50 research outputs found


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    Media sosial dapat membantu seseorang untuk melakukan interaksi dengan yang lainnya. Munculnya berbagai macam platform media sosial mempengaruhi model interaksi termasuk interaksi yang dilakukan di perkuliahan. Masalah yang timbul adalah model perkuliahan yang sebagian besar masih dilakukan secara konvensional tanpa didukung oleh teknologi ataupun media pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran ini dinilai kurang menarik bagi mahasiswa dan tidak efektif serta menyebabkan suasana perkuliahan menjadi tidak interaktif dan materi hanya bersumber dari dosen pengajar. Daya serap yang berbeda juga menjadi faktor kurangnya respon mahasiswa terhadap materi pembelajaran. Edmodo adalah jejaring sosial yang memiliki kemiripan dengan facebook dan didesain khusus untuk kemudahan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan media edmodo sebagai penunjang pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Objek penelitian adalah mahasiswa disalah satu perguruan tinggi yang mengambil mata kuliah Komputer Aplikasi dan terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas yang menggunakan edmodo dan kelas konvensional. Teknik pengambilan data dengan menggunakan uji normalitas, homogenitas, kesamaan dua rata rata dan uji t. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa edmodo efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional


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    As the development of technologies either directly or indirectly, can change a person in communicating, socializing and learning, this is a challenge for educators in order to optimally use technology and can facilitate interactions with learners in the learning process of teaching both face-to-face direct or indirectly (online) so that the indicators in units of of events lectures and syllabus can be achieved. The goal of the research is: 1) to know whether economic mathematics learning with Edmodo is more effective compared to conventional learning against the communication of mathematics; 2) to find out if students learn using Edmodo positive towards the learning of mathematical economics. quantitative research methods with quasi-experiment, the research design used was a nonequivalent control group design: give two different treatment of two groups, the experimental classes (Edmodo) and control classes (conventional). Techniques of collection and analysis of quantitative data by using test of normality, test its homogeneity, test the equality of two averages, and test results of the study are; 1) learning economic mathematics using Edmodo is more effective (experimentation) of learning without using Edmodo (conventional); 2) students studying using Edmodo positive towards the learning of mathematical economics.Seiring perkembangan teknologi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat merubah seseorang dalam berkomunikasi, bersosialisasi dan belajar, hal ini merupakan sebuah tantangan untuk para pendidik agar dapat menggunakan teknologi secara optimal dan dapat memudahkan interaksi dengan peserta didik dalam proses belajar mengajar baik secara tatap muka langsung mapun secara tidak langsung (online) sehingga indikator dalam satauan acara perkulihan dan silabus dapat tercapai. Penelitian bertujuan: 1) untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran matematika ekonomi dengan Edmodo lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap komunikasi matematika; 2) untuk mengetahui apakah mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan Edmodo bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika ekonomi. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasi-experiment, desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent control group design: memberikan dua perlakuan yang berbeda terhadap dua kelompok yaitu kelas eksperimen (Edmodo) dan kelas kontrol (konvensional). Teknik pengumpulan dan analisis data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji kesamaan dua rata-rata, dan uji t. Hasil penelitian adalah; 1) pembelajaran matematika ekonomi yang menggunakan Edmodo lebih efektif (eksperimen) dari pada pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan Edmodo (konvensional); 2) mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan Edmodo bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika ekonomi


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    Seiring perkembangan teknologi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat merubah seseorang dalam berkomunikasi, bersosialisasi dan belajar, hal ini merupakan sebuah tantangan untuk para pendidik agar dapat menggunakan teknologi secara optimal dan dapat memudahkan interaksi dengan peserta didik dalam proses belajar mengajar baik secara tatap muka langsung mapun secara tidak langsung (online) sehingga indikator dalam satauan acara perkulihan dan silabus dapat tercapai. Penelitian bertujuan: 1) untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran matematika ekonomi dengan Edmodo lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap komunikasi matematika; 2) untuk mengetahui apakah mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan Edmodo bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika ekonomi. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasi-experiment, desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent control group design: memberikan dua perlakuan yang berbeda terhadap dua kelompok yaitu kelas eksperimen (Edmodo) dan kelas kontrol (konvensional). Teknik pengumpulan dan analisis data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji kesamaan dua rata-rata, dan uji t. Hasil penelitian adalah; 1) pembelajaran matematika ekonomi yang menggunakan Edmodo lebih efektif (eksperimen) dari pada pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan Edmodo (konvensional); 2) mahasiswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan Edmodo bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika ekonomi.As the development of technologies either directly or indirectly, can change a person in communicating, socializing and learning, this is a challenge for educators in order to optimally use technology and can facilitate interactions with learners in the learning process of teaching both face-to-face direct or indirectly (online) so that the indicators in units of of events lectures and syllabus can be achieved. The goal of the research is: 1) to know whether economic mathematics learning with Edmodo is more effective compared to conventional learning against the communication of mathematics; 2) to find out if students learn using Edmodo positive towards the learning of mathematical economics. quantitative research methods with quasi-experiment, the research design used was a nonequivalent control group design: give two different treatment of two groups, the experimental classes (Edmodo) and control classes (conventional). Techniques of collection and analysis of quantitative data by using test of normality, test its homogeneity, test the equality of two averages, and test results of the study are; 1) learning economic mathematics using Edmodo is more effective (experimentation) of learning without using Edmodo (conventional); 2) students studying using Edmodo positive towards the learning of mathematical economics

