of a parking lot to detect presence and collect the sensor readings from the slave nodes; and (3) repeater sensor nodes, also called ''anchor'' nodes, located strategically at specific locations in the parking lot to increase the coverage and connectivity of the wireless sensor network. While slave and master nodes are placed based on geographic constraints, the optimal placement of the relay/anchor sensor nodes in smart parking is an important parameter upon which the cost and e ciency of the parking system depends. We formulate the optimal placement of sensors in smart parking as an integer linear programming multi-objective problem optimizing the sensor network engineering e ciency in terms of coverage and lifetime maximization, as well as its economic gain in terms of the number of sensors deployed for a specific coverage and lifetime. We propose an exact solution to the node placement problem using single-step and two-step solutions implemented in the Mosel language based on the Xpress-MPsuite of libraries. Experimental results reveal the relative e ciency of the single-step compared to the two-step model on di erent performance parameters. These results are consolidated by simulation results, which reveal that our solution outperforms a random placement in terms of both energy consumption, delay and throughput achieved by a smart parking network

    Framework for cost-effective analytical modelling for sensory data over cloud environment

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    In order to offer sensory data as a service over the cloud, it is necessary to execute a cost-effective and yet precise data analytical logic within the sensing units. However, it is quite questionable as such forms of analytical operation are quite resource dependent which cannot be offered by the resource constraint sensory units. Therefore, the proposed paper introduces a novel approach of performing cost-effective data analytical method in order to extract knowledge from big data over the cloud. The proposed study uses a novel concept of the frequent pattern along with a tree-based approach in order to develop an analytical model for carrying out the mining operation in the large-scale sensor deployment over the cloud environment. Using a simulation-based approach over the mathematical model, the proposed model exhibit reduced mining duration, controlled energy dissipation, and highly optimized memory demands for all the resource constraint nodes

    Design and Evaluation of IoT-Enabled Instrumentation for a Soil-Bentonite Slurry Trench Cutoff Wall

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    In this work, we describe our approach and experiences bringing an instrumented soil-bentonite slurry trench cutoff wall into a modern IoT data collection and visualization pipeline. Soil-bentonite slurry trench cutoff walls have long been used to control ground water flow and contaminant transport. A Raspberry Pi computer on site periodically downloads the sensor data over a serial interface from an industrial datalogger and transmits the data wirelessly to a gateway computer located 1.3 km away using a reliable transmission protocol. The resulting time-series data is stored in a MongoDB database and data is visualized in real-time by a custom web application. The system has been in operation for over two years achieving 99.42% reliability and no data loss from the collection, transport, or storage of data. This project demonstrates the successful bridging of legacy scientific instrumentation with modern IoT technologies and approaches to gain timely web-based data visualization facilitating rapid data analysis without negatively impacting data integrity or reliability. The instrumentation system has proven extremely useful in understanding the changes in the stress state over time and could be deployed elsewhere as a means of on-demand slurry trench cutoff wall structural health monitoring for real-time stress detection linked to hydraulic conductivity or adapted for other infrastructure monitoring applications


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    Wireless Sensor Network (WsN) is contributing as one of the most important roles in communication and data transfer nowadays. With the high demand in providing real time application in WSNs, quality of service (QoS) became the top priority in designing a real reliable, energy efficient, priority based and delay guarantee routing protocol. This paper emphasize on the selection of suitable routing protocol and implementation of the selected routing which leads to improvement on the selected routing protocol. In this project, the author will look into the various WsN routing protocol such as Sequential Assignment Routing (SAR), Message-initiated Constrained-based Routing (MCBR), Multi-Path and Multi-SPEED Routing (MMSPEED) and Energy Efficient and QoS Multipath Routing (EQSR) in order to choose the suitable routing protocol to be implemented. The selection of suitable routing protocol is purely based on the QoS metric where data priority, reliability, end to end delay, energy efficiency and network lifetime is taken into consideration. Before the implementation of selected routing protocol, the author will try and implement Ad-hoc On Demand Vector (AODV) routing protocol so that author can familiarize himself with the software and hardware that is used in this project and from there author will do some modification so that the running AODV routing protocol can have the selected routing protocol behavior. All the results in shown in graphs and tables


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    Wireless Sensor Network (WsN) is contributing as one of the most important roles in communication and data transfer nowadays. With the high demand in providing real time application in WSNs, quality of service (QoS) became the top priority in designing a real reliable, energy efficient, priority based and delay guarantee routing protocol. This paper emphasize on the selection of suitable routing protocol and implementation of the selected routing which leads to improvement on the selected routing protocol. In this project, the author will look into the various WsN routing protocol such as Sequential Assignment Routing (SAR), Message-initiated Constrained-based Routing (MCBR), Multi-Path and Multi-SPEED Routing (MMSPEED) and Energy Efficient and QoS Multipath Routing (EQSR) in order to choose the suitable routing protocol to be implemented. The selection of suitable routing protocol is purely based on the QoS metric where data priority, reliability, end to end delay, energy efficiency and network lifetime is taken into consideration. Before the implementation of selected routing protocol, the author will try and implement Ad-hoc On Demand Vector (AODV) routing protocol so that author can familiarize himself with the software and hardware that is used in this project and from there author will do some modification so that the running AODV routing protocol can have the selected routing protocol behavior. All the results in shown in graphs and tables
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