56 research outputs found

    Mobile Open Systems Technologies For The Utilities Industries

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    This chapter considers the provision of mobile computing support for field engineers in the electricity industry. Section 11.2 describes field engineers current working practices and from these derives a set of general requirements for a mobile computing environment to support utilities workers. A key requirement which is identified is the need for field engineers to access real-time multimedia information in the field and it is on this requirement that the remainder of the chapter focuses. Sections 11.3 and 11.4 present a survey of enabling technologies to support distributed systems operating in both local and wide area wireless environments. The impact of these technologies on the provision of mobile computing support is assessed in section 11.5. Section 11.6 describes a software architecture which attempts to address the requirements highlighted in section 11.2 and in particular is designed to support real-time access to data in the field. Finally, section 11.7 considers the degree to which utilities workers requirements can be met by the surveyed technologies and considers the likely impact of remote data access on field engineers working practices

    Towards an Efficient Context-Aware System: Problems and Suggestions to Reduce Energy Consumption in Mobile Devices

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    Looking for optimizing the battery consumption is an open issue, and we think it is feasible if we analyze the battery consumption behavior of a typical context-aware application to reduce context-aware operations at runtime. This analysis is based on different context sensors configurations. Actually existing context-aware approaches are mainly based on collecting and sending context data to external components, without taking into account how expensive are these operations in terms of energy consumption. As a first result of our work in progress, we are proposing a way for reducing the context data publishing. We have designed a testing battery consumption architecture supported by Nokia Energy Profiler tool to verify consumption in different scenarios

    Communications and consistency in mobile file systems

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    Analisis Performansi Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Yang Disebabkan Oleh Wideband Effect Loss Pada Jaringan UMTS

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    Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is the forthcoming global mobile network for packet data. This network uses the Wideband Code Division MultIPle Access (WCDMA) air interface. Contrary to other Radio Networks like GPRS, most of UMTS applications will be end-to-end applications and as a result the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) will be used. In a wireless environment that used radio channel, mobile users can make the performance of system decrease. The influence of multIPath (Rayleigh fading) was calculated by MatLab software. The result from MatLab trace used in NS-2 environment to looking for the performance of UMTS system that used HSDSCH channel. The result of simulation have done, the performance of UMTS system HSDSCH channel that influence with radius user from node B, the number of user in cell, the moving of users, shadowing, multIPath, and Rayleigh fading. The best performance result was received if the radius of users is near from node B (±300m), moreless if radius users from node B is far, so the performance will be decrease

    Simulasi Pengaruh Shadowing dan Rayleigh Fading terhadap Performansi TCP Reno pada Jaringan UMTS

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    Intisari---Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) merupakan perkembangan global teknologi mobile network untuk packet data. Sistem UMTS ini menggunakan Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) sebagai air-interfacenya. Seperti komunikasi radio network lainnya, misalnya GPRS, maka sebagian besar aplikasi dari UMTS bersifat end-to-end application yang menggunakan Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Pada jaringan yang menggunakan kanal radio, perubahan kondisi kanal, pergerakan user dapat mempengaruhi kinerja sistem. Pengaruh shadowing, multipath (Rayleigh fading) inilah yang disebut sebagai wideband effect loss. Wideband effect loss ini dihitung menggunakan software MatLab. Hasil dari file trace perhitungan pengaruh wideband effect loss ini kemudian dijadikan input pada NS-2 Simulator untuk dihitung performansi jaringan UMTS yang menggunakan HSDSCH. Hasil dari uji kinerja sistem UMTS yang dipengaruhi oleh wideband effect loss sangat dipengaruhi oleh jarak user terhadap node B, jumlah user pada cell, kecepatan pergerakan user, shadowing, multipath, dan Rayleigh fading. Performansi sistem UMTS yang paling baik diperoleh bila jarak user terhadap node B dekat (±300m) sedangkan semakin jauh jarak user terhadap node B maka performansi sistem akan semakin menurun. Kata Kunci---TCP, multipath, wideband effect loss, throughput, HSDSCH, UMTS.   Abstract---Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is the forthcoming global mobile network for packet data. This network uses the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) air interface. Contrary to other Radio Networks like GPRS, most of UMTS applications will be end-to-end applications and as a result the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) will be used. In a wireless environment that used radio channel,  mobile users can make the performance of system decrease. The influence of multipath (Rayleigh fading) was calculated by MatLab software. The result from MatLab trace used in NS-2 environment to looking for the performance of UMTS system that used HSDSCH channel. The result of simulation have done, the performance of UMTS system HSDSCH channel that influence with radius user from node B, the number of user in cell, the moving of users, shadowing, multipath, and Rayleigh fading. The best performance result was received if the radius of users is near from node B (±300m), moreless if radius users from node B is far, so the performance will be decrease. Keywords---TCP, multipath, wideband effect loss, throughput, HSDSCH, UMT


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    Nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists and other professionals or specialists come together to provide care to home residing patients, making continuous assessment, diagnosis and treatment possible beyond the walls of hospitals. Such teams of professionals are focused on each individual patient, and are virtual, i.e. they make decisions without being together physically, dynamically, i.e. professionals come and go as needed, and collaborate, as they combine their knowledge to provide effective care. Our system, coined DITIS, is a web based system that enables the effective management and collaboration of virtual healthcare teams and accessing medical information in a secure manner from a variety of mobile devices from anytime and anyplace, adapting the information according to various parameters like, user role, access right, device capabilities and wireless medium. This paper introduces the DITIS system, and identifies the needs and challenges of co-ordinated teams of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals (HCPs) functioning in a context awareness environment under the wireless environment. Pilo

    A Multilevel Introspective Dynamic Optimization System For Holistic Power-Aware Computing

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    Power consumption is rapidly becoming the dominant limiting factor for further improvements in computer design. Curiously, this applies both at the "high end" of workstations and servers and the "low end" of handheld devices and embedded computers. At the high-end, the challenge lies in dealing with exponentially growing power densities. At the low-end, there is a demand to make mobile devices more powerful and longer lasting, but battery technology is not improving at the same rate that power consumption is rising. Traditional power-management research is fragmented; techniques are being developed at specific levels, without fully exploring their synergy with other levels. Most software techniques target either operating systems or compilers but do not explore the interaction between the two layers. These techniques also have not fully explored the potential of virtual machines for power management. In contrast, we are developing a system that integrates information from multiple levels of software and hardware, connecting these levels through a communication channel. At the heart of this system are a virtual machine that compiles and dynamically profiles code, and an optimizer that reoptimizes all code, including that of applications and the virtual machine itself. We believe this introspective, holistic approach enables more informed power-management decisions

    Power Management in Mobile Computing (a Survey)

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    Rapid advances in technology have resulted in laptop (mobile) computers with performance and features comparable to desktop (stationary) machines. Advances in rechargeable battery technology have failed to keep pace, decreasing the usefulness of mobile computers and portable wireless devices. Several methods of power management can be used to prolong the battery life of a mobile computer. We provide a detailed analysis of power consumption typically encountered in a networked laptop computer and the power management methods currently used. We also outline some novel proposed power management methods