    Developing an e-module of making Edmodo-based Hosanna Moda system bustier to improve learning independence and learning achievement

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    This study aims to: 1.) Develop an Edmodo-based e-module for making  Hosanna Moda system bustier to increase independence and achievement in learning custom-made clothing; 2.) Describe the feasibility of the developed  e-module; and 3.) Reveal the effectiveness of the developed e-module in increasing student learning independence and learning achievement. This research is development research, which was carried out on grade XII students of Fashion, State Vocational High School 3 Magelang. The product trial consisted of a validity test by three experts, a small-scale trial involving 12 students, a large-scale trial involving 24 students, and an effectiveness test involving one control and one experimental group each consisting of 36 students. The data were collected using questionnaires and tests as well as through interviews. The data analysis used is a quantitative description and the effectiveness testing using the t-test. The results of the study are as follows: 1.) The developed e-module contains learning materials about making the Hosanna Moda system bustier illustrated with relevant pictures to make it easier for students to understand it when studying independently; 2.) The product has been declared feasible by a material expert, media expert, and linguist. In the operational trial, teacher responses are with an average score of 5.00 (very good category and suitable for use), and student responses are with an average score of 4.59 (very good category and suitable for use); and 3.) The results of the effectiveness testing on student learning independence is at the significance level of 0.000 (0.050) indicating that the learning independence of experimental group students was higher than that of the control group, while the results of the effectiveness test on student learning achievement are at the significance level of 0.001 (0.050) indicating an average value. The posttest average score of the experimental group was much higher than that of the control group. Thus, it can be concluded that the developed e-module is effective in increasing student learning independence and learning achievement

    Designing for STEM E-Mentoring for Young Women: the Saudi Context

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    PhD ThesisThe underrepresentation of women in the STEM workforce is a global issue. In Saudi Arabia, women constitute 48% of undergraduates in STEM. This is in large part a result of the unique cultural context, gender segregation in educational institutions and the perceived prestige associated with studying a STEM subject for both women and men. However, these high levels of educational participation have not translated into a significant increase in the number of women in the STEM workforce. The exposing of girls to female role models and mentors in STEM, and raising awareness of their achievements and successes, is an approach that has been developed by previous research to address perceptions that girls are less likely to succeed in a STEM field than boys. In Saudi Arabia, the lack of female role models and the absence of mentoring and support programmes are likely some of the factors that have contributed to the low levels of progression of female graduates into STEM professions. In this research, I explore the current state of e-mentoring, seek to understand the requirements in designing STEM e-mentoring platforms for teenagers and young women in the Saudi context and understand how mentors and mentees interact within an e-mentoring relationship. I conducted four studies that aimed to understand, design and evaluate e-mentoring in the Saudi context. First, I deployed a structured STEM e-mentoring program, with the aims of understanding the applicability of e-mentoring in Saudi Arabia. The findings from this study led to carrying out two co-design studies to explore the perceived barriers to, and opportunities for, alternative and more flexible forms of e-mentoring. The findings from the three studies have led to the design of Qudwa based on four design requirements: 1) flexibility and control; 2) visibility; 3) integration of e-mentoring with daily internet activity; and 4) a trusted connection between mentors and mentees. Finally, I discuss the deployment and evaluation of Qudwa. This research makes three contributions, first it is the first systematic investigation of e-mentoring in Saudi Arabia. While I aimed to understand the role of cultural norms, the studies show that the findings are affected less by cultural norms and more by the traits of the participants’ age group. The second novel contribution of this research is the application of co-design methods to help address the gap in understanding the needs and opportunities in designing e-mentoring for young people. The results point to a need for a shift in the design of e-mentoring models for younger generations into less committed and more flexible relationships. Finally, it presents the design and evaluation of Qudwa, which facilitates e-mentoring through existing social media technologies and practices (un-platforming)

    User experience requirements for the integration of blended learning technologies into anatomy and physiology

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    Blended learning is currently the recommended mode of teaching at Nelson Mandela University and typically refers to a mix of traditional methods of teaching and learning integrated with technology, in particular, online delivery methods. In this blended learning study, a web-based learning programme, WileyPLUSLS, in combination with the assessment functions of the learning management system, Moodle, introduced the technology component into the teaching and learning of Anatomy and Physiology. User experience (UX) studies investigate the experiences of a user when using a product or system. Because very little is currently known about the UX when WileyPLUSLS and Moodle are integrated into the teaching and learning of Anatomy and Physiology, this study aims to determine the participants’ UX to compile a set of UX requirements. The purpose of these UX requirements is to inform designers if the programmes WileyPLUS and Moodle function as they should and to modify them, if needed, to improve their usability. These UX requirements also aim to support and guide the integration of blended learning technologies into the curriculum of Anatomy and Physiology and other disciplines alike. The research design selected for this study was in the form of a case study conducted on the 2016 first-year BHSc: MLS (Bachelor of Health Sciences in Medical Laboratory Science) class at Nelson Mandela University. Pre-study investigations on infrastructure, connectivity and e-readiness were conducted to lay the groundwork for the case study and to inform its rationale. Data was collected from literature studies, online UX questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and researcher observations. A mixed methods approach to data analysis was adopted. Quantitative data from the UX questionnaire were analysed by means of descriptive statistics, whereas qualitative data from semi-structured interviews, open-ended questions from UX questionnaire and researcher observations were analysed via content analysis. Subsequently the analysis and triangulation of the data culminated into UX requirements, which were categorised into the following classifications, namely infrastructure, human resources, educational content and online learning systems. This case study illuminated many major issues regarding connectivity, e-readiness, unequal access to online learning, the importance of security features for online summative assessments, the usefulness of commercial web-based learning programmes and the confounding effect of the #FeesMustFall (FMF) protest movement. Finally, the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on online learning and the workplace was addressed. This research was successful in compiling the UX requirements to inform designers regarding the usability of their systems and to guide the integration of online programmes into the curriculum, especially in the South African context of limited and slow connectivity

    Factors Affecting the Student Persistence in Online Education: A Qualitative and Quantitative Investigation

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    Online education has been gaining popularity thanks to the advent of the Internet. There has been success in providing online education to many students who otherwise would not have had access to higher education. However, many students were dropping out of the online program. In addition, only a few studies have looked at this phenomenon closely and intensively for the purely online students. The current study was therefore initiated to not only find the manifest factors of persistence that apply to online students in degree-granting institutions, but also to discover latent structures and linkages among those factors. The study is unique and vigorous in that it used two methods of data collection and two methods of data analysis. The data collection methods were content analysis and questionnaire, and the two data analysis methods were qualitative and quantitative techniques. A content analysis of over 500 research studies was performed to identify the factors that affect student persistence from the body of literature. The factors were submitted in a survey to faculty members who teach online courses, with a request for comments and/or addition to the list. The resulting list from the two data collection methods was then used in a survey of online students to determine what factors were important to them for persisting in the online program. Qualitative analysis of data was conducted through open coding with the help of a content analysis software. Quantitative analyses were performed which included descriptive statistics as well as three multivariate techniques (i.e., factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multi-dimensional scaling). The latent structure discovered in the study categorized the factors into four groups, namely, personal commitment, social support, institutional commitment and academic confidence. The findings of the study have significant pedagogical, technical, and administrative implications for online education. In pedagogy, the factors found in academic confidence and institutional commitment can be used to enhance persistence-promoting programs, courses, and projects. Implications in technology come from the institutional commitment factors that can be applied to HCI, user experience, and the development of supporting devices and applications. The administration of online education can benefit from factors in personal commitment and social support

    MSIS 2016 global competency model for graduate degree programs in information systems

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    [Extract] This document, “MSIS 2016: Global Competency Model for Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems”, is the latest in the series of reports that provides guidance for degree programs in the Information Systems (IS) academic discipline. MSIS 2016 is the seventh collaborative effort between ACM and AIS (following IS’97, IS 2002, and IS 2010 at the undergraduate level; MSIS 2000 and MSIS 2006 at the graduate level; and CC 2005 as an integrative document).(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202